Conservative Food - yum yum - pretty funny - from Right Wing Nation
More on food: Nutritional supplements not demonstrably important, says Tufts (but they might be if you live on that Conservative diet above)
Bush's Oil Policy: Defeat the Arabs and Take their Oil. Great idea...hey, why didn't I think of that? Scrappledude.
Orwell on Pacifism: MassRight
The Kyl-Cornyn Immigration Bill - discussed here on NRO, and Tancredo's here
Palestinians believe their terrorism drove Israel to withdraw from West Bank: JihadWatch
Why I have stopped arguing with Liberals: A great piece by Pat Sajak which all Liberals shoud read, but won't. All of us reasonable folks have been through this and finally have given up. It's like a discussion with Palestinians. His story here. Sample:
When Liberals want to legislate what you’re allowed to drive or what you should eat or how much support you can give to a political candidate or what you can or can’t say, they are doing it for altruistic reasons. The excesses of the Left are to be excused because these folks operate from the higher moral ground and the benefit of the greater wisdom and intelligence gained from that perspective.