I have posted numerous times here about the role that infantile wishes and hopes can play in the lives of those who are otherwise adults. We all must have hopes and dreams, and we all must have many of them dashed to become real, serious adults.
Real serious adults know all about the futility of wishful thinking, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny - and the free lunch.
Hoven at American Thinker has a post up about Wishful Thinking in politics. As salesmen, politicians are all about appealing or pandering to wishful thinking. He begins:
There's the old joke about an economist's plan to get out of a pit he was thrown into: "First, we assume a ladder." There has been a whole lot of assuming going on, from alternate energy to non-harsh interrogations.
Some of us (including the MSM) have entered the wondrous, enchanted Obama-Dem Dreamland where dreams come true, but some of us have kept our feet on the ground where Mean Old Mr. Reality walks around.
One whose grip on reality is, in my view, only sporadic is Mr. Krugman, who insists that cap and trade taxes in the US will save the planet. But what if they don't? What are the odds that they will? He is in Dreamland. Or maybe he just wants any excuse for more tax dollars to the Feds.
All of this reminds me of Lawn Chair Larry. Remember him? I think he violated LAX air space.
Ed. note: Re childish dreams, the history of The Internationale (h/t, Good Sh-t)