Neo-neocon on modern journalism, journalistic dishonesty, and journalism education:
The old-fashioned idea that a journalist is a mere reporter (or recorder) of the news has been replaced in recent years by the idea of a journalist as a writer first and foremost, and secondarily as an interpreter of the news and an exposer of truth. But why should we trust journalists with such a huge task, and how are we to judge whether they are doing their job well?
Please read entire.
Thought Police still at work: Stockton College. (Tell me, why is it that is is always schools with the Thought Police, when supposedly it's the Evil Repubs, and the Evil RC Church, and the Evil Boy Scouts, etc. who are the Fascists?) In FIRE: Click here: FIRE - Speech Code of the Month: Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
The "You Dont Speak for me, Cindy" Tour: Move America Forward
Clinton and the Truth - This jerk just can't help himself.
Hansen on guest-worker programs: Americans are not Spartans, and their workers are not helots. So honor and remember the noble braceros, but please don't bring back that age of heartbreak.
Read his summary of guest workers in the US. At VDH