Three Excellent Bits
1. Steyn: " can't assimilate with a nullity - which is what multiculturalism is.So, if Islamist extremism is the genie you're trying to put back in the bottle, it doesn't help to have smashed the bottle."
2. Goldberg at Town Hall: "Britishness, for all its faults, was once seen around the world as a distinctly valuable and admirable quality. Decency, respect for law, intelligence without so much bloody abstraction, propriety, manners: These were the attributes invariably attributed to the Brits. Since Powell's speech, however, the British have turned their backs on all of that. Their popular culture is vastly more coarse than America's. Worse, they have seized the kingdom's leading institutions and scraped out the best traditions and customs like so many tumors."
3. Thompson Redux: Life After the Left, on FrontPage: I realized there was nothing at all “amazing” about the Left’s non-chalance toward the Iraqi vote. It was way too late for astonishment.These were the same people who scorned Ronald Reagan for daring to call the totalitarian gulag state of Lenin and Stalin an evil empire.