The big lies of the UN Climate Report. Am Thinker. Related, I still think the notion of CO2 as a "pollutant" is patently insane.
Related: Dr. Holdren used to be a Coming Ice Age catastrophizer. Maybe he is a catastrophizer by nature.
Equally insane: schools banning bake sales. Next they will replace pancake breakfasts with raw broccoli and tofu - and nobody will show up.
Camel's nose in the tent: FTC to begin to regulate blogs
I blame last year's economic mess ultimately on the government. Now they want to do it again. Of course, a good down-payment is a good idea - but what if the government gives you that too?
It's a great time to be a consumer - if you have any $ left
The 125th birthday of Ludwig Van Mises. Why he is important.
Jindal: The Conservative case for reform. I like it.
Democrats Mired in Chaos, Confusion Over Healthcare Bill
The infant mortality canard
Country With Worst Health Care In The World Wins Nobel Prize
I don't know where the WH rounded up those docs yesterday, but docs are overwhelmingly opposed to further government involvement and control.