From Coyote:
Bill Whittle makes a great point in this video which is at the heart of the problems with this administration: While Obama and his young policy wonks may be smarter (or at least think they are smarter) than other folks individually, they cannot possibly be smarter than the sum of 300 million well educated, relatively affluent Americans making decisions for themselves. Every technocrat founders on these rocks, when they substitute their decision as command and control planners for individual decision making (example). Everyone talks about a revival of interest in Ayn Rand, and that is great, but it is Hayek who has never been more relevent.
More on the failures of technocrats here.
His final link includes the key phrase "You don't have the right to make decisions for other people." Smart or not, most technocrats and policy wonks have never had a job outside of government, academia, or think tanks - and thus tend to be disconnected from how reality works. Their insulation protects them, and reinforces their rationalizations for their power-seeking.
Another quote from the Steyn piece we posted yesterday: "Health" is potentially a big-ticket item, but so's a house and a car, and most folks manage to handle those without a Government Accommodation Plan or a Government Motor Vehicles System
Tracked: Jun 14, 07:27