Quantity vs. Quality
Pelosi plays defence on "torture"
Newspaper circulation crumbles (h/t, Insty)
Should you look out for "people who keep to themselves"?
Stereotyping: It's natural. I stereotype everybody: a-holes until proven otherwise.
From the mouths of babes
$ rules too onerous for unions. It's payoff time. Related, The strategery of the unions: Kaus
Latin leaders declare war on Capitalism. And freedom, too.
Anarchy at UNC. Mike Adams
The social challenge of speaking honestly about race
Apparently some people do not want to know what an assault rifle is. But our readers know an assault rifle is one with a full-auto setting.
Cannot do it without the teleprompter. Man, that is lame.
Save the Humans! Reason
In cold blood. The Talibanz are taking over Pakiland.
The O tries to steal their prime time - for the 4th time. They have a biz to run.
Upper photo: My nooner date today, thanks to friend Theo who shares his girlfriends. Lower photo via Never Yet Melted