There are more than two defense attorneys for each Guantanamo detainee, many from the US’ most prestigious law firms providing free services. Have they accomplished an extended rule of law, or have they degraded it? They’ve tied the US in legalistic knots, delaying justice, defamed the US before the world, and reduced respect or fear of penalty for those who terrorize and seek our destruction.
Arthur Herman writes in Commentary about “The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard”:
The enemies of Bush and Gitmo have succeeded brilliantly. But in so doing, they have done grave violence to the truth about the Guantánamo Bay facility, have aided in the release of prisoners who have since committed acts of terrorism outside the United States, and may yet succeed in having Barack Obama’s government release young men with terrifying ambitions for murder and mass destruction onto the soil of the United States.
I just started reading my friend Gordon Cucullu’s intensive first-hand study of Inside Gitmo. (Cucullu also has a website about the matter.)
As Cucullu says, read the truth and decide for yourself whether Gitmo has been and is the right way to deal with enemies sworn to murder and to abet our downfall.
The Gitmo detainees have able counsel from our lawyers, and liberal allies in our and the world’s media, to trumpet manufactured or exaggerated grievances, claims and rights. But, you are really the jury. Herman sums up for you: “the entire Gitmo myth…was constructed to ruin the Bush administration and blacken the reputation of the United States.” They got what they wanted, and now “However, human-rights groups and lawyers are just getting warmed up. They are now laying the ground for a similar legal assault on the American detention center at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan, which they call Gitmo with a different zip code.”
Who is defending your zip code?