So much for President Obama’s virtual colonoscopy, not approved as cost-effective for ordinary folks’ coverage. But, then Obama would have had to been out during a routine colonoscopy and VP Biden would have been President for an hour or two. Imagine how much worse that would have been! Senator Grassley tries to set matters right.
Grassley said, “It’s only fair and logical that top administration officials, who fought so hard for passage of this overhaul of America’s health care system, experience it themselves. If it’s as good as promised, they’ll know it first-hand. If there are problems, they’ll be able to really understand them, as they should.”
Grassley said the motivation for his amendments is simple: public officials who make the laws or lead efforts to have laws changed should live under those laws.
“This is the same principle that motivated me to pursue legislation over 20 years ago to apply civil rights, labor and employment laws to Congress,” Grassley said. Before President Clinton signed into law Grassley’s long-sought Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, Congress had routinely exempted itself.
The senior Congressional Committee and leadership staff who wrote the ObamaCare bills are also exempt from it.