Major loonie award to Van Jones. Be afraid, Be very afraid. Where does Obama find these nutcakes for his administration? More important, WHY? Don Surber, Charleston Daily Mail pro journalist, provides a comprehensive roundup on Obama’s latest Czar. And, more keeps coming out about him!
Krauthammer: “After a disastrous summer -- mistaking his mandate, believing his press, centralizing power, governing left, disdaining citizens for (of all things) organizing -- Obama is in trouble.”
Unions need growth to save unfunded pensions. BTW, whenever you come across a column by Irwin Stelzer, you’ll be rewarded by reading it.
What's In Store, Inflation or Default?
Lowry: Can Obama find an inner Bush? Intestinal fortitude, we called it in the USMC.
Venezuela’s poisonous nut sounds like a Syrian in Syria.
OBIT: A history professor during my time at Brooklyn College recently died. He was the commander of Hungarian forces in Hungary’s revolt in 1956.
As commander in chief of the Hungarian National Guard and the leader of the Budapest garrison, he commanded a force of 26,000 insurgents and 30,000 Hungarian Army troops who had joined them.
When the uprising began on Oct. 23, General Kiraly was weak, ill and exhausted; he had just been released after spending five years in prison, four of them on death row, on manufactured charges of espionage. After the uprising was put down violently by the Soviets less than two weeks later, he fled to the United States.
Although serving during WWII in Hungary’s fascist army, he was later honored at Yad Vashem as a “Righteous Gentile” for disobeying superiors and saving 400 Jews. Here’s his full obituary. Here’s a photo I took in 2004 of the memorial to the uprising, outside the Parliament in Budapest. RIP general and professor Bela Kiraly.
"He gave us life," says one of 669 to 100-year old, who says "My wife didn't know about it for 40 years after our marriage."
Can we have Buckley back?
The automatic problem that arises when someone who is not a William F. Buckley (and none of us here pretend to be) is that you're instantly tagged a RINO for calling out something that is objectively and demonstrably false. The space between fact and fiction is confused as a litmus test between right and left. But what if the WNDers are not the true conservatives in this argument? What if the actual test of conservatism was not how fervently you oppose Obama, or where you went to school, or where you pray, but how firmly your conservatism is rooted in First Principles and not personalities or conspiracy?
Have you no decency AP? Gates added he wanted his letter and his phone call to AP released “so everyone would know how strongly he felt about the issue.” Michelle Malkin further exposes AP broke its signed pledge. So, AP hasn’t decency or integrity.
This drink is for our reader/commenter Marianne. We all love you and strive to satisfy your every desire.
Hollywood steers charity away from its doorstep.
Even the Europeans criticize our wacko Congress:
"Only in `Alice in Wonderland' could a penalty be seen as promoting the activity on which it is imposed," the European Commission's Ambassador to Washington, John Bruton, said in a statement Friday.
I last wrote on this at the Washington Examiner.
How to Insure Every American: We don't need radical change. Subsidies and high risk pools can get the job done. But, ObamaCare prefers to control, literally, every facet of our lives.
Obama Screwing Honduras and democracy. Castro and Chavez approve.
Try to have a great Labor Day weekend.