I guess I should have expected it, but some activist wannabe cheated the survey and skewed the results. All he or she had to do was delete a cookie and vote again, and over the course of a few hours both the Mac and Firefox stats skyrocketed way past the norm. When the Mac OS, which officially holds 15% of the computer market, starts rivaling Windows in a survey, you know something's up.
Instead, here are the official stats from our Google Analytics page:

You Safari users should be using the Mac version of Firefox, available here. Safari has a few bugs and the colors you're seeing aren't necessarily what everyone else is seeing. And Firefox is better in a number of other ways.

To you 'smart-phone' users, don't hold your breath waiting for a mobile-friendly version of Maggie's to appear. The guy who developed the software has long dropped support of it and there's no reason to assume anyone else will pick up the reins. Such is life in the sleepy back hollow wherein Maggie's resides.