Five weeks of cutting brush. That's my idea of a good vacation too, GW. I guess the MSM just doesn't get it. Nothing clears out the fog like hard manual labor.
Bolton's First Day on the job - very funny
The Tolkien Geek Blog is underway.
Pollster: Dems stand for nothing. (Yes they do, but they won't say it outloud.) Here.
The News in France - can you believe this? No Wonder. Samizdata.
One in two million lobsters are blue. Lobsterman in NH got one on Saturday - photo here Can't help wondering what color they turn when cooked.
Georgetown Women's Tennis - How can you not be a fan? Go, Hoyas!
The UN to run the internet? Not a chance, with the Repubs. Can you imagine?
Spenser's book (from Jihad Watch). Good Amazon reviews. Click here: Books: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
Brit Tory says Leave it you don't like it here. Damn right. Dhimmi Watch
Beyond Kyoto: Kyoto is dead. I doubt it was ever alive. Glassman at TCS
The report from Saudi Arabia - what a mess. Daily Demarche