What is equality? AmThinker
WH: We control the media
Obama’s $787 Billion Stimulus “Created or Saved” 20 Jobs in Connecticut, 28 Jobs in Vermont & 22 Jobs in New Hampshire
Health reform:
The bill creates a new health entitlement program that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates will grow over the longer term at a rate of 8% annually, which is much faster than the growth rate of the economy or tax revenues. This is the same growth rate as the House bill that Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) deep-sixed by asking the CBO to tell the truth about its impact on health-care costs.
Sad but true: Everybody wants something from big government. I want a pony.
Also, I want my reality back.
FOX has really gotten inside Obama's head.
Is Obama anti-American? h/t, Doug Ross