Brewton digs into Marbury v. Madison, here.
The BBC on Brother Roger's death, about which we posted yesterday.
The CAIR-Graham story, Dallas Morning News:
My unease with this is the victory it chalks up for the kind of ideological thuggery that passes for public discourse at CAIR. If all criticism of Islam is hate speech, debate has no meaning. And until CAIR sprouts the guts to point fingers at the radical, murderous wing of its own faith, its claims of moderation are meaningless as well.
Read entire.
Australia: Love it or leave it. Right on! LGF has the story.
Chastity scholarships in Uganda. There's an idea. Any takers?
Prager on Marxism, materialism, etc:
First, devoid of religious meaning in their lives, for many on the Left, social change -- or as it is known today, "social justice," the term for left-wing social change -- has become their substitute religion and provider of meaning.
Second, given that the only reality is material, any denial of materialism's supremacy disturbs the Left. The true leftist objects to the notion of poorer people leading happy lives. For the heirs of Marx, which is what the Left is, the "good" is not so much a moral, let alone a spiritual, category, as it is an economic one. Hence the left's preoccupation with economic inequality, taxing the rich, etc.
Read entire: Click here: Dennis Prager: The rejection of materialism (Part XXI)
UMass vs. Ole Miss: Not football or basketball - growing pot.
Kudlow is sanguine about oil prices. Read why.
Powerline bashes Joanie: C'mon guys. Pick on someone your own size. Try to remember Joan Baez in 1965.
Nyhan has some fun facts about Election 2008
Jaws in Ammagansett?