So what? 1 in 5 homeowners underwater. Most who bought in the last few years, no doubt. Same as people who bought stocks in the last few years - or who bought cars on time. Or a new chain saw on their Home Depot credit card, for that matter.
The O's mission to bankrupt the coal biz begins. Related: James Hansen terms cap and trade The Temple of Doom.
Miss Saudi Arabia
Extremist right-wing loonies march for school choice in DC
"Rangel, of course, knows a thing or two about offshore tax shelters: He'd been operating one for years."
Are you confused yet about the stress tests?
Obama groupies: "Do these people even listen to themselves?"
Brit tax dollars at work. Also, a voice from Britain:
Given our complete lack of electoral choices, a party formed of retired Gurkhas led by Ms Lumley, standing for compulsory goat curry & promising to sort out our dumded down chav-culture with judicious use of their kukris would certainly get my unsteady tick in the box. Think of it as casting a protest vote – successive administrations have allowed once Great Britain to be overrun by just about every whinging ethnic minority load of bl**dy wogs with an open hand & a grievance you care to mention. However when it comes to those who have done nothing but loyally serve Her Majesty, the Westminster pondlife treat them with nothing but utter distain.
Blacks vs. gays. That's where identity politics will get you
Fascism revisited. It was meant to be the "third way."
From France: Dont turn America into another France (video)