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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, November 2. 2009In Defense of Health Insurance Agents, and YouWhy the heck should anyone care about how health insurance agents will fare under ObamaCare? Under the House bill, for example, the Small Business Administration will help businesses and individuals figure out how to obtain affordable coverage. (The bill provision is titled, “Assistance for Small Employers.”) Health insurance agents are not precluded from providing advice. But, the SBA will be allowed to bypass agents. A health insurance agent is required to complete initial and regular formal training courses in the subject (including ethics), pass initial and periodic tests, and are screened by their state and by insurance companies for criminal or personal conduct (including declaring bankruptcy) that may negatively affect their reliability to be licensed to provide agent services. In addition, through professional associations, through insurer education programs, through self-study, and through competitive pressures, health agents stay current on the latest laws and offerings from various insurers. Furthermore, almost all health insurance agents are independent businesses or work for independent agencies, not beholden to the insurers but to their customers. Importantly, individuals, small and larger businesses have priorities more important and pressing than becoming experts in health insurance or its interactions with other laws or aspects of their primary concerns, and heavily depend upon qualified, trusted health insurance agents. Lastly, many health insurance agents have extensive credentials and experience. For example, I attained earned, tested, rigorous certifications – Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), Registered Employee Benefits Concultant (REBC), Registered Health Underwriter (RHU), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) – that, along with other experiences outside health insurance (I was a senior financial and business operations exec for Fortune 100 and small companies for 15-years before becoming a health insurance agent) and years of experience as a health insurance agent (I’ve been at it for two-decades). This delivers wide-ranging values to my clients and of the interactions of their health insurance with their broader business, regulatory and financial affairs. Does anyone expect the staff hired or created by the SBA to have this independence, experience or training? If so, get real! Surely, there are some health insurance agents who are lesser or incompetent, or who are crooked, or who steer some business toward favored insurers for added volume bonuses. However, the less competent exist in a highly competitive market, where they lose business to the more energetic and competent in delivering value to clients. The crooked or shady are winnowed out similarly plus by stiff regulations and prosecutions. This is just another aspect of the losses that individuals and businesses will suffer under ObamaCare. A leading expert and opponent of Obamacare, Grace-Marie Turner, writes in the New York Post:
Also, read The Worst Bill Ever. For disclosure, I’m nearing retirement, and have shrunk my successful business. I am not going to directly suffer as a health insurance agent or small businessman, although I will as a taxpayer and as someone who cares about quality health care for myself and others if ObamaCare passes.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects, Our Essays
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Bruce... as you and the Wall Street Journal article point out, the true evil of this bill is, that if it is successfully forced down our reluctant throats, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to 'walk back' when cooler heads prevail. The financial burden will be horrific. and the gimme-something-for-free groups will continue to demand their impossible-to-fund "rights" and scream bloody murder if we try to limit the damage.
I fear for the health of our country. Marianne Bruce and Marianne are right. It's vital to stop this proposal before it is law. Repealing it will verge on the impossible.
Medicaid now accounts for twenty percent of State budgets. What will be the new figure if this so-called reform bill passes? Will all fifty state legislatures have to raise new taxes on working people and businesses to cover the proposed huge expansion of Medicaid? Is this how the Feds plan on "not" raising new taxes on the middle class? State governments can do the dirty work for them...
Texas was a Republic before it joined the United States, and reserved the right when it did so, to return to being an independent Republic if we didn't like the way things were going. Governor Perry pointed this out not long ago, and the Northeastern liberal elite just about had a hissy fit. I don't think we're going to do it, you understand, but we could survive very well as an independent country if we were forced to. We have plentiful food supplies, no state income tax, one heck of a lot of oil and gas deposits and major refining capacity, one of the greatest medical centers in the country, plentiful manufacturing ability to supply our needs for clothing, food, heavy equipment, etc. It adds up to a pretty rosy picture all around.
So ... don't get too depressed, Bruce. When you and our other friends who are being so badly treated by California and other over-crowded states get truly fed up, come on over -- or down -- or whatever. Fishing is really good here. And the catch is delicious. Marianne |
ObamaCare’s regulation of medical loss ratios is crafted to come within a hair-width of the CBO considering the health insurance industry as formally nationalized. Actually, it is nationalized, at huge costs, hidden by the false cuts to provid
Tracked: Apr 04, 13:14
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will sa
Tracked: Aug 23, 13:35
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will sa
Tracked: Aug 23, 13:37
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I
Tracked: Aug 23, 13:43
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will s
Tracked: Aug 23, 13:48
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will s
Tracked: Aug 23, 13:49
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will s
Tracked: Aug 24, 11:15
Health insurance agents are the canary in the mine of ObamaCare. Having been a heavily credentialed health and other benefits broker for the past two decades, and working on the corporate buyer side of the relationship for 15-years before that, I will s
Tracked: Sep 08, 06:42
The current uproar about the CLASS longterm care portion of ObamaCare is instructive of both how we got into this mess and how difficult it will be to get out of it. For those who watch TVs Falling Skies, where spinal implant harnesses attached to humans
Tracked: Sep 23, 13:58