Japanese scientists refute AGW
A nationwide ammo shortage hits US. Besides ammo, there's one more thing that is selling very well these days
Here comes the God particle
Did Obama cross the line? Coyote
Paul Harvey began broadcasting news in 1944. Didn't I hear him on the radio last week?
Jesus the reformed racist? Anchoress
Obama lies. Riehl:
More mindless demagogy. Obama has his own special interests as do most all politician's. And his budget has little to do with economics and much to do with Leftist political reform. His rhetoric is simply meant to distract and divide the public so he can pull the wool over their eyes before they realize what they are going to get in the end. We'll be getting what everyone always gets from government, way too little for way too much.
The era of even bigger government. Reason.
Betsy: Obama admin oblivious to incentives, tradeoffs, and unintended consequences.
How will Dems let cap & trade die? Megan
Andrew Bolt via Insty:
GOOD thing for Barack Obama that he isn’t George Bush. He’d have been slaughtered for starting so badly that he’s picking a Cabinet of tax cheats. . . .
how loudly would the people who cheer Obama have screamed if Bush had, for instance, surrounded himself with this extraordinarily long list of spivs and chiselers?
On arrogance, a quote from Cafe Hayek:
Today's cackling by politicians and pundits about how the auto industry should be restructured, the health-care industry overhauled, and the banking industry reorganized is deafening. Surely I'm not alone in being horrified that so many people with no experience in these industries - and with no skin in any of these games - fancy themselves qualified to pontificate about matters on which their knowledge can't possibly be more than superficial.
What if Obama turns America into Europe? Pajamas. Or into California?