Photo of cute toes from Theo -
No wonder Liberals hate charter schools so much.
How wrong is Paul Krugman? As we have asserted many times, the guy has become little more than a partisan propagandist.
Why the EPA gives a darn about hydraulic fracturing is beyond me. Unless they simply want to restrict domestic energy supplies...and raise the price.
The vast mammalian, especially ungulate, migrations are almost extinct now. It's a damn shame. Man is a terrible steward of this earth. h/t, Jungleman
The new Under Secretary of Naivete. Sheesh. She needs to grow up.
The myth of "a Muslim world." Asia Times
For our hard-earned billions, what do we get from GM? Bupkus. Even Nader thinks it's nuts. And the kid they put in charge has no biz experience, when what is called for is an expert analyst of distressed manufacturing assets.
Samuelson on The Obama Infatuation. Of course the press hasn't reported on their own sexual fantasies. Why would they report on them when they can simply enact them with virtual oral and anal sexual activities?
Your family owes the Feds $668,000. How ya gonna pay it?
VDH tries to tackle the labyrinth of race
Bruno flying in to the MTV awards: