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Saturday, December 3. 2022Saturday morning links A vision of a colonial-era country mansion inside an East Side apartment lobby The Elites’ War On Food Dark Patterns Past, Present, and Future - The evolution of tricky user interfaces The Confession of Sam Bankman-Fried. The fallen crypto titan admits it all, but is he conning himself? WSJ: Psychos in the C-Suite - While they don’t seem to feel shame, they are preoccupied with being thought of as highly moral. Teachers Continue to Groom Small Children The Ministry of Truth was far more sinister than we were told The Freak-Out Begins After Elon Musk Drops Explosive Hunter Biden Files Lavrov Announces Russia, China Are Stepping Up Military Cooperation Trackbacks
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Dark Patterns: Now that was interesting. Thank you for the link.
Now we will get to watch the MSM and Democrats cover up the cover up. What should happen is that a special prosecutor be assigned to this case. Clearly laws were broken and it was by definition an insurrection. But nothing will be done. The Republicans will continue to have petty fights over who shall lead their demise and they will plot the next election deciding which of their best and most popular candidates to unfund so that they don't win the senate. Mitch will continue to make millions in his deals with China (is he really married to his "wife" or is he a spy and she is his handler?).
Where are we as a country headed? The wing of the Republican party who wants to make America great again is being harassed, erased and jailed. Meanwhile our leaders are selling us out. Selling our jobs, our citizenships, our farmland, our rights and freedoms. And the MSM is making sure that a majority of Americans think everything is fine. So it's all going to crash, WWIII maybe, another great depression, a revolution? Who knows. So the DNC had an "enemies list and Twitter acted as their brownshirts. The government asked/forced private individuals and companies to do for them what the constitution mandates that they themselves cannot do. This is by definition fascism.
The War on Food: The journalist does a disservice by not dispelling the 'food plant fire' hysterical coverage by presenting some solid facts, such as historical trending - really, there is far too little fact finding in today's reporting. Eradicating doubt is one of its most important functions for a journalist in today's duplicitous world.
But aside from that, the Dutch ESG Greenies are shrieking about 'nitrogen pollution' as being the leading driver to a forced buyout of 3,000 farms. Oh really? I wonder if this might just possibly be something that enters into the equation somewhere: https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2017/10/dutch-investors-launch-new-marketing-programme-for-nl-tristate-city/ …”A group of institutional investors in the Netherlands have joined forces to present the Netherlands plus parts of Belgium and Germany as a single city network named Tristate City.” …”‘Our city marketing is too fragmented and inefficient,’ the project website says. ‘In practice, the Dutch cities compete with each other abroad.’ “ Feels a lot like the Bush-era NAFTA Superhighway, which Texas citizens found out about, then organized and fought tooth & nail to it's eventual failure. Don't stop fighting, farmers. Speaking of psychos in high places..... Why wouldn't a psycho, trying to pass themselves off, not pretend to be of unimpeachable high moral character, right out of the box? What better first line of defense for a psycho to choose? Elon Musk drops explosive Hunter Biden files? Oh, please. This story is over two years old! Can't we just move on to new things? Have you seen the latest on Kim Kardashian and her new boyfriend? Now that's what people want to hear about, not some old news about a nothingburger of a story about Hunter Biden maybe making a few bucks he then spent on drugs and prostitutes. Leave the poor guy alone.
JustMe: So the DNC had an "enemies list and Twitter acted as their brownshirts. The government asked/forced private individuals and companies to do for them what the constitution mandates that they themselves cannot do.
The DNC is not the government, nor is Twitter. JustMe: This is by definition fascism. No, that's not the definition of fascism. Many years ago when I was in college, I used to go to the library and read a ton of periodicals, including Advertising Age and Advertising Week. A fascinating look at the marketing biz, how absolutely nothing was overlooked from the color and shape of the packaging and the lettering on said package. When Doritos issues a new flavor of chips, the decision has already been vetted six ways from Sunday, nothing about the launch has been left to chance. And most of it is pure psychology.
Are you okay? That's one of the lamest cases of deflection I've ever heard you make, not up to your usual standards at all. The DNC isn't the government? No, and neither is McDonalds or Jiffy Lube but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? It was government officials that were making demands of Twitter. And collusion between government and private business to serve the interest of government is in fact the very definition of fascism.
Haven't you learned there is a person who comments here who is uninformed and has little of value to add?
He, like many like him, present half-truths which are what his own kind call "misinformation" or "disinformation". When they do it, it's perfectly acceptable. When you do it, you're a danger to democracy. Here's the reality. What Twitter did is "legal" and "acceptable" within limits. However, what it promoted is not. It is, in fact, conspiracy to hide criminal activity, since Hunter's laptop actually has evidence of criminal activity taking place. The PROBLEM with that, such as it is, is that all that evidence engages plausible deniability on the part of the true leaders of this criminal syndicate. Joe doesn't care if Hunter goes down, he'll just pardon Hunter. The real problem is that the truth was prevented from being shared with the voting population. As such, it represents a form of criminal electoral fraud which, sadly, will be very hard to prove and certainly will be lucky to see any real light of day in Congress or the press. The gaslighted population is active and engaged. The mainstream journalists already have their knives out - eviscertaing Elon and Taibbi, and engaging not in providing evidence of no wrongdoing or wringing of hands over how they were duped - they are engaging in ad hominem attacks to deflect reality and the truth that they have to acknowledge they fell for a pack of lies, supported conspiracy theories (even as they opposed them) and promoted a fraud. But certain commenters on this thread think that's all OK if you're of the "proper" political mind. Jerryskids: The DNC isn't the government? No, and neither is McDonalds or Jiffy Lube but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Because the First Amendment constrains the government, but protects political parties. Jerryskids: It was government officials that were making demands of Twitter. According to Matt Taibbi, who received the information from Elon Musk, “there is no evidence - that I’ve seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story.” That doesn't mean there might be information that is not yet available, but your claim is currently unsupported. Furthermore, the government does have the power to provide information; however, the government does not have the power to coerce or prohibit speech (with limited exceptions). So, the government can provide the latest findings on COVID, and when media asks, they can provide that information, or even point out when misinformation is being reported. Jerryskids: And collusion between government and private business to serve the interest of government is in fact the very definition of fascism. No, that's not the definition of fascism. That would be authoritarian; but, while fascism is inherently authoritarian, not all authoritarians are fascist. Fascism entails not only a strictly hierarchical society with a dictatorial leader, but is ultra-ethnonationalist, often seeing conflict between nations as not only inevitable, but something which gives meaning to national and ethnic existence. This might clarify things....
What if it was Don, Jr.? Old news? Live and let live? Can't we all just get along? Don't think so. Bulldog: What Twitter did is "legal" and "acceptable" within limits.
By the way, President Trump also flagged content on Twitter—while he was in office. Meanwhile, Trump repeatedly called the media "enemies of the people." Could that be considered coercive? Was it appropriate? Bulldog: It is, in fact, conspiracy to hide criminal activity, since Hunter's laptop actually has evidence of criminal activity taking place. It wasn't hidden. The FBI had access to the laptop, but most of the media did not. But you called it "criminal." What statute was broken? If you mean because they "hid" the laptop, that's simply not true. First comes the (((Quibble-DickZ))) favorite deflection "TRUMP".
Not gonna work here kiddieZ.. Next deflection from the (((Quibble-DickZ))) is "we" get to define the meaning of the term "fascism".
re The journalist does a disservice by not dispelling the 'food plant fire' hysterical coverage by presenting some solid facts, such as historical trending
While he doesn't link to data, he agrees that there was probably no sabatoge. QUOTE: A few months back, stories of “suspicious” fires at food-production plants raged across the media. The narrative said the sites were being sabotaged to disrupt the food supply. And it was most likely wrong. The DNC runs the uniparty... the uniparty fills government from one end to the other. If you're not uniparty you are not welcome.
Fascism is corporatists doing what they are told by the uniparty. indyjonesouthere: The DNC runs the uniparty... the uniparty fills government from one end to the other.
Most government jobs in the U.S. are filled through a merit-based system. indyjonesouthere: Fascism is corporatists doing what they are told by the uniparty. Britannica: fascism, "extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: 'people’s community'), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation" Merriam-Webster: fascism, "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" The democrats have a laptop problem and have always had laptop problems. Those laptops have never been opened to public scrutiny and are always "managed" by the FBI. The Hillary laptop, the Weiner laptop, and now the Hunter laptop all disappear from view when elections are around and the media is NEVER the least bit curious and always ready to mumble "privacy", "national security" or best of all "conspiracy". Yea, nothing to see here.
Then we have the same FBI and media drooling over "seeded" security covers at Trump Florida and now drooling over Trump tax returns that Pelosi wants to share with the public while keeping her stock trading legacy private. Yea, where's the media? MAGA voters have figured out there is no difference between academia, media, or the uniparty elite. You are all wanting a seat at the oligarch table of BBB/NWO. https://alt-market.us/why-china-sucks-its-a-beta-test-for-the-new-world-order/ Yep, pick #2. Number 1 is all too Euro.
Regime that exalts nation and race over individual. (check) Centralized autocratic government by dictator. (check) Severe economic and social regimentation. (check)Forcible suppression of opposition. (check) Merit system. What a hoot. They change definitions at the drop of a hat. Spy on everyone as they wish. And can't define a women to save their hides and do all they can to drive GOD out of the public view. Then they mandate race and sex quotas and pretend there are 87 genders. They are big government propagandists. I think Joe doesn’t care if Hunter goes down, but he does care about Hunter singing on his way down. Hunter knows all the family secrets. Hunter can take a lot of DC with him.
To bad Coca-Cola didn't read those same periodicals.
Then Disney said "Here, hold my Fanta". My bad! It quite honestly never occurred to me that someone might not get the point. What I should have said was: The DNC has an enemies list and elected and appointed federal employees are using it to thwart the constitution and interfere with a democratic election in an attempt to seize power. The fact that the government coerces/forces a private capitalist entity to do their bidding is indeed the very definition of Fascism.
There! Fixed it. I was going to ask why you go to such great lengths to defend the corrupt actors in government, but then I read the above post. That you actually believe that meritocracy plays a roll in getting high level government positions, shows how naive you truly are. Or, on somebody’s pay roll. Oh, I read a government report, it must be true! You live in a fools paradise.
I'm old enough to remember when Nixon had an "enemies list" collected and compiled at the Committee to ReElect the President.
Can't seem to remember what happened to him though. indyjonesouthere: Those laptops have never been opened to public scrutiny and are always "managed" by the FBI.
That is incorrect. A copy was provided to Trump-advisor, Rudy Guiliani, and to the New York Post. They chose not to share it with other media sources, which only had access to adulterated copies. Here comes the standard reply,
"Our opinions are our own and freely supplied. You're welcome." Wait for it. indyjonesouthere: Regime that exalts nation and race over individual. (check) Centralized autocratic government by dictator. (check) Severe economic and social regimentation. (check)Forcible suppression of opposition. (check)
While "America First" was a common sentiment of American pro-fascists and the far right, that doesn't mean the U.S. is or was an ultra-ethnonationlist fascist state. Nor do any of the other criteria apply. B. Hammer: That you actually believe that meritocracy plays a roll in getting high level government positions High-level jobs are generally political appointees. You can get to the twitter files over at western rifle shooters. Just scroll down a wee bit.
You are incorrect. They did not get a complete copy of all items. And they are not returning any of the items except his passports. It was a photobomb for the pre-election media mafia. But we still have little from the FBI on all those laptops.
JustMe: My bad! It quite honestly never occurred to me that someone might not get the point.
It's hard to keep up with conspiracy theories as they are typically unconstrained by facts. JustMe: The DNC has an enemies list and elected and appointed federal employees are using it to thwart the constitution and interfere with a democratic election in an attempt to seize power. The federal bureaucracy follows procedures developed over time that you don't like, consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act, which also grants judicial oversight. Perhaps you could be specific. What enemies list? What acts to interfere with elections? JustMe: The fact that the government coerces/forces a private capitalist entity to do their bidding is indeed the very definition of Fascism. Again, that is not the "very definition of Fascism." See # above. We'd be happy to provide primary sources, if you prefer. indyjonesouthere: They did not get a complete copy of all items.
The repair shop made a copy of the hard drive and provided it to Trump advisor, Rudy Giuliani who then provided it to the New York Post. A grand jury subpoena was issued for the laptop, so the FBI had the entire contents of the laptop, but the chain of custody was questionable. indyjonesouthere: But we still have little from the FBI on all those laptops. There is an ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden, so the FBI would not normally provide any information. (((Quibble-DickZ))): There is an ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden, so the FBI would not normally provide any information.
Yeah "normally"... like they've never leaked anything before. Bwaha! More diversions, hey kiddieZ? Y'all are such joke. BLM and Antifa are ethnonational fascist supported by numerous mayors, governors, senators and representatives. They are America last and progressive first fascists. The Biden admin is riddled with them... if you can keep them from wearing and stealing women's garments. Even the FBI likes sniffing around women's garments when Biden isn't sniffing around little girls... or showering with them.
Since I don't respond to trolls, it should be noted that the troll in question first agreed with me when I pointed out what happened was legal and acceptable within limits by pulling the classic BS "BUT BUT TRUMP" line - which has literally nothing at all to do with the point in question regarding what the criminal activity may be. But for people like the troll, it's important to deflect and avoid and distract.
The next part, in another classic deception, the troll claims the media didn't have access to the laptop. This, in fact, wasn't true. Most of the contents were in the hands of the media, and in fact several sources had reported on it! That wasn't the issue of what was being hidden - but of course the troll doesn't understand the nature of criminal activity and seems to think that was the "crime". The crime, such as it is a crime (and there is a larger case to be made here because it runs along the same lines of the old Russiagate BS - now all discredited though the troll will find ways to say it wasn't and these will all be half-truths. The reality is the DNC ran a massive disinformation campaign smearing and slandering outlets, and roped in several high profile individuals to promote their cause that this was "Russian Disinformation" in order to deflect interest and belief. All the while, the DNC knew it was real - which constitutes a form of electoral fraud, and in fact, is a form of manipulation of interest that is in NO WAY DIFFERENT THAN the falsehoods pursued in Russiagate. Except that it was the if Russiagate had be run by Americans - maybe people would have cared less? No, in fact they wouldn't have because THERE WERE AMERICANS INVOLVED in it, by Russiagate proponents own admission, the claim being that somehow Russiagate was extra-extra bad because Russia was involved and it somehow constituted treason. If, indeed, Russiagate was treasonous, there is not a whit of reason why the Twittergate is not. You don't need a foreign actor to engage in treason. Indeed, the very idea that "democracy is at risk" is based on the concept that we're being gaslit and lied to - not that Russia is manipulating us. Which, just so we are all 100% clear, RUSSIA HAS BEEN TRYING TO DO FOR YEARS AND WE HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT AND THEY MAY HAVE ACTUALLY SUCEEDED IN 1960 with JFK! Gee. What a freaking surprise. Let's also not discuss that the US manipulated elections many, many times in many, many nations - but hey, we're the good guys so the troll can conveniently slough that off. Stop engaging the troll. The troll is not informed, and does not require any mention. I think I can say with 100% certainty that there is more than one definition of fascism but if you'd like to know the reality of fascism then Jerryskids got it right and the troll, as usual, engaged half-truths.
The Austrian School of Economics does not distinguish fascism from socialism, and with good reason. The difference is minor. Socialism is government ownership of the means of productivity - owning business. Nationalization, etc. If government owns it, that's socialism in its most pure form. The Austrian School points out that socialism can exist in many forms and one which does exist is where private ownership is allowed, but businesses must do as the government says. Who cares who owns it, in the end? Well, as luck would have it, this is fascism. You own a business, but through law or cronyism, you do as government says. That is the fascist economic model. The troll, as poorly informed as the troll is, chooses to ignore this fact. It should be noted that the Austrian School points out that in some ways central banks are a form of socialism. As the creation of money impacts prices and, indirectly impacts demand (though this impact washes out over time), having a central bank basically creates socialist imperatives - malinvestment, moral hazard, and government intervention and overregulation to 'fix' what the government broke in the first place. But hey - trolls live under bridges and don't have social graces. indyjonesouthere: Where is the Weiner laptop?
Presumably, in the evidence room. You do realize you don't have a right to view the laptop? Minors were involved, and what was required for the courts was kept under seal. B. Hammer: I think Joe doesn’t care if Hunter goes down, but he does care about Hunter singing on his way down.
Of course, Joe Biden cares about his son. If Hunter broke the law, though, he should pay the price of his criminal behavior. Bulldog: first agreed with me when I pointed out what happened was legal and acceptable within limits by pulling the classic As the question concerned the DNC, the actions of Trump, who was actually president at the time, is certainly relevant. Bulldog: Most of the contents were in the hands of the media The only copies the media had until recently were obvious adulterations, including folders which were added after the fact. Some emails were validated by the headers, but a lot of other information could not be verified. Bulldog: You don't need a foreign actor to engage in treason. No, but trying to influence a U.S. election is not a crime for U.S. citizens. Bulldog: I think I can say with 100% certainty that there is more than one definition of fascism
Sure. The term can be used to mean whatever you don't like. They put up a stop sign. "Fascist!" Fascism is not an economic program. Hitler wasn't trying to bring a new economic model to the world. He was trying to create an ethno-German superstate. Minors are also involved in the Hunter laptop... is that the excuse to be used to keep us away from the laptops and focused on Trumps taxes. And you actually think that anyone, any longer, trusts the FBI and the courts to decide what should be made public? You don't seem to remember the investigators and the FBI lying to get more spying authority from the intelligence courts. Was anyone in that entire fiasco held accountable for lying 3 separate times?
Let's investigate Pelosi's stock trading... maybe no minor activity involved there? indyjonesouthere: Minors are also involved in the Hunter laptop...
Then that information should be redacted before being made public. The government isn't going to make it available unless and until it is brought to court. But Trump has a copy. Ask him. indyjonesouthere: And you actually think that anyone, any longer, trusts the FBI and the courts to decide what should be made public? Most Americans do. It's not because individuals are particularly trustworthy, but because the courts are largely independent of prosecutors, so they check each other's excesses. Hitler was trying to get Germany out of a depression just as FDR was trying to get the US out of a depression. You don't seem to have much of a grip on a good share of history.
indyjonesouthere: BLM and Antifa are ethnonational fascist supported by numerous mayors
Most of antifa are anarchists, so they can't be fascists, by definition. BLM certainly isn't calling for an ethno-national state. Turns out, though, Black lives matter. No, most Americans don't trust the FBI, DOJ or State dept. or CIA.
You can censor a minor photo, if necessary, by simply blurring out the face. indyjonesouthere: Hitler was trying to get Germany out of a depression just as FDR was trying to get the US out of a depression.
Sure. Hitler invaded France and murdered millions of Jews in order to lift Germany out of the Depression. He wasn't actually trying to depopulate Eastern Europe to make way for Lebensraum, but it was just a part of his economic plan for Europe. indyjonesouthere: You can censor a minor photo, if necessary, by simply blurring out the face.
In other words, information has to be redacted. The government won't release the information during an active investigation, but it turns out that Trump has what you are looking for. Ask him. You forget the depression began in 1932 in the US and a bit earlier in Europe. The desperation of WWI reparations and economic collapse put Hitler in power long before the murdering just as it put FDR in power long before he began deploying socialism and a packed court that remained under dem control until Harry Reid screwed up.
Wars and war lords always come at the end of depressions. Now, where is the Weiner laptop? With the blurred photos. I want to see all of the laptop. And Hillary's laptop. And Huma's laptop. If there is no chargeable intelligence data on the laptops, then I want to see them. All of them to make my own judgement.
indyjonesouthere: You forget the depression began in 1932 in the US
The Great Depression started in 1929 in the United States. indyjonesouthere: The desperation of WWI reparations and economic collapse put Hitler in power long before the murdering That's one reason he was able to grab power, but you ignored the point. Hitler was trying to create an ethnic German superstate, not institute some sort of economic plan for Europe. Antifa in Europe was the Communist party operating with the Antifa label. It made for an easier sell to the population as Communism has a crappy reputation since the Russian civil war.
You need redact nothing... simply blur the photo's face.
indyjonesouthere: Now, where is the Weiner laptop?
Presumably, in the evidence room. You don't have the right to snoop into anything you want. Not sure why you would think it would work that way. indyjonesouthere: And Huma's laptop. There was intelligence information on Huma's laptop. That doesn't mean you get to look at it. Again, not sure why you would think it would work that way. indyjonesouthere: Antifa in Europe was the Communist party operating with the Antifa label.
Antifaschistische Aktion was started by members of the Communist Party. They were one of the few groups that opposed the rise of German fascism. Modern antifa is a disparate group, most of whom are anarchists. The bottom of the depression was 1932 in the US. Wars and war lords show up at the end of depressions or near the end of depressions.
Economics ALWAYS plays the biggest part in the completion of depressions. A population stripped of any wealth that helps it to survive will vote for a warlord to survive. indyonesouthere: You need redact nothing... simply blur the photo's face.
That's called redaction. Also, you would want to redact names and other identifying information. There are probably other individuals who may be on the laptop who had nothing to do with any crime. Regardless, you don't have the right to look at anything you want. There is a system, defined in the U.S. Constitution and law, for protecting individual rights, while providing a warrant system for investigative purposes. When the (((Quibble-DickZ))) continually repeat their logical fallacies they've lost the debate and they know it.
All that's left is to irritate. indyjonesouthere: The bottom of the depression was 1932 in the US.
That's right. The economy started to grow rapidly once FDR became president in 1933. indyjonesouthere: A population stripped of any wealth that helps it to survive will vote for a warlord to survive. Ignoring the point doesn't make it go away. Hitler didn't invade France and murder millions of Jews in order to lift Germany out of the Depression. It wasn't an economic plan for Europe that he sought, but the creation of an ethnic German superstate. To find treason requires the public have access to those laptops. Trusting the institutions to expose the treasonous when they are involved with the treasonous is ridiculous... that is why Trump is dangerous to the uniparty and its institutions. That's why Bill Barr and Durham became the bondo and paint job to cover the Obama, FBI, State dept, and DOJ treason to cover all the illegal spying.
Again, you are pretending. The bottom of the depression was 1932. It was foolish FDR socialism spending that drug the recovery out until about 1940. FDR nearly canceled the Hoover dam out of spite. His typical spending was spending money building sidewalks and rock walls. A couple of which showed up in a former town I lived in. The sidewalk connected the town to the airport that was out of town at the time and was accompanied by decorative rock walls and arches going into the airport. They were "make work" projects and contributed nothing but paychecks to workers. Not much different than the payouts to the public for the lockdown disaster. You notice the government learns nothing from previous screwups.
By far the better move is to leave the money and money decisions in the hands of the taxpayer. The government does NOT know better how to spend money or regulate business. They use the same logo's and the same tactics as was used in Europe. Whether antifa Spain, antifa Italy, or antifa Germany, they all had communist origins and hid that origin. The US origin is nothing more than the same BS. Add a few anarchists if it makes you feel better or perhaps a few BLMers.
indyjonesouthere: The bottom of the depression was 1932.
That's right. FDR became president in 1933. indyjonesouthere: It was foolish FDR socialism spending that drug the recovery out until about 1940. Real GDP grew about 7% per year from 1933-1940. However, the hole dug by the previous administration was very deep. Civilian Conservation Corps What does a Noble prize winning and world famous virologist think about the Covid-19 vaccine? https://www.brighteon.com/52ba56a1-ee4c-4e16-9587-7095fc052f9c
Not with the current FBI, DOJ, CIA or State dept. Those are filled with the McConnell/McCarthy and Shumer/Pelosi uniparty choices.
The 4th amendment was terminated by the intelligence court/FBI liars.
The hole dug was by the Federal Reserve and its inability to control the money supply. Check around a bit and you will even see that they admitted to that ugly truth.
indyjonesouthere: The 4th amendment was terminated by the intelligence court/FBI liars.
That's why we often note that many on today's American right are not actually conservative, but reactionary. No, the Fourth Amendment has not been terminated. Every day, courts work within the Fourth Amendment to issue or block warrants. President Joe Biden must spend an average of $3.7 billion every day for the rest of this year. That’s $43,000 every second of every day...
Figures from over a year ago.( May 2021) Higher now. And no need to wonder why inflation is 7.7% year over year. https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-covid-19-stimulus-check-costs-20210312-fhhf2smtwjcubfijixaxa56kry-story.html "Fascism is not an economic program. Hitler wasn't trying to bring a new economic model to the world."
This is a fantastically ignorant statement. You really embarrassed yourself in this thread of comments. If Joe Biden and the DNC don't represent the power of the Federal government--even during the brief period of time in the last half century during which Biden did not hold office--no one and nothing does. Not to mention the pressure put on entities like Facebook by FBI and the 51 former intel knobs who sought to suppress and discredit the story by lying about it. The First Amendment is certainly in play here, as even Dem. Rep. Ro Khanna realized. The only people who think it isn't are people like you who are blinded by ideology, fear, and hatred, the very sort of people susceptible to the allure of Fascists. The fact that so many people like you are sanguine about all this is scary as hell. You as a singular individual with too much time on your hands and access to Google isn't scary--millions of people who are being manipulated like you are is. All we can hope is that your sort keep making silly statements like denying that Fascism is an economic model and exposing the true hunger for power and the willingness to say or do anything to achieve it. The more you do this the more people will take note and realize the danger to the republic represented by ideologues like you. SK: If Joe Biden and the DNC don't represent the power of the Federal government--even during the brief period of time in the last half century during which Biden did not hold office--no one and nothing does.
Turns out that Americans, including political parties, can try to influence elections, including by trying to influence the media. That's not only not a violation of the First Amendment, but protected by the First Amendment. How did you think it worked? SK: All we can hope is that your sort keep making silly statements like denying that Fascism is an economic model It's not. Fascism is an ultranationalist movement that advocates for a strictly hierarchical society that sees conflict between ethnonations as not only inevitable, but desired. Hitler did not invade Poland and murder millions of Jews to implement a new economic model, but to create an ethnic German superstate. Meanwhile, a sitting president called the media "enemies of the state," and the same, now ex-president, called for "terminating" the U.S. Constitution.
"The Ministry of Truth was far more sinister than we were told"
---------- No kidding. What a surprise. Anybody who still believes a word that comes out of a government official or spokesperson is too brain-damaged to be allowed to wander loose in public. Gullible/naive much? The fact that this bothers you and that actual suppression of information at the behest of powerful politicians doesn't bother you tells us all we need to know.
Keep it up. You're doing far more to damage your position than anything anyone else could say would do. SK: The fact that this bothers you and that actual suppression of information at the behest of powerful politicians doesn't bother you tells us all we need to know.
A media source doesn't have to publish whatever SK thinks it should. Not only is it not a violation of the First Amendment, it's protected by the First Amendment. Nor was the information suppressed, but was available from many other sources. According to Taibbi, who has access to the Twitter emails, the government was not involved, and both the Biden and Trump camps were able to flag content. Beautiful. Keep going. Keep defending politicians suppressing information they don't like. It's a lovely thing to watch you reveal who you are.
And if you're going to paraphrase Taibbi, paraphrase all of it. Oh, and the "fascism is not an economic model" thing is comical. Say that again. Sorry, but your last comment didn't have any content. Let us know when you are able to make a substantive point.
They spied on Trump and covered it all up. Three times they went to the FISA court and provided false testimony to continue the spying. And three times the court approved the spying. It is proven they lied and yet NO penalty to the prosecutors or judges. The fourth amendment means nothing to them.
indyjonesouthere: Three times they went to the FISA court and provided false testimony to continue the spying.
The Inspector General found that the investigation was properly predicated and not politically biased, but that two of the four FISA warrants were not valid, though two were. The courts have required the investigative agencies to respond on how they will correct the problems uncovered by the Inspector General in the future. That doesn't mean the Fourth Amendment was terminated. Indeed, it shows the Inspector General and, more importantly, the court takes seriously any misstatements in warrant applications. The FISA intelligence courts do not work in that manner. They are more than willing to accept lies from the administrative state and pretend to be surprised when the lies are uncovered. Then the administrative state still does nothing to those lying and the courts continue on their merry way...wash, rinse, repeat. It was all designed that way with the Patriot Act and was then weaponized to eliminate political opponents.
You may also wish to check out Harry Dexter White. He shows up as FDR's treasury secretary and also on the Verona papers.
indyjonesouthere: They are more than willing to accept lies from the administrative state and pretend to be surprised when the lies are uncovered.
The FISC is authorized by Congress. The members of the court are selected by Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, a Republican. The FISC is independent of the investigatory agencies. More particularly, when the Inspector General issued the report, the FISC required the FBI to account for the errors discovered by the Inspector General and to make changes to prevent their recurrence in the future. John Roberts, who twisted himself and the Constitution into a pretzel to get Obamacare passed? That John Roberts, a Republican? LOL
RJP: John Roberts, who twisted himself and the Constitution into a pretzel to get Obamacare passed? That John Roberts, a Republican? LOL
Roberts was nominated by Republican President George Bush. |