Canada opts for nice state-enforced conformity. Be nice, or we'll kill you hateful bastards.
Bully State insanity du jour: EU wants to regulate bread. These people clearly have nothing to do. Let them eat cake.
Change: Personal Income Drops Across the Country
Krauthammer: The bureaucrats will decide your fate. I have a better idea: Save some $ and pay a private doc or private clinic for your care, and avoid the government plantation.
MA rebellion against Obamacare medical device tax. Is that, like, a Boston Tea Party?
Fidel Castro Praises Obama & Dems on Nationalizing Health Care
MSNBC: It's time for socialism. Groovy, dude. It has worked so well everywhere else. Let's begin by making profits for MSNBC illegal. For the Greater Good.
Pajamas: Is Anthropogenic Global Warming the New Intelligent Design?
Related: Add to the list - global warming causes street brawls. Everybody knows that. When it's nice out, everybody wants to go out and start a fight. Who doesn't?
PBS' Jim Lehrer gets it totally wrong. WTH? Wasn't he alive then? Or is he spinning lying? It was the Repubs who made it possible to pass the civil rights legislation in Congress. Also, Lincoln was a Repub, remember?
Health care and the Bully State. h/t Q&O's When Nanny Becomes Bully
Related: Big Baloney fans fear of conservatives
Re-posting: Milton Friedman on Solzhenitsyn on government health care
John takes on the AP's insanity over Jerusalem