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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, November 25. 2023Saturday morning links
12 Phrases Shakespeare Coined That We Still Use Today Chess wrongly perceived as a ‘brilliance’ game, leaving girls out Over Half of Americans Own a Gun or Know Someone Who Owns a Gun A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge Rush of the Net Zero lemmings Prepare for a New, Less Affluent America Thank NY’s criminal justice ‘reforms’ for this double murder Lafayette College students are being taught that modern museums are instruments of “power,” entrenched in “violence” and colonialism, according to a new anthropology course offered this fall. Pride Santa and the Pride Christmas Nutcracker Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital Kamala Harris Should Have Checked the Background of Her Thanksgiving Photo The ‘Complexity’ of Idiocy - The Left is less a political movement than a neurotic clown collective arrogantly spouting toxic imbecility Sheesh Liberals Once Embraced Interracial Marriages Like Mine. What Changed?My wife is black. I’m white. When we got married in 2007, progressives cheered. Today, they wonder if I’m up to parenting my own kids. Vivek Ramaswamy reveals his campaign has become a social-media stunt Stuart's Saturday Miscellany Ireland's prime minister condemns anti-immigrant protesters in Dublin Violent clashes erupt in Dublin after stabbing of 5 people, as police blame ‘far-right ideology’ On Eve Of Hostage Release, Hamas Calls For Supporters To Rise Up Trackbacks
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Derek Chauvin shouldn't even be in jail. A tragic case of prosecutor misconduct. A travesty of justice. Recently evidence that was hidden from the defense has shown that Chauvin didn't kill Floyd and that the prosecutors knew it all the time. The prosecutor and anyone in his office that knew the truth should be prosecuted for this miscarriage of justice. And the appeals courts should be ashamed of themselves for not reversing this case.
You're right - he shouldn't be.
But - the city had to have a scapegoat or there would be riots. Someone had to take the fall, and he was the proximate cause, the most visible face of the 'oppression' that the Black community was suffering under. They had him on video, even if the position and hold he was using was approved and safe. No scapegoat, and cities would burn across the nation. But surprise! The Permanent Floating Riot Community was primed and ready to bring on the fun, worshipping the memory of St. George of Fentanyl! They were just waiting for a reason, and this was perfect. Even if all the data cleared Chauvin - it didn't matter. The rioters had their cause. And in a miscarriage of justice, look what happened. Prayers for Chauvin - he apparently has been shanked in prison. Funny this should happen after a lot of people are going on record saying he wasn't the cause of St. George's death. The usual suspects are celebrating, of course. Those scapegoats must be punished. https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2023/11/25/derek-chauvin-needed-lifesaving-measures-to-keep-him-alive-after-prison-stabbing-liberals-celebrate-n2166787 Ireland's Prime Minister "Leo Varadkar" is part of the problem. Ireland and the UK is enduring a soft coup of recent immigrants. These immigrants are technically citizens of their chosen country but sociologically and politically they retain allegiance to the country they are their family was from and their goal is to change their host country to fit their ideology. The UK's form of government makes this easier as often these coup leaders are not voted into office. This will only get worse until and unless Ireland decides to throw them out of office and vote in people with names like Sean Murphy.
I roasted a turkey upside down by mistake once too. The bread stuffing fell out and made a gooey mess but the bird was perfectly cooked, moister than any I've cooked since.
Turning the bird over for the last half hour to let the top brown sounds like a good idea. It's probably not easy, turning over a dripping hot 15lb bird. Cook the stuffing separately too. I cooked a turkey up side down one time and it was fine. I never even attempted to turn it over at it was quite large. It may have cooked faster too but that was a while ago.
Pro tip: take stuffing off the menu and replace it with pearl onions and mushrooms. Your waistline with thank you.
QUOTE: Prepare for a New, Less Affluent America . . . How much debt can the country pile up before it threatens to collapse the U.S. economy and bankrupt the Treasury? There is no reason why the richest country in the world can't meet its obligations while supporting a reasonable pension and healthcare system; but magical thinking that "tax cuts pay for themselves, with two generations of tax cuts primarily benefiting the top 1%, has left the federal government with serious and systemic deficits. The United States could certainly address the problem, but political dysfunction rules the day. When you reward bad behavior then you will get more bad behavior.
Don: When you reward bad behavior then you will get more bad behavior.
Quite. The fact that Americans are largely insulated from the effects of their poor choices leads them to continue making poor decisions. That often happens in the center of a great power. It can lead to a downward spiral as people want to grab their piece of the disintegrating empire before others have already made off with the last of it. Show me one on the scale of the USA. I don't believe there is one. When my families ancestors came over you worked or starved. There is only so much to go around. I'm all for helping people down on their luck but not multi generational. A donkey will only pull so much until it stops and this donkey is about done.
Don: Show me one on the scale of the USA.
One what? Poor choices? Huge mistakes, such as the Iraq war and occupation, cause little discomfort at home. Because the mechanism of accountability is weak, it means continued bad decision making. Unsustainable deficits cause minimal disruption over the short term; however, they will come to bear at some point. That doesn't mean all is lost, but it does mean the United States must begin to make sensible decisions going forward. Given human nature, though, the lack of accountability means it is quite possible Americans will continue to choose cling to magical thinking. Show me a country that is better at the above that is co.parable in stature to USA. There isn't one.
2023-11-25 17:20
Don: Show me a country that is better at the above that is co.parable in stature to USA.
Still not sure of your question. We’re asserting it’s a general problem that hegemonic powers become inured to negative developments in the outer reaches of their domain.
2023-11-25 18:36
It's an endeavor in futility trying debate ChatGPT or as we know them here, Quibble-DickZ.
2023-11-25 18:42
We cannot pay off the debt. We cannot pay down the debt. Soon we will not be able to pay the interest on the debt. It was always a mistake. The problem is that voters, certain voters, will vote for money/welfare and politicians will tax working people to pay non-working people to vote for them. Simple as that! That is why we can't have nice things. That will destroy our country. THAT is exactly the Democrat agenda.
What we need is a constitutional amendment that would prohibit tax money from being distributed in socialist programs. End it, don't mend it. No welfare, no free stuff, just opportunity and jobs. Leave all charity to the churches. Yes! Cut taxes. Of course those who pay the most taxes will enjoy the greater tax cut. DUH! OneGuy: We cannot pay off the debt. We cannot pay down the debt.
Of course, the United States can pay down the debt, or even pay it off. The current debt is about $34 trillion. Assuming reasonable real growth in GDP of about 2% per year, the United States will produce about 2,000 trillion dollars over the next 50 years. A reasonable economic plan can certainly reduce the deficit, which will also reduce interest rates and the cost of servicing the debt. OneGuy: The problem is that voters, certain voters, will vote for money/welfare and politicians will tax working people to pay non-working people to vote for them. By far the largest social programs are Social Security and Medicare. You are saying that the richest economy in the world can't afford basic economic security for its senior citizens. Social Security is self funded as is Medicare. They do not come out of the general revenue stream. What isn't self funded is Medicaid, section 8 housing, Wic and the other general welfare programs.
Yes. That's called being on the horns of a dilemma. You insist, against the obvious truth and obvious common sense, that social security is not a pyramid scheme. Both it and Medicare are self funded/off budget. So explain why they are failing finically if they aren't pyramid schemes.
Just don't respond with gibberish where you have to redefine words or define them with such microscopic precession in a manner outside their everyday use. IOW, either give me a real answer, or admit you were wrong, or just don't bother responding at all, as it only increases your lack of credibility. James: So explain why they are failing finically if they aren't pyramid schemes.
In a pyramid scheme, the principal from new investors is used to pay profit to old investors, but with Social Security, there is no principal investment. It’s a lie, because the principal is spent, not invested, and will inevitably collapse when investors demand their principal. On the other hand, Social Security is an intergenerational transfer program, from young to old. Because of demographic changes, a lower young-to-old ratio, the system can only pay about 75% of current benefits, but can do so in perpetuity. To continue with current benefits will require additional income, such as by raising the retirement age or increasing the income cap.
2023-11-25 20:53
Z: It’s A pyramid scheme is a lie, because the principal is spent, not invested
2023-11-25 21:52
SS and Medicare were destroyed by congress. When the programs built up large deposits the congress "borrowed" it. When the politicians wanted to hand out some free stuff in trade for votes the politicians awarded SS and Medicare to people who never qualified by participating in the system for 47 years. The politicians destroyed/are destroying SS. Simple as that!
2023-11-25 22:45
OneGuy: When the programs built up large deposits the congress "borrowed" it.
You mean Social Security was required to buy U.S. bonds. So? Regardless, the Trust Fund is not sufficient to address the ongoing demographic problem. That will require cutting benefits, raising the retirement age, raising the income cap, raising the payroll tax, or some combination of these.
2023-11-25 22:53
The amount owed SS by the federal government including interest is about $4 trillion.
If SS stopped payments to everyone who had not contributed the required minimum than SS would be forever solvent. They could also stop trying to be a welfare system and instead pay out a monthly amount consistent with the members contributions. If the SS system was managed with standard accounting practices it would never have a funding problem. It's problems are 100% caused by politicians who used the system to buy votes.
2023-11-26 09:32
OneGuy: The amount owed SS by the federal government including interest is about $4 trillion.
Actually, about $3 trillion, which represents about 3 years Social Security payments. The purpose of the Trust Fund is to provide temporary help with the demographic bulge of the baby boomers. That leaves the long-term demographic problem unaddressed. OneGuy: If SS stopped payments to everyone who had not contributed the required minimum than SS would be forever solvent. Be happy to look at specifics on that claim.
2023-11-26 09:40
Social Security has been making those changes all along. It started with a max payment per year of 25 dollars. Government employees, including politicians, need to have their retirement based solely on Social Security. They might be considerably more careful of their spending addiction in that case. They might also better understand 'government service' rather than endless mandates.
2023-11-26 13:48
Hum. Since you can dismiss the Laffer Curve with mere hand waving, maybe you can explain how an effective 95% tax rate would generate more tax revenue than a 10% tax rate. But I doubt it. And you can't come close to proving that the middle class and working class haven't benefited greatly from tax cuts.
Regardless of where the curve actually is, the US government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem. Further, you merely asserting that the US government has an obligation to provide pensions and healthcare doesn't make it so. Quick, tell me what part of the federal government besides DOD and federal law enforcement are you willing to see drastically cut? James: Since you can dismiss the Laffer Curve with mere hand waving
Without quantification, it is little more than hand waving. James: effective 95% tax rate . . . You seem to be confusing the effective tax rate with marginal tax rates. However, periods of the fastest economic expansion in the U.S. coincided with high marginal tax rates. James: Regardless of where the curve actually is, the US government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem. Most other developed countries manage to provide pension and even universal health care. The majority of Americans want to continue Social Security and Medicare at least, but many still believe the propaganda that tax cuts pay for themselves. Still, we’d be happy to see what cuts you believe will result in a significant reduction in the deficit. James: Quick, tell me what part of the federal government besides DOD and federal law enforcement are you willing to see drastically cut? It’s doubtful that you could find sufficient cuts to balance the budget without doing away with programs that are essential to modern economies. The U.S. will have to consider an increase in marginal tax rates to avoid the economic drag due to deficits. Yes, tax cuts “primarily” benefit the people who actually pay the freight. With you guys it’s always a taxing problem, never a spending problem. Grow up.
Hoss: Yes, tax cuts “primarily” benefit the people who actually pay the freight.
If you cut taxes without spending cuts, it leads to deficits. What spending would you cut that would close the deficit? Or would you just keep cutting taxes? Hoss: Yes, tax cuts “primarily” benefit the people who actually pay the freight.
Actually not. If it results in borrowing money, it will just have to be paid back—with interest. Cut all foreign aid... why are we sending aid to China while borrowing money from China through bonds? End free housing for citizens AND illegals? End ALL payments to immigrants whether legal or illegal. Quit subsidizing green card costs that drive wages down and benefit employers. Use tariffs like Trump did to create fair trade rather than free trade. Close the Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Dept of Agriculture and housing and urban development. If the Dept of Defense cannot be audited then cut their budget 5% per year until they can be audited and apply that to ALL government budgets. End all government bailouts of banks and all green energy subsidies.
When you have an 11%+ increase in population from immigration in just 11 years you’re on the way to losing your national identity, and worse. Ireland better brace for more Troubles. Hank Johnson’s probably worried the island will tilt over and sink with all those people. It’s sinking for sure.
Chauvin just doesn’t seem like a sympathetic character, but the degree to which he was railroaded should have been what resulted in riots and protests. Ten or twenty years from now someone will do an expose of just how securely the fix was in and it should be a stain on this country. It won’t matter for Derek because he’ll be dead by then; and hell can’t burn hot enough for Keith Ellison to suit me. And shame on SCOTUS for not at least hearing the case. I thought for sure “Hoist with his own petard” was gonna be on Shakespeare’s list. Maybe it’s just me. A less affluent America: Just another goal of the left in their pursuit of equity. When the shtf and hard choices need to be made it’s gonna be time to stuff the entire democrat party, and 85% of the Republican Party, in a corner to be told to stfu and let some adults handle this. Hard choices are gonna have to be made and it’s gonna hurt everyone. QUOTE: Rush of the Net Zero lemmings . . . 1. Net Zero Immigration. Immigration just moves the carbon emissions. It doesn't eliminate them. Similarly, with most of the other points. QUOTE: 8. Full accounting of all emissions. That's actually a good point. All emissions, from commissioning to decommissioning should be included in any policy. QUOTE: There is no global warming crisis When you start with a false premise, then your conclusions will be unfounded. The scientific evidence strongly indicates substantial global warming and attendant climate change. The troubling thing about zealots like you is that you not only want this lie to be true. You actually NEED it to be true to justify your endless pontifications and fear mongering. Well I've got news for you. You can twist perception all you want but reality won't budge an inch. Now if you'll excuse me I have to outside and shovel some damn snow. It's winter time again in Canada.
Lord Heathen: The troubling thing about zealots like you is that you not only want this lie to be true.
The evidence strongly supports global warming. The fundamental science has been known for over a century. You might start with basic physics. If you calculate the Earth's planetary equilibrium temperature (-18°C), you will find the actual surface temperature is 33°C warmer due to the greenhouse effect. Suck it, kiddieZ. You have no evidence of AGW. None
You dumb asses just keep repeating warmist talking points. QUOTE: The Earth's Temperature Currently: 57.53°F/14.18°C Deviation: 0.33°F/0.18°C Stations processed last hour: 68162 Last station processed: Seldovia, United States Update time: 2023-11-25 23:45:45 UTC https://temperature.global/ Thank you for confirming that you are nothing more than a doomsday cultist or something even more sinister.
We provided the first step in the scientific evidence for anthropogenic global warming. However, your reply is devoid of relevant content. Perhaps your message was lost in transmission. If so, please check put connections and try again.
If you calculate the Earth's planetary equilibrium temperature (-18°C), you will find the actual surface temperature is 33°C warmer due to the greenhouse effect. Again the Quibble-DickZ intentionally mislead with their statement, "The scientific evidence strongly indicates substantial global warming and attendant climate change."
Horse Hockey Sticks!!! Y'all have no evidence, scientific or otherwise. The point of this display is to illustrate that if there were not statistical techniques such as anomaly analysis and scale amplification, humans would not likely be able to detect the mild rise in temperature since 1880. The bottom graph of absolute temperature shows this clearly and is essentially flat. https://wattsupwiththat.com/global-surface-temperature-comparison/
2023-11-27 19:52
There is NO evidence to support AGW. You have been shown the evidence that there is absolutely no correlation between temperature and CO2.
AGW is simply a grifter tool to extract more money from taxpayers and provide nothing but hot air and bigger, more expensive and intrusive government to nag the citizens and harass the non-believers in the climate religion. "Immigration just moves the carbon emissions. It doesn't eliminate them."
Wrong. Again. An urban worker from Shanghai moving to Dallas can enjoy a similar or even significantly improved lifestyle for a significantly smaller carbon footprint. OTOH, a Palestinian moving to NYC with almost certainly increase their consumption, and thus, their carbon footprint. If you moved out of the US that you clearly despise, to say Somalia, would almost certainly have a smaller carbon footprint. You get to be around fewer "white" people and around more brown people. Around people who despise the US like you. Around people that aren't opposed to sexualizing children or mutilating girls. And you held reduce global warming. That's a win win win win win for you. James: An urban worker from Shanghai moving to Dallas can enjoy a similar or even significantly improved lifestyle for a significantly smaller carbon footprint.
Emissions per capita in China are only about 60% that of the United States. In any case, we were making the statement caeteris paribus. Everyone has the right to the benefits of modernity. They may develop at home or by migration. The long term result will be much the same. However, that does bring up the point that a country may achieve lower emissions by exporting their emissions, which doesn’t actually address global warming. Motte: Climate changes over time
Bailey: Mankind is causing catastrophic climate change NTSB Proposes Dystopian Technology To Limit Your Driving Speed
https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fthefederalist.com%2F2023%2F11%2F21%2Ftransportation-safety-board-proposes-dystopian-technology-to-limit-your-speed-while-driving%2F [i] Over Half of Americans Own a Gun or Know Someone Who Owns a Gun[i]
The rest know someone who they don't know owns a gun. "The rest know someone who they don't know owns a gun."
Indeed. Not the US, but Canada: all the clever urban gun control and registration types who live places like Toronto or Vancouver haven't a clue how many rifles and shotguns are greased up and tucked safely away in barns and outbuildings across our country. And of course, they also haven't a clue at all how many illegal handguns are circulating in their own cities. The only way anyone will discover that I have a gun is if they assault me or rob me. I sincerely hope that "that discovery" dissuades them and I don't have to use it, but that is their choice.
It is a strange irony that the current pneumonia raging through China is consistent with the pneumonias caused by wearing masks. It is possible that during the pandemic more "covid" deaths were the result of this particular pneumonia caused by wearing masks than by covid. Masks kill. We have known this since the 1918 flu pandemic when more people died from pneumonia incubated and breathed in through their masks than died from the flu.
Anon: It is possible that during the pandemic more "covid" deaths were the result of this particular pneumonia caused by wearing masks than by covid.
While some people did have secondary infections, autopsies showed that the vast majority died from the viral infection. Anon: We have known this since the 1918 flu pandemic when more people died from pneumonia incubated and breathed in through their masks than died from the flu. While a secondary bacterial infection did kill many people during the 1918 influenza epidemic, it had nothing to do with masks, but rather the virus damaged the respiratory system and opened it to bacterial infection. See Morens et al., Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2008. "Kamala Harris Should Have Checked the Background of Her Thanksgiving Photo"
That picture is all you need to know about how serious the "problem" of gas stoves is, even to leftists. |