Reposted from August 2, 2005
I have not posted in a long time, Bird Dog, but things have c
hanged. For one thing, I am typing from an internet caffee in Paris, France, and my new friend Miss Millie is with me here on this church trip which I did not want to do and swore I would not do for many reasons but a gal has the power to twist an old fellers arm like you dont want to know, so I am seeing the high life as seen through our Congregational Church and this is a change for me, as I mentioned, but it may not be not a bad thing to get away from a Vermont dairy farm every 40 yrs or so. For one thing, the pom freets and biftek aint bad at all or the cock o'vin and the wine ordinare out of the jug thing is better grape juice than I have ever had. They have armanoc too made from Frenchie apples which is a good sleep ade. I didnt know they had apples. All food, well, the ladies like food and are mostly a bit heavy, I mean the ladies and the food, but the fancy deserts dont beat Wallmart apple pie and are too sweet but they give you a feeling of luxury I must say and they have a thing called tartatin which is upsidedown but a damn good apple pie and they say "its nicely carmelized". The whole 18 of us agree about one thing, the wine ordinare is just OK with us and cheers things up after a hard day of tramping about. We have seen everything here including Pear lachase and Nortre Dame and lots of pretty pictures and the ladys like the Van go but those cubebist pictures I seem to enjoy the most and Cazanne could have done a good job with Vermont so I bought a print of his to put up somewhere, maybe duck tape it to the bathroom wall because he had a feeling for the land and the farm that you cant put into words. But we now go to Lords or Luordes for everyone to pray which I dont do but maybe Miss Milly will get me on my knees for something as she is a sweet old Vermont widow gal and I guess I aint dead yet but intagled I do not want to get right now since I am not a domesticated animal nor was I ever one really. Then a bus to Teze, then Paris then home. OK, my five minutes of fame is up on this machine and will talk to you later.
(Editor: He means Taize)