About half of those touted by the Democrats to gain more medical care coverage will be in Medicaid.
In California, per the Los Angeles Times, that's estimated to add $3-billion to its budget spending, already $20-billion in deficit. Former Governor Moonbeam, now Attorney General, Jerry Brown, now running for an encore as governor, has not joined other states' attorney generals in challenging ObamaCare.
In South Carolina, it is estimated to add 10% to its budget spending, reports its capital's newspaper The State.
In my small California town, the PTA is urgently asking parents to kick in an extra $25-thousand to support non-core but valuable instruction slated for state funded cuts. No mention of cutting teachers' rich benefits, or the staff protected by unions from being cut by being slotted into useless holding posts. I wonder how long it'll be before my neighborhood's very involved Moms and Pops, and those elsewhere, will connect the dots.
Tracked: Mar 25, 16:42
Tracked: Mar 27, 02:56