The Bird Dog family has a multi-generational attachment to Bermuda. We always stay at Cambridge Beaches: it's our place. No glitz, unostentatious, no jacuzzis, heavy on Brits, lots of little one-room "villas" perched on the hill over the ocean, sort-of mediocre but edible food. I like to feed on Grouper, Bermuda Fish Chowder, Conch fritters and Dark 'n Stormies whenever I am in Grouper-land. (We do not golf, so we do not need the Mid-Ocean Club.)
You can walk to a place that rents little Whalers and snorkeling or scuba gear, and they will give you a map of the good coral reefs. You go offshore and find them yourself. Mopeds always, but you drive on the left so it's a bit of an IQ test in the traffic circles.
It would pain me to see the US take over Cambridge Beaches as a place to put the Gitmo terrorists. It would tick off the Brits too, no doubt.