An email from a good pal, with photos (Harley is the Lab, Yankee is the Large Munsterlander with the white chest. I don;t know the name of the other Large Munsterlander.):
BD -
Enjoyed your posts on “Where I wasn’t”, and have very fond memories of the trip to Manitoba with you all. I just returned from a week in Saskatchewan for ducks/geese and then an upland hunt with my Large Munsterlander dog club. Attached is a photo of the Abby Hotel (built ca. 1913) where we stayed, and a couple of the dogs and birds. That’s Yankee with the Hun on the fence post. Harley probably made his last trip. Tired, but happy.
PS On the “tailgate” picture, ignore the biodiesel bumper sticker. Truck belongs to a friend who is a bit liberal. Makes for some long road trips, until we agree to disagree.
Hey - I know what that is like. Been there. Gotta stick to other topics, like the meaning of life and shotshell loads.