The Latin Beat - More Chavez
It has been some time since we last posted on the Venezuelan crisis but Chavez is such a clown that it takes time to sieve through his messes. From Venezuela News and Views:
CARACAS, Venezuela -- After the rumble of tanks died down and the last soldier high-stepped past the spectators' pavilion, President Hugo Chavez told the thousands attending Venezuela's Independence Day parade July 5 that no invading army could match the fighting force that had just marched by, "armed to the teeth."
The hypothetical invasion he invoked was patently clear: Two days before, Chavez announced the discovery of evidence that the United States had drawn up blueprints to invade Venezuela, a plan he said was code-named "Operation Bilbo."
American officials dismissed the claim as fiction, just as they have denied Shave's repeated assertions that the CIA is trying to assassinate him, or that the Bush administration was behind the military coup that briefly toppled his government in April 2002.
In the
The Devil's Excrement Read about Chavez's continued barrage against everyone not on his bandwagon...
These metropolitan police cars with Chavez' image are illegal, immoral and unethical. Hey! Did I just describe the revolution?
Rome and Venezuela --an unusual likeness
Rome had already won two devastating wars against
Carthage and had reached a compromised peace that lasted many years when senator Marcus Cato started a pro-war campaign with one persisting idea:
“Delenda Carthago!”.
It meant, that, no matter what, Rome would never be safe unless the rival phoenician city of Carthage was totally destroyed. For years, with a stubbornness that was noted even after centuries of history, Cato repeated over and over that Carthage had to disappear. He actually finished every intervention about any topic with the famous sentence.
Chavez has not realized that his enemy is not Sumate. His enemy, like in Rome, comes from within: his own inefficiency and his own message of hatred and division that have transformed the country and led it to the brink of civil war.