Reason: The Scientific Tragedy of Climategate -Can climate change science recover from the damage done by leaked emails?
Watts: Climategate: hide the decline – codified
Pajamas: The Fraud Is Everywhere: SUNY Albany and Queens University Belfast Join Climategate (PJM Exclusive)
Slate: Confused by the O's speech. I thought the speech was dull, rambling, and incoherent until he tried to wrap himself in the flag at the end.
Ace: Obama's Speech: To Keep Afghanistan from Becoming Vietnam, I Hereby Propose the Strategy of "Vietnamization"
Am Thinker: Dick Morris and the Crusade against ObamaCare
Howard Dean Declares Debate Between Capitalism and Socialism to Be Over. Isn't that nice to know.
MIT students to protest Copenhagen. h/t SDA
Green cremation:
Two hours later all that's left is some bone residue and a syrupy brown liquid that is flushed down the drain.
That almost made me barf.
Another contender for the worst medical reporting ever: "Coma man". h/t, Vanderleun
And from Vanderleun on Climategate:
Looking back it is easy to see that the emails, far from being just trivial statements exchanged between pals, partners in deceit, and collegial others, were indeed the window into the entire mind-set that drove and sustained what is looking to be the largest and most far-reaching hoax in the history of science; a hoax perpetuated across decades by dozens if not hundreds of "scientists" for the sake of "saving the planet" and money, and fame, and status, and power. Indeed, this hoax makes Bernard Madoff look like a street-corner three-card-monte hustler. Looking through the window provided by the emails you can discern, with no effort of imagination whatsoever, the much greater real-world environment in which the hoax was born, grew, took on a life of its own, and was fed and sustained until it swept the whole world into its maw.
Roger Simon: Climategate: The White House Stonewalls with Stupidity
Moonbattery: UN's Green Blueprint for World Domination
I suggest that the Swiss tell the UN to stick it
MIT professor of meteorology Richard Lindzen has a few well-chosen words on global warming.