The Un-Terrorists
(Note: photo at right was a consequence of Moslem unterrorists who are longing for sensitivity and understanding.)
On July 7, Gwynnie wrote Maggie that, “The Reuters ‘News’ Service still can’t bring itself to use the term ‘terrorism’. Maybe it would like to refer to the bombings in London as caused by ‘insurgents’”. The mayor, “Red” Ken Livingston, once referred to the murdering IRA terrorists as “freedom fighters”! Now, in the BBC’s fantasy world, they have intentionally stopped using the term “terrorist” so it won’t be applying “value judgments”. Here it is:
BBC edits out the word terrorist, By Tom Leonard (Filed: 12/07/2005)
The BBC has re-edited some of its coverage of the London Underground and bus bombings to avoid labelling the perpetrators as "terrorists", it was disclosed yesterday. Early reporting of the attacks on the BBC's website spoke of terrorists but the same coverage was changed to describe the attackers simply as "bombers". The BBC's guidelines state that its credibility is undermined by the "careless use of words which carry emotional or value judgments". Consequently, "the word 'terrorist' itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding" and its use should be "avoided", the guidelines say.
Mr. Free Market, a British blogger had this to say, “Quite right … as the perpetrators are not terrorists, they are murdering pondlife scum. This however does seem to have stopped the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (an organisation that through its collective liberal lefty glasses, sees terrorists as freedom fighters) & to think my taxes go to pay for these numpties. This country has gone to the dogs - & I should apologise to dogs at this point because some canines lead useful lives, unlike the staff at the BBC.”
Gwynnie adds, yeah, and don’t call Hitler a “Nazi”; it would be a barrier to understanding. Gwynnie is only a corgi, but she doesn’t care if we understand Osama; she thinks we should kill him now, and the Waziristan warlords who are protecting him. Maybe someone, someday, might do a high school paper to try to “understand him”. Who cares? What’s to understand, anyway? He is a rich Saudi who hates us enough to want to kill us, all of us. Understand that, not him!
Comment from Editor: I can only come to one conclusion - these people at the BEEB would like to see western civilization collapse. But something tells me that they might not enjoy the consequences. Thank God England didn't have these "no value judgement" folks on board during WW2 - they'd be speaking German now.