Fastest-dying cities meet for a chat. What these folks do not get is that government policies (with the assistance of unions) chased the people and the jobs away from these once-prosperous and happy cities.
Sociologists upset that Obama isn't using them more. They are useful: they are able to give you the answer you want for any question you ask. As a group they seem more ideologically-motivated than truth-oriented, but I am sure some are not like that.
Skin and ethnic diversity damages "social capital," harms society. Yes, OK, but it's not the skin or the ethnic: it is the different cultures that cause the issues with trust, familiarity, and comfort. Everybody is more comfortable around their own peeps, because they know what to expect and know where they're coming from. We consider that to be wholesome, natural, and intelligent tribalism.
Via Phi Beta Cons, a new paper roasts three books favoring racial preferences in college admissions. I find racial preferences despicable, un-American, divisive, and overall damaging. I have no problem at all with cultural, sociocultural, talent, or experiential diversity as long as the basic standards apply to all.
Veterinary care in the UK more civilized and better than human care. Speaking of which, they won't let you buy your own medicines in England. How do Brits put up with this crap from their government?
This and other cool scorecard items at Surber:
President Obama took out a Craig’s List ad for $15-an-hour volunteers to Astroturf townhall meetings.
Wanted. Young man single and free. Experienced in protest, but will accept a new trainee.
Paglia, a big fan of the O, via Neoneo:
Obama’s aggressive endorsement of a healthcare plan that does not even exist yet, except in five competing, fluctuating drafts, makes Washington seem like Cloud Cuckoo Land. The president is promoting [a] colossal, brazen bait-and-switch operation…
You can keep your doctor; you can keep your insurance, if you’re happy with it, Obama keeps assuring us in soothing, lullaby tones. Oh, really? And what if my doctor is not the one appointed by the new government medical boards for ruling on my access to tests and specialists? And what if my insurance company goes belly up because of undercutting by its government-bankrolled competitor? Face it: Virtually all nationalized health systems, neither nourished nor updated by profit-driven private investment, eventually lead to rationing.
American College of Surgeons rightly blasts Obama's ignorance. As we often say, never mistake slick for smart.
More lies, this time about medical insurance profits.
More trickery. Why use tricks and lies? Why? Here'a another one re the fake doctor.
Chavez update. What a jerk. Who does he think he is? Stalin? I knew Joe Stalin, and Chavez is no Stalin.
The Kondratieff Wave looks bad for the US economy. Click the image to enlage.
Reid and Pelosi get into name-calling. That is mature debate. But polls say protesters motivated by fear of government control of their medical care.
Rove: Obama and the permanent campaign. "Turning critics into enemies is not presidential."
LaShawn has a Message for people who shamelessly invoke the old “legacy of slavery” excuse and view the government as some sort of savior
I think the Dem health care is what is driving this down so rapidly, but running around the world apologizing for America's existence probably didn't help. Thankfully, most Americans have not been contaminated by Howard Zinn.
From Megan McA in What Does It Mean To Have a Private Health Care System:
...they ask me how I can ignore the overwhelming evidence that national health care is superior to our terrible system. Now, what's odd about this is that all of those countries do precisely what I am concerned about: slap price controls on the inputs, particularly pharmaceuticals. Their overwhelming evidence indicates that I am 100% correct that a government run system in the US will destroy the last really profitable market for drugs and medical technology, and thereby cause the rate of medical innovation to slow to a crawl.
Valuable things that people want are expensive. Duh. That's one of the reasons people work.
From Sowell's latest Random Thoughts:
Political ideologies are fairy tales for adults.