Now the obnoxious nanny idiots are targeting salt. What next? Ten years ago they told us to eat broccoli. Now they say broccoli contains carcinogens. Ten years ago they said to avoid fat. Now they say eat all the meat and fat you want, but avoid carbs. I say "Ignore them all." Food has little or nothing to do with health.
Charlie Munger on China
The next bubble: Carbon trading. As they say, how can the promise not to produce something which is invisible be a valuable commodity?
Al Gore peeks out his igloo and says nothing but untrue things.
The O's team already planning for 2012
Abortion debated, with civility
Obama's Rules of Engagement: Calling Lawyers for Permission to Kill Terrorists.
From Roger on Obamacare:
The issue of freedom is one that is too obvious too require commentary: if ObamaCare passes, you will be less free in about 87 different ways. You’ll be poorer, you’ll have less choice, and you’ll be subject to vastly more regulation and bureaucracy. It’s a horrible thought. The DMV coming to a doctor’s office near you.
A rant from Prelutsky: Searching for intelligent life on the left
I expect tricks like this from the warmists, but not from the CBO. Computer models?
Warmism at its height, just before the fall