Urban coyotes. h/t, Jungleman
AVI's theory on not hitting squirrels with your car
Walpin gives the inside story. It's an ugly story. Imagine if Bush...aw, why do I keep saying that?
Hayek: Why I am not a Conservative. h/t, Neptunus
Men are now on the wrong side of the degree gap at every stage of education
Immigrants from redistributionist countries vote for redistributionists
The realities of college education: Four years of propaganda, partying, and buying a mostly worthless degree.
Conservatism thrives. All it needs are compelling leaders. Related: The Gallup poll. Related: Is Sarah the threat?
The Boston Globe is on sale.
Minimum wages do cause unemployment.
The public plan would be the only plan. Related: the CBO will have something to say about it. I'm beginning to think that the Admin bit off more than they can chew. Related from Dick Morris: The O's issues are crumbling. Related from Samuelson: Naive, hypocritical, and dishonest, Related from Yuval Levin and Kristol: Defeat Obamacare.
Also related: the Indian Health Service as a model
The $787 billion mistake
Chris Dodd's wife, via Insty
Fancy a cuppa?