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Saturday, June 29. 2024Saturday morning links
The Big Bang was not the beginning. The universe is cyclical The universe is a simulation, isn't it? “It is right and just that Foucault should be posthumously crowned the citation king.” Swimming with gators Amazon Health Announces $49 Telehealth Service That's interesting, but how? Bill Maher Goes Scorched Earth on Progressives at Academic Conference Two Federal Courts Halt Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness End-Run Around SCOTUS Ruling Just vote-buying, isn't it? SCOTUS Rules In Favor Of 7th Amendment, Fans Of Administrative State Unhappy That's a big deal: SCOTUS Delivers a Kill Shot to Big Government The Chevron case: Lawyers are the victims SUPREME COURT INVALIDATES THE TORTURED INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW USED TO CHARGE 350 OF THE JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS Joe Biden is not the problem "... it is the moral infirmity of the Democratic establishment that is truly chilling." Alexander Vindman Wants to Know Why Trump As President Did Nothing to End the Russia/Ukraine War Queers for Palestine? The End of ‘Macronism’ in France sends Globalist Media Into a Panic Trackbacks
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The universe is a simulation, isn't it?
If it's "turtles, all the way down," is it "simulations, all the way up?" "The Big Bang was not the beginning"
There is no explanation that makes any sense. And the more you dig into it the more you realize that most of what we believe is preposterous. How big is the universe? Doesn't matter what you answer because the next question is what is outside of that defined space? How long has the universe been "cyclical"? Again then the question is what happened before that? There is no rational answer and no rational explanation. Everything is guesses based on an almost complete lack of information and understanding. At best the entirety, that is our universe and the billions of other universes, goes on forever and that is both impossible and yet the only possibility. We literally know nothing and yet make guesses and assertions to explain the unexplainable. It's not just that we don't know, Kurt Goedel proved that we can't. Yet, after all this time, this doesn't seem to have sunk in with a scientific establishment that has increasingly become more enamoured with theory over fact.
OneGuy: And the more you dig into it the more you realize that most of what we believe is preposterous.
The article is just conjecture. OneGuy: How big is the universe? In standard cosmology, space itself is a result of the Big Bang expansion, not an explosion within space. DeGaulle: It's not just that we don't know, Kurt Goedel proved that we can't. Can't what? Know stuff about the universe? While humans can't know everything with certainty, they can certainly know some things with reasonable certainty. How does Gödel figure into this? Zach-GPT: putting the artificial in artificial intelligence
Or putting the gish into the gish gallop.
2024-06-29 13:23
Surprised you don't know this as you seem to claim to know everything.
Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem states that in all mathematical sets of complexity greater than addition and substraction, there are statements that cannot be explained by the axioms contained therein, with the one proviso that all such systems are rational. Assuming rationality (or we may pack our bags), the physical universe is the largest mathematical set of which we have knowledge, but Incompleteness implies it cannot be completely known from within itself. DeGaulle: Surprised you don't know this as you seem to claim to know everything.
We certainly don’t know everything. Indeed, we don’t claim to know anything other than what we can show herein, and even that we are open to learning or correction. DeGaulle: Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem states that in all mathematical sets of complexity greater than addition and substraction Tarski showed that real closed fields are complete. Tarski’s axioms of geometry (based on real numbers) are also complete. Oddly enough, while the set of real numbers is larger and encompasses the set of natural numbers, the arithmetic of natural numbers is more complex. Regardless, real numbers and geometry would seem to be a better fit to the natural universe than integer arithmetic. The larger problem is your assumption that “the physical universe is the largest mathematical set of which we have knowledge”, which is a pretty big assumption. Even if we accept that assumption, incompleteness only applies to certain infinite sets, not what appears to be a finite universe. Regardless, that seems far removed from knowing about the Big Bang, which, while the knowledge of which is fraught with more prosaic problems, isn’t inherently or logically unknowable. Tarski is saying essentially the same thing as Goedel. The former that truth is undefinable, the latter that it is incomplete. Both definitions amount to the same thing in practice.
Incompleteness applies to all sets of greater complexity than those containing additional or subtractive components. The Big Bang, which is currently on the life support provided by purely theoretical book-cooking concepts of 'Dark' matter and energy is proving tantalisingly unknowable for everyone except your good self. Perhaps you are God.
2024-06-30 06:31
DeGaulle: Incompleteness applies to all sets of greater complexity than those containing additional or subtractive components.
You ignored the points raised, so we will restate them:
2024-06-30 07:34
You're not God, because you're a liar.
I specifically and systematically addressed all your points. Your attempt to 'restate' them indicate you are simply out of your depth and do not understand what we are talking about. Now, go away until you learn to know what truth is.
2024-06-30 11:11
DeGaulle: I specifically and systematically addressed all your points.
Don't see where. Let's start with just one. Your claim is that Gödel uncertainty constrains our knowledge of the universe. But if the universe is finite, as it appears to be, then Gödel uncertainty doesn't apply. In a finite set, the validity of every possible theorem can be known.
2024-06-30 11:24
Every time the Zach-bot tries to explain logic or math, it displays its ignorance so vividly.
2024-06-30 12:54
No. That is what used to be thought ante-Godel. This fueled determinism and logical positivism. The Incompleteness Theorem proved that this knowledge isn't available within any given set of sufficient complexity.
Back to school for you, dear boy.
2024-06-30 15:42
DeGaulle: The Incompleteness Theorem proved that this knowledge isn't available within any given set of sufficient complexity.
You didn't address even the one point (much less the others). This is easy to determine because 1) You didn't address finite vs. infinite; 2) You didn't address specifics of Gödel incompleteness theorems. A finite set of natural numbers is not of "sufficient complexity". Every possible theorem of a finite set can be shown to be true or false by exhaustion. For instance, Goldbach's conjecture is unsolved for natural numbers, but is solved for the finite set of natural numbers < 10^18.
2024-06-30 16:02
Sir, you are wrong and error has no rights. That is why I do not engage in those errors of yours.
Goodbye. This conversation is over, on my part.
2024-07-01 03:29
One final comment, at the risk of this conversation becoming an infinite set; as my answer to your last post, I offer Stephen Hawking's lecture "Godel and the end of physics". You can search for it yourself.
I make this last comment for the benefit of any readers of this conversation, so that they can read the essay for themselves and form their own judgement on which of us is right and wrong.
2024-07-01 04:54
DeGaulle: I offer Stephen Hawking's lecture "Godel and the end of physics".
Hawking: "This is very reminiscent of Godel's theorem." In other words, Hawking is making an argument by analogy, not a logically binding argument. Hawking: "This says that any finite system of axioms is not sufficient to prove every result in mathematics. That's a simplified restatement of Gödel incompleteness, emphasizing that Hawking is making an argument by analogy. As discussed above, many mathematical systems are complete, including real closed fields. Nor does Gödel incompleteness cover finite sets. Nor does any of this mean that the universe is a "mathematical set" of natural numbers. (Wave functions are represented with complex numbers.} Nor is there any reason to suppose that gravity can't, in principle, be united with the other forces of nature in a physical theory.
2024-07-01 10:32
The best piece I ever came across on cosmology was put together on a DVD by Robert Sungenis. I purchased it shortly after it came out but it is no longer available for purchase although you may be able to rent it. The name of the DVD is 'Journey to the center of the Universe."
Science, since the Enlightenment, has degenerated into the dysfunctional that it is today. From AGW to Covid, the current condition of science is that it has become an insane political party. How many beers did that guy have, getting in the water with gators?
I am guessing about seven. He got out quickly, though.
If you watch the bottom video, that dude with the trash container did it all right. Caught the gator without anyone getting hurt. Moved the gator to the proper environment. And came back to get his container to put it back in place. Bravo, good sir! I would say Alexander Vindman is the King of Stupid, but these days he's got plenty of fierce competition.
Trump questioned if NATO actually had a purpose anymore. The current use of NATO is to keep the euros on the obedience leash. Do what we say.
That isn't working out too well for Europe. Now they are moving away from their disastrous policies but is it too late. That statement is definitely stupid, as it was rather hard for Trump to stop a war that began a year after he took office. From his Wiki page it is apparent that Wiki:Alexander Vindman is far from stupid.
QUOTE: Alexander Semyon Vindman[1][2] (Ukrainian: Олекса́ндр Семенович Ві́ндман; born June 6, 1975)[3] is a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel who was the Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council (NSC) until he was reassigned on February 7, 2020. Vindman is currently director for the think tank the Institute for Informed American Leadership (IIAL).[4] His desire to take down Trump overrides logic.He's a Democrat. There's no sense of time there - anything they're offended about just happened, is always happening, and will be going on forever. (Had a girlfriend who was horribly incensed about how the US Government treated American Indians. She didn't understand why I wasn't as upset about something that happened over 150 years ago...)
So to Vindeman, the war started well before Trump left office. Gringo: That statement is definitely stupid, as it was rather hard for Trump to stop a war that began a year after he took office.
The Russo-Ukrainian War started in 2014. The NWO started this BS with sending NATO to the Russian borders incrementally after an agreement, reached during German reunification, in which US politicians agreed NOT to expand NATO to Russia.
I find it amazing that the neocon warmongers always want to ignore that agreement. How many Ukraines will be left before they end their madness? All they accomplished was driving Russia into the Chinese circle and setting up Brics countries. What a moronic move. There was no agreement, formal or otherwise for NATO not to expand or for the US not to enter into mutual defense treaties with the Ukraine. At most, there were vague public statements by officials which no one would have taken as a formal declaration of official policy or as being binding in any way. Stop repeating Russian propaganda.
Russia did sign an agreement to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and their pre 2014 borders. Which they have obviously violated.
2024-06-30 08:58
There was an agreement with the Russians and it was attested to by members of the Reagan administration. I believe it was James Baker.
Found the following piece at nato watch along with other articles affirming the promises by several nato members. https://natowatch.org/newsbriefs/2018/how-gorbachev-was-misled-over-assurances-against-nato-expansion
2024-06-30 13:30
I'm familiar with the claim you mention. Baker denies there was any such agreement. No Russian leader would have taken a vague statement about the USA not currently having any intention of expanding our military footprint east of the reunited Germany as any type of promise. And that's the most they got.
In contrast to the treaty Russia signed promising to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity. I'll add that the rapidity with which much of the left and right flipped on this is amazing. Twenty-five years ago, anyone on the right would have been clear that the Russians were the bad guys and that the USA was the good guys. The left would have praised the Russians and condemned the USA. Now you're here praising Russia and condemning the USA. While Zac has quite come around to praising the USA, but he's at least clear that Russia is the bad guy. Take a long look in the mirror. You're being brain washed. I'll tell you the same thing I tell lefties you're now parroting: anyone who fails to recognize that the USA is the best hyper power that has ever existed in the history of the world. Anyone , including you, who fails to recognize that is a fool.
2024-06-30 21:02
Simply read the archive piece that I posted. It provides all the details and the details from each country that agreed to no expansion of NATO. An interesting piece from Larry Johnson also mentions that one of two deniers to the agreement is none other than one of the 51 IC officers that swore the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. You need better information.
2024-06-30 22:20
Feel free to ignore the following as it is a bit off-topic.
James4HJ: While Zac has quite come around to praising the USA, but he's at least clear that Russia is the bad guy. Let's break this into four sections: Section 1: Why do people love their home countries? Consider the Irish. When the Irish migrated to America in large numbers, they were leaving what Trump would call a "sh!thole" country. The history of Ireland was full of violent conflict between clans, then centuries of occupation. The people of Ireland were dying from starvation by the hundreds of thousands. The immigrants to America were largely poor and uneducated. They lived in crime-infested ghettos. They held to an ancient religion, following a foreign prince wearing a funny looking hat. And they lacked that oh so sweet Anglo-Saxon blood. Yet, the Irish still clung to a dream of Ireland as a heaven on Earth, a place where their ancestors lived and died, and they carried their traditions with them to America. (Today, of course, everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day and toast a wee bit of blarney.) Section 2: America has had a troubled history, from ethnically cleansing the Indians, to chattel slavery, civil war, and a strict system of racial segregation and oppression. Ignoring this is to ignore the very heart of the American story. Section 3: Despite its shortcomings, or rather because of its continuing struggle to overcome its shortcomings, America has been a beacon to the world. Not only was the United States instrumental in defeating fascism in WWII, but they created a world where every nation would have a say, where America was not the dictator, but the first among equals. Whenever America lived up to those ideals, totalitarians were held at bay. Whenever America failed to live up to its ideals, totalitarians advanced. Section 4: The world has changed. America will necessarily diminish in influence, the very result of trying to create a more just society for all the world's people. The transition will be fraught with danger and difficulty. The transition will require a deft touch and cooperation between people of good-will. However, no other nation has the incredible resources of America; a highly educated population with a knack for discovery and innovation, a history of entrepreneurship, vast natural resources, and the center of global alliances. America can compete in the modern world, but you don't get to be number one by chanting "We're number one!" and pounding your chest, but by doing the hard work of constant reinvention.
2024-07-01 11:35
Additional information from national security archive...
2024-06-30 14:03
Clinton was president when the warmonger class decided to start expanding NATO.
2024-06-30 20:11
Christopher B: Trump wasn't President then {2014}
No, but the Russo-Ukrainian War was ongoing throughout Trump’s term. If he had a solution for ending the war, he had ample opportunity to do so. As Vindman posted, “What did Trump do during his four years to end the Russia-Ukraine war? Nothing.”
2024-06-30 20:28
QUOTE: “What did Trump do during his four years to end the Russia-Ukraine war? And here's your card. For the Quibble-DickZ there is no expiration date. Kinda like the race card. Don't comment without it.
2024-06-30 21:36
While it is true that Joe Biden is not the problem, socialist Marxism is the root, you can’t lay the blame in totality at the Democratic Party. They have had plenty of help from the Grand Old Pretenders. The list of backstabbing, near do wells in the GOP is endless. And save some scorn for the lying media clown show. Though they are mostly staffed by ex-democrat politicians and staff.
I read somewhere, a long time ago, but someone really famous said that the Universe was God's PH.D experiment. He set the control up (the laws of physics) and now He is tinkering with the variables to test the reaction.
That is how I view evolution. God is making adjustments to his creations.
Re: Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness
“Just vote-buying, isn't it?” Aren’t all government subsidies (especially welfare) just vote-buying? And therein lies my problem with almost everything government does. Our public schools fail our children and cost more and more every year. At the least every child should learn the basics before graduation and every child with greater abilities should be given the chance to do the best that they can. That is the very least. Not higher salaries and more teachers and more time off. The students should come first, period. And school lunches is another example of the terrible failure of government. Public schools are moving towards free lunch for every student and breakfast for most. Why? Not for the students but for the union members cooking the meals. Have you ever seen the school meals in America? Absolute crap. But understand that for every student who "needs" a free lunch their parent was paid to provide that meal for the child and we the taxpayers get to pay for it twice.
Replace welfare with workfare. Make them work and "allow" them to fail. The best way to destroy a life is to give them everything for free but require them to continue to fail in life to qualify for the free stuff. Do the same thing for unemployment give them the chance to chose workfare until they can find a real job. And to make sure this all works end all work for anyone not a citizen of this country, send them home. Put America and Americas first. End student loans. It never made any sense and was always intended to be abused. Have you noticed that the politics in France have gone full communism. The far left aren't even hiding it any more. The far left Melenchon said "The native French pose a serious problem for society". Compare that with what the never-Trumpers say about Republicans. Melenchon is procommunist; the never Trumpers are also pro-Communists. Replacement theory is just further advanced in France/Europe. Watch the French election it will be full of violence and nefarious actions. Our election will be the same. The far left in France are communists. The far left in America are also communists.
Obama calls Biden's catastrophic debate performance 'bad,' urges voters to back prez as he faces calls to step down
https://nypost.com/2024/06/28/us-news/obama-calls-bidens-catastrophic-debate-performance-bad-urges-voters-to-back-prez-as-calls-to-step-down-mount/ It appears to me that 0bama has decreed they will ride this horse to the finish line. I imagine the furor over Biden's mental acuity will die down and the media will go back to covering for him. OTOH if support for The Big Guy tanks in the polls, they may be forced to do something. Space cannot go on forever and it cannot end. Neither theory can be proved or disproved. Our universe "may" end, we don't know but the space it is in certainly does not and likely there is another and another universe ad infinitum.
The original Chevron decision was always about the usual 'incrementalism' that big government socialists love to use to expand its unelected powers to avoid actual legislation that might be difficult to pass. Allowing the unelected to legislate, the dream of the Wilson administration to create an 'expert' class that can't shoot straight similar to the 16 Nobel prize winning Stiglitz economists.
"Joe Biden is not the problem."
The REAL problem is who OWNS Joe Biden. But nobody is permitted to identify (((THEM))). If you want to identify the true evil in this world, figure out who you are not allowed to criticize!
FLY THOSE FLAGS! Just seeing an American Flag influences people to vote Republican!!
https://commoncts.blogspot.com/2024/06/fly-those-flags-just-seeing-american.html An interesting thing has recently been exposed. Someone used the audio portion of the debate and discovered someone talking to Biden. That is a very low level sound of someone speaking to Biden could be hear when Biden's mike was on. This indicates a likely ear piece or other device hidden on Biden so that someone could coach him in real time what to say.
You might remember that VP Al Gore was caught wearing an ear piece during his debated Bush. |