Future of Photography: Don't miss this piece in the NY Sun if you dig pictures and cameras.
Malkin's Update on MSM's lies and fables, here.
UN tries to hassle UK over expulsion of terror supporters. Hey, UN, take a hike. The UN is a joke. Thanks, Samizdata.
Rick Moran on the future of information, blogs, media, etc. Plus some good insight into the thinking of a serious blogger.
Why do we like to hire illegals? Eric says it's because it's the old-fashioned way. I tend to agree. Here.
NY Games is fairly cool. You missed yesterday's game, but these are worth following for serious gamers who will get off the computer and into the game world.
Gasoline prices: Check this graph of gas prices adjusted for inflation, and quit whining. A nation of babies. Anyway, haven't the Left and the enviros been longing for higher gas prices? They should be happy. But have you seen this graph in the news?
Translated Iraq Constitution, via MassRight. And the media flip-flop on the new middle-east constitutions.
The relationship between wealth and welfare states. Interesting discussion.
Meme: A popular blog-world word. It's a cool word: it means a cultural gene; an idea or thought which is transmitted culturally, but has come to be used as an idea or thought that is transmitted widely. The basic meaning is more valuable, I think. Another aspect of a meme is its self-replicating ability, like a virus.
Sick of Cindy: This gal was a loony tune before her son was killed, and enough is enough.