Heading up to ski at Mt. Snow this morning. It's an excellent mountain when it's not crowded - and it's close. It's the best of the southern VT mountains, unless you count Killington. I'll try to get there when the lifts open. New skis and boots. Wahoo.
Dem John Cole on the "stimulus" porkfest (h/t Outside the Beltway's Obama attacks Repubs for partisanship)
You know, putting aside the stupidity of the Republicans, I would really like it if
the Democrats would make the god damned case for this bill. There is another report up from the CBO (allegedly) that this will be more damaging in the long haul than doing nothing.
It would be nice if the Democrats would sell this bill and explain why it is good, rather than Obama just coming out and warning about catastrophe every now and then. I dealt with eight years of fear-mongering about terrorism, I don’t need it regarding the economy. I recognize our economy is a disaster, and I will support the bill heartily if you give me a reason and make your case. They simply haven’t done that, and part of my ambivalence is I am tired of doing stupid things just to be “doing something.”
Explain why this is a good bill. I double dog dare you. And if you can’t or won’t, explain why I shouldn’t be siding with the GOP in opposition, despite how crazy they are.
A family is a lousy analogy for gummint. AVI
Ace on the Fairness Doctrine:
...if conservative talk radio 'overwhelms people's opinions' (as Stabenow says), how exactly did the Democrats manage to take control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government?
Somebody should write a book about this kind of illiberal thinking. Maybe they could call is "Liberal Fascism" or something like that.
From EU Referendum:
UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-Moon: "Deserts are spreading. Water scarcity is increasing. Tropical forests are shrinking. Our once prolific fisheries are in danger of collapse," he intones. "Failure to combat climate change will increase poverty and hardship. It will destabilise economies, breed insecurity in many countries and undermine our goals for sustainable development."
All this, of course, is bullshit.
Why Warren Buffet has been buying US equities. He works with a 10-year time horizon. h/t, Mankiw
Most wanted Nazi found. He died.
Nat Hentoff to Cato Institute. That's interesting.
Poll: Stimulus will do harm. Related: Let's give these idiots more of our money to spend, and our kids' future incomes too - which is really what it will be. I agree with this:
Hey! How about tax cuts for people who create jobs?
How about tax cuts for all working people?
How about not insisting on open ballots for unions?
How about tax cuts for everyone, across the board?
How about a suspension of ALL taxes for a year?
How about staying the hell out of the public sector?
How about not nationalizing everything that isn't moving?
How about scrapping this porkorama and starting over?
How about doing what is best for Americans instead of what is best for the Democrat Party?
Related: From Krauthammer on the Fierce Urgency of Pork:
The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington. By the time the stimulus bill reached the Senate, reports the Wall Street Journal, pharmaceutical and high-tech companies were lobbying furiously for a new plan to repatriate overseas profits that would yield major tax savings. California wine growers and Florida citrus producers were fighting to change a single phrase in one provision. Substituting "planted" for "ready to market" would mean a windfall garnered from a new "bonus depreciation" incentive.
After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.
I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks.
Upper photo: Mt. Snow. Lower photo: Theo's girlfriend.