In the wake of the London terrorism, we have CBS following in the footsteps of the BBC and counseling against the "T" word , from LGF. Dare I ask who is being protected here? Surely not the gentle, misunderstood "t-people" from the Religion of Peace.
More on the limits of multiculturalism, by Bone, via Tim Blair
More campaign finance encroachments on Free Speech, in Seattle now. This is scarey. At TCS
Croatia - I have a friend who left for her summer family vacation in Croatia last week, and I thought it sounded odd. Not so - NYT Travel - it's the New Riviera
Hillary panders to La Raza, offers free college for - illegals. Newsmax
Brit Moslems to confront evil with Blair. Hope it works, but it won't. Jihad Watch
"Fly the flag for Britain again" Johnson in the Telegraph:
If these four young men were perfectly normal Yorkshiremen, then what the hell is happening to this country? Of all the shattering revelations of the past few days, the worst has been that these suicide bombers were British.
Simon quotes Gerecht on the effects of Western nations on Islam. Interesting, but I do not agree.
The economic ignorance of the clergy. Where do they think the donations come from? Dollars are not manna - people work. In American Spectator