The moral preening of celeb hypocrites. Paltrow in this case (photo)
Putin warns American Dems against Socialism
Surprise. Chrysler and GM want more $. The populist in me is getting tired of rewarding failure and imprudence.
Waiting for the backlash. P'line
How severe is the economic situation? Dino. Related, the explanation of why Geithner seemed so lame
Deconstructing Krugman. RCP
All of them are British citizens
Style over substance on the economy. Villainous
You mean it's not a quagmire? Surge in Afghanistan begins
Stanford Financial Group and the ongoing Dem culture of corruption. h/t, Insty
What will become of the "Freetown of Christiania"? Sounds like a den of thieves to me.
Something else to panic about. Eastern European debt. Big mess. Another result of cheap money.
Kill The Rich! Am Thinker. But aren't there tons of rich Dems? I'd wager that there are far more filty rich Dems than there are Conservatives. Certainly true in public life, beginning with the Clintons and the Obamas. And heck, Wall Street has been a huge Dem donor source for years.
Hey Will! We're part of the anti-intellectual knuckle-dragging, nose-breathing Right, and we are offended by that. Truth is, 97.4% of the Conservative political brains are in Newt's head.
Bank nationalization gains ground among Repubs
New t-shirts, via Theo: