...from a letter Jefferson wrote in 1762: The old-fellows say we must read to gain knowledge and gain knowledge to make us happy and admired. . . . Mere jargon! Is there any such thing as happiness in this world? No: And as for admiration I am sure the man who powders most, perfumes most, embroiders most, and talks most nonsense, is most admired.
In Search of a Jobs Agenda: Go West young man, but stop at Texas.
It's only fair: Coburn, Vitter want to force Congress into public health plan
59% think scientists lied about global warming
The Massachusetts model, yet again - Boston Globe "Six hospitals to sue state over payment shortfalls": "The suit charges that Massachusetts violated a law requiring adequate reimbursement to hospitals for patients insured by the government. The hospitals contend the state set repayment rates so low they do not cover the cost of such medical care." Fear not, all these issues will be ironed out in the federal plan. Paul Krugman told me so.
Towering Hypocrisy: Times Calls Swiss Intolerant for Minaret Ban
Protein: All your objective media are belong to us!
Re Climategate:
You may suppose that those with a resilient faith in end-of-days global warming would be more distraught than anyone over these actions. You'd be wrong. In the wake of the scandal, we are told there is nothing to see. The administration, the United Nations, most of the left-wing punditry and political establishment have shrugged it off. What else can they do?
To many of these folks, the science of global warming is only a tool of ideology. To step back and re-examine their thinking would also mean at least temporarily ceding a foothold on policy that allows government to control behavior. It would mean putting the brakes on the billions of dollars allocated to force fundamental economic and societal manipulations through cap-and-trade schemes and fabricated "new energy economies," among many other intrusive policies.
Wizbang: Insight Into the Deleted Data
Boxer attacks the whistleblowers. Thus re-enacting - and confirming - the whole problem.
Law suit over NASA hiding climate data
Nigel Lawson: 'Saving' the planet will be the real disaster
Oh Noes: Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils dramatic climate change map which shows flooded San Francisco of the future