A Request to our Readers from Bird Dog
We have been looking for serious Democratic or "progressive" blogs for the past month, (and have even tried to enlist some liberal writers that we know for Maggies, without success thus far). We do not want to be part of a giant echo chamber - we modestly want to be a small part of a discussion about America and the world, among other things. Here's the problem: Everything we find is either ranting, or tin-foil hat paranoids, or hyper-emotional angry, or old-fashioned 30s-era knee-jerk anti-American lefty pacifists (ie, pacifism for the US, while apologizing for the warlike inclinations of others), or Kool-Aid drinkers, or Christian-hating, or just plain fountains of predictably transparent partisan spin and calculated rhetoric. So if you know of any blogs which represent different viewpoints, but which are thoughtful, intellectually honest, substantial, not afraid of guns (Yikes! Scary! Guns go boom!), and serious, please let us know. Not kidding. Email or post comment. Thanks!