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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, May 8. 2009Friday morning links
Political tactics: Chris Dodd All Federalists will find this fact deeply depressing. That means that the Feds own them. Via Tiger: Countries that use their banking systems this way don't get good results.
Weather updates - 1. Illegal weather. 2. Government as a source of "rational climate and energy policy"? Ya gotta be kidding. 3. From Watts:
Academic fraud in college: Your kids' grades UK's tax rate to 61%. The origin of life as ordinary chemistry. American Scientist Human nature and economics. Dr. Sanity Shareholder maximization. If a biz doesn't want that, count me out as an investor. Penn and Teller on the neuropsychology of magic Are the Repubs really dead in the Northeast? Music as torture? They are actually serious. Would it be so (via Phi Beta Cons):
Posted by The News Junkie
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Is there any such thing as settled science?
Chris Matthews has been beating up conservative Republicans on Global Warming saying its settled science. He then asks them if they believe in evolution trying to frame them as backwoods creationists. So far none of them have the balls to answer that evolution is a theory with more hole in it than Swiss cheese. Wasn't it settled science that homo's were perverts until the APA said they weren"t, based more on PC than on science? Did Chris Matthews believe homo's perverts before the APA changed their mind? These Republicans have to learn to attack and not be constantly on the defensive. And why the hell go on Hardball when nobdy watches it anyway? "These Republicans have to learn to attack and not be constantly on the defensive."
That sends a tingle up my leg. HEEEERE she goes--is this your failed tax dollar, or mine?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/06/us/politics/06michelle.html?_r=1&sq=Mrs.%20Obama&st=cse&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1241708826-3YG1KDUa8dV9ZTM5M5PyhA I think AGW has more in common, stylistically, with Intelligent Design than with evolution. Philosophically I'm inclined to say that God is behind everything that happens, which would seem to put me on the ID side. When it comes to examining the development of species scientifically, though, I find that evolution does a better job of positing mechanisms, making predictions, and generally lending itself to the scientific method and proof vs. falsification. ID is such a flexible theory that no conceivable fact could be used to disprove it. The way I see it, God is in charge of the mechanisms of evolution, the same way He is behind the orbits of planets and the interactions of subatomic particles. Science isn't about this ultimate question but about the details of the observable, testable, predictable mechanisms.
The "Watts Up With That" site that the Einstein quotation comes from is well worth visiting. One of the commenters quotes Wolfgang Pauli's famous criticism of an entirely self-referential theory of electron spin that was worse than erroneous: it "wasn't even wrong." A theory is of little use if it doesn't make predictions that can be proved or disproved by any conceivable facts. A perfectly malleable theory (like "climate change") is very useful politically but pointless scientifically. A wrong theory, when disproved, can at least rule out a proposed explanation and leave us free to formulate new theories more consistent with the facts. An unproveable theory is either a waste of words or an excuse for bad social policy. Curious, but why would you include the concept of god at all? It is true: evolution provides many more answers and adheres to the scientific method. (I would say it adheres better, but ID doesn't adhere at all.) So why include god at all? God does not lend himself to the scientific method nor proof v. falsification. Nor does the god concept solve a problem. If you think god solves the question "how did things get here?" then you still then have to ask "how did god get here?"
You have almost correctly identified AGW as religion. It is a group of concepts taken on faith with little or no valid evidence to back it. "God is in charge of the mechanisms of evolution, the same way He is behind the orbits of planets and the interactions of subatomic particles."
You say this with no philosophical questioning, as if it is fact. How do you prove it? "An unproveable theory is either a waste of words or an excuse for bad social policy." How does this work with your statements about God? He is fact? ` This is sort of off-topic, but a friend sent me a story on Barack Obama's Occidental College records which interests me. Apparently, Occidental has finally released information under the FOIA or something similar, that Obama registered as a foreign student "from Indonesia' and was accepted and given a Fulbright scholarship. Only foreign students are eligible for Fulbrights. Therefore, if he accepted one, it is fraud on his part. I wonder if a student applying for such a scholarship is required to present documentation proving that he is a citizen of a foreign country. And if he is so required, if that would mean he had to present a birth certificate proving his citizenship to qualify for the Fulbright. Apparently, he registered under the last name of Soetoro. What's with that? And is this going to shore up the questions being asked about his validity as an American citizen?
What do you think, folks? Anything in this? I'm such a tyro at computing that I don't know how to track this down. Could it be a 'smoking gun?' Marianne http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/has_a_smoking_gun_been_found_to.html
April fools day hoax. "Music as torture"
I detect skepticism. You've obviously never spent an evening listening to Schoenberg. Or Crunk. I fully expect to hear "Feel like makin' love" by Bad Company dribbling out the ear buds of the person shoveling the dirt over my coffin. This song has haunted me for decades and never leaves me alone. Just when I think I haven't heard it in months or even years, I am forced to endure the torture of it's mangificent crappiness yet again. Next in an elevator, or a commercial, or at the Starbucks. There will be no respite from the insideous howling and banging until I find my reward. Bad news is I heard in Hell you only get to hear Bad Company, it's right there in the 8th level down... [Bad Company Band Members and Road Crew]
Phil-dude, that ain't nothin'. Do you know how many "Na's" there are in Journey's "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'"? I do. And I get time off in hell for ever last mf'n one of 'em.
For that metronomical hypnotizin' repetitional effect, go here and (it'll cue ya to download the Rhapsody player-safe and takes but a moment) and put on the headphones and get hooked on "Flatland Boogie", the 13th and last song on the ablum.
I think it's in G tonic and C subdominant with a D bridge but i could be wrong. Over and over on the piano, the coda, you think he'll never end, then you realize what he's doing is replicating what the song is about --a long late night drive across the endless flatland of the southern great plains --which you also think will never end. But he the lucky rascal has Lucinda Williams humming harmony in the background --oh, it'll phase ya alright. http://www.rhapsody.com/terry-allen/human-remains (whole album is dynamite) http://insurgentcountry.net/terry_allen_human_remains_lyrics.txt
(all the lyrics to that albumin --just typed out --clean --no ringtone fony baloney. Some are good --really good)
buddy larsen
2009-05-09 05:06
what a find! Internet Archive Collection --music of America by working musicians you never will hear of probably, alas.
http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=((collection%3Aetree%20OR%20mediatype%3Aetree)%20AND%20NOT%20collection%3AGratefulDead)%20AND%20-mediatype%3Acollection&sort=-downloads&page=6 Listening to the Yonder Mountain String Band right now --never heard of 'em --but then i just now heard of Perry Como --anyhoo they are a tad unpolished but DAMN are they exuberant! Playing live in Telluride at the Sheridan Oprah House. I've been there, back in my ramblin days. |