Problems Money Won’t Solve. Education
Here’s another one, Rail.
Use Obama’s school speech as a teachable moment
With a record that included business tax cuts, promoting charter schools and criticizing Mr. Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus spending plan, Mr. Sanford was riding high in the state until he made a clandestine trip to Buenos Aires in June to see his lover. To conceal the trip, he told his staff a "little white lie."

Blitzkrieg Jules Crittendon’s suggested reading list on WWII. An example:
In Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War, Chris Bellamy’s exhaustive history, he estimates that the Russian population is down more than 100 million as a result of roughly 25 million losses in World War II. Which means there are something like 300 million worldwide who were not born. American losses at 400,000 mean we’re down about 1.5 million of your cousins.
One of the benefits of the end of the Cold War is that we have a better appreciation of the terrible toll paid by the Russians, and their fighting. I can’t remember the name of the study I read a few years ago, but many of the arms that Russians created during WWII were superior to what the Germans or we had. -- Churchill later said that WWII was the most avoidable war. All who practiced timidity, treachery and double-dealing share the shame. Is “soft diplomacy” heading us there again?
Ahmadinejad's Spiritual Advisor: Raping Prisoners Is OK But Wash Your Hands First
Don’t you wish it wasn’t a photoshop?

Low-Carbon Fuels: Are We Serious About Energy Security or Not?
Democrats and the Decline of Manufacturing in America
How a congressman brings business to K Street
When government creates a problem, lobbyists are reluctant to tell Washington to back off. Instead of trying to minimize government's deleterious effect, politicians and lobbyists work together to create a new government program.
Uncle Ho’s dearest wish for other people’s happiness, is headline from Vietnam news service on 40th anniversary of his death.
During his lifetime, whatever the circumstances Uncle Ho always thought about other people. He said, “One day people still suffer misery is one day I can’t eat or sleep well”
Good thing, then, Ho Chi Minh (who also went by 23 other names) is dead asleep. All he caused was misery to many millions in his long career as a Soviet Comintern agent, treacherous betrayer and murderer of true nationalists, invader, oppressor. His legacy is ongoing repression and murder throughout Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. R.I.H. As the Congressionally chartered US Commission on International Religious Freedom says in its 2009 report: “Vietnam’s overall human rights record remains poor, and has deteriorated since Vietnam joined the WTO in January 2007 [when it promised to improve, to gain entry].”
Anyone who still thinks otherwise – after 40+ years of evidence -- is using this tool.

Obama’s Backward Progressivism
Going back to an idea that failed more than two generations ago may be “progressive” but it’s not progress.
Duke administrators making the same mistake over again, raping of sense in college.
McDonald no stranger to Israel. James Grover McDonald was the first US Ambassador to Israel. He kept a careful diary:
He was born in Coldwater, Ohio, in 1886 and as his mother was German, he spoke the language fluently. He studied at Harvard and became friendly with visiting German students who later became prominent Nazis and in his work as chairman of the Foreign Policy Association, a job he held from 1919 to 1933, he regularly visited Germany. The Nazi officials, charmed by his fluent German and aquiline features, spoke openly about their plans for the Jews. On April 4, 1933, he records his meeting with two Nazi officials.
"I looked forward to an informing analysis of the Nazi economic program. Instead, after we discussed it for 10 or 15 minutes, both Daitz and Ludecke drifted back to the subject of the Jews, which seems to be an obsession with so many of the Nazis... The casual expressions used by both men in speaking of the Jews were such as to make one cringe, because one would not speak so of even a most degenerate people. Top of FoBottom of Form
"When I indicated my disbelief in their racial theories, they said what other Nazis had said: 'But surely you, a perfect type of Aryan, could not be unsympathetic to our views'... I had the impression that they really do set unbelievable store by such physical characteristics as long heads and light hair."
SO CONVINCED was he that the Jews were marked for destruction in Germany that he appealed to the international community to help settle them outside the Reich but had very little success. As Deborah Lipstadt wrote in her review of the diaries, now published as a book, Advocate for the Doomed, "McDonald, unlike many of his contemporaries, tried to make a difference in what would become a unique story of doom and destruction." In December 1935 he resigned in protest at the lack of support for his work.
Putting First Things First: Solving The Arab Refugee Problem
There actually are death panels in Britain.
It has been gradually adopted nationwide and more than 300 hospitals, 130 hospices and 560 care homes in England currently use the system.
The Revolt of the Masses: Electorates are casting a global no-confidence vote in their leaderships
Unable to identify who or what has put them in hock to the horizon, national electorates are attempting accountability by voting whole parties out of power.
Canada’s Section 13 is Section 8’d
How to Win in Afghanistan: We tried the 'offshore' strategy before. The result was 9/11.
Until now international forces and their Afghan partners have lacked the will and resources to implement a classic counterinsurgency plan designed to secure the populace. But that is precisely what Gen. Stanley McChrystal will undertake—assuming he gets the resources he needs from Washington. To pull the plug on our operations now, when our troops are only beginning to fight in earnest, would be even more foolish than it would have been to short-circuit the surge in Iraq in 2007—as so many who are freely offering advice on Afghanistan today once advocated.
I’m going now, to break in a new blogger Theo sent over.