Sea Turtle Protection
Among the many predators which interfere with sea turtle reproductive success, Mexicans with the notion that turtle eggs enhance male potency are among the worst.
People hang out on the beaches of Mexico at night with flashlights, and after a female has finished laying, they raid the nest in the sand and sell the eggs at ridiculous prices to sexually-insecure hombres. Sea turtles have enough problems (few of their babies survive to adulthood, fishing nets ensnare and drown them, some are illegally hunted for meat and shell, and shipping and propellers do damage too).
So Mexico has produced an ad. Will it help? Worth a try. I don't think a photo of a turtle would have quite the same impact. Hey, amigos, try Viagra instead. It's cheaper than turtle eggs, and it really does work. Story here.
For sea turtle conservation, we like the World Turtle Trust.