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Saturday, February 18. 2023MasksTrackbacks
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It's like global warming.
You will NEVER convince the True Believers that masks don't work. I'm not so sure, I've been using the same paper mask for the last two and a half years and I haven't gotten sick once. At this point, all the pores in it are probably clogged with bacteria and viruses, or maybe they just die on contact. (I suspect the latter, judging from its appearance.)
Of course, I only wear it when I go to a doctor's office. Everyone else seems to have gotten over this nonsense. But who ever gave up a perfectly good reason to boss others around, unless forced to? The doctors in my area gave it all up a long time ago. In the last year or so, only one blood-drawing organization has required me to wear one. Not even the hospitals use them.
You know when the next pandemic occurs, fake or real, that masks and social distancing and mandates will be repeated and their will be physical force used to assure compliance. And some government expert/toady will repeat the words "just two weeks to lower the curve. And the Democrats will use it all to steal elections in Democrat states and cities. Because, never let a crisis go to waste.
QUOTE: Masks From the study’s conclusion: “The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.” Well, there it is! Our far left wing troll says the study is wrong so therefore you know it's accurate. I hope Zach doesn't play poker.
As some may know - and others may verify from my rare previous replies to Z - I generally find him to be an obnoxious, arrogant little leftist twit.
However, his verbatim copy from the "study's" conclusion is cogent and correct: “The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.” This sums up the problem with the Cochrane "study", which really didn't study masks, but rather looked at the studies that did study masks and the main point, if we can take one from Cochrane, is that in general, the studies were so poorly controlled that we can't make a conclusion one way or the other. If anything, we might conclude that mask mandates don't work because, lacking the volition to wear a mask properly, people won't wear masks properly and the mask won't be effective....except perhaps for virtue signaling. But, the PRO-MASK people will still insist that mask work and the ANTI-MASK people will insist they don't rather than addressing the more important issue of whether nor not government should mandate masks, vaccines, etc. For many reason, not the least of which include personal freedom and the recognition that government experts (central planners) are almost always wrong, I strongly oppose such mandates. Sic Semper Tyrannis Keep on wearing your mask, Zach. Oh and I mean alone, in your car, with the windows up and locked. 15 cats in the back seat.
OneGuy: says the study is wrong so therefore you know it's accurate
That was a direct quote from the study. It's a standard qualification, the kind one will find in most conclusions of this nature. Unlike leftist ideology, reality provides few certainties and such a qualification would have to be applied to any honest paper that argued the opposite. The wearing of masks issue is a reflection of fear of uncertainty and fear of death, I suspect.
DeGaulle: It's a standard qualification
They might have said, "strongly supported," but they didn't. The original claim is "Masks make no difference in reducing the spread of Covid." However, the study found that "There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect." Turns out that if people don't actually wear masks, then it's hard to tell if masks work. Turns out that if people don't actually wear masks, then it's hard to tell if masks work.
Logical fallacy, Quibble-DickZ. Cry harder.
2023-02-19 08:41
But if many wear them and many don't, you can get a really good idea of the efficacy.
There are tons of things that practically no one did that we'll always have to wonder about, like avoiding stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. Nevertheless, the things that many people were forced to do, but more so in some locations than others, give us some decent data. Otherwise, this is just another example of the "true socialism hasn't been tried yet" scam.
2023-02-19 09:52
Texan99: But if many wear them and many don't, you can get a really good idea of the efficacy.
Only if you know who is wearing them and when they are wearing them. Even then, it is not good scientific practice to take people from the treatment group and put them in the control group; it erodes the statistical confidence of the result. Texan99: give us some decent data. Except the data used in the Cochrane meta-analysis is poor. That's not our claim, but that of the researchers who point to "poor study design" and "insufficiently powered studies". Cochrane also mixes different types of studies, further reducing the confidence. Regardless, the claim is that the Cochrane meta-analysis shows that masks don't work, but that is not accurate. Cochrane found there is "uncertainty about the effects of face masks."
2023-02-19 10:14
"IF" masks worked and by that I mean prevented the transmission of virus, then we wouldn't need mandates or bullying police to enforce them. Because "IF" they worked THEN you choose to wear one and YOU don't get the virus and YOU don't care if others choose to NOT where the mask! THAT is an absolute truth and the simple fact that it was mandated and bullied proves they knew all along that they didn't work and were merely using masks to control. The mask is the new burqa it's ONLY purpose is to control people and the sheeple are all in on the control.
2023-02-19 10:28
JustMe: Because "IF" they worked THEN you choose to wear one and YOU don't get the virus and YOU don't care if others choose to NOT where the mask!
That is not correct. Wearing masks not only protects you, but also protects the public from you. Or do you think people who are infected should just be able to cough freely. JustMe: The mask is the new burqa it's ONLY purpose is to control people and the sheeple are all in on the control. That's just silly. The mask mandates only applied during the pandemic. New diseases will continue to emerge, and the public needs to learn to deal with them as they occur. None of this justifies misrepresenting the findings of the Cochrane meta-analysis.
2023-02-19 10:40
No one misrepresented the findings except the Quibble-DickZ.
2023-02-19 11:48
Can we agree that perhaps the one thing the Cochrane analysis indicates is that mask MANDATES don't work?
This could either result from masks themselves being ineffective or that people - especially if they are coerced rather than truly desiring to wear the mask - either don't comply or don't wear the mask properly. I think we have all seen people - including Mr Fauxi - wearing a mask below the nose. Aside: From personal experience at several hospitals (COVID wards), masks did appear to offer some (incomplete) protection for hospital personnel who were motivated to wear them properly. I recognize this is anecdotal and I'm sure someone will attack with the flame throwers, but consider if you are having open heart surgery - do you want your surgeon to not wear a mask, or gloves? Saying "masks don't work" is an ignorant statement unless we clarify "what type of mask", "worn by whom", "for what disease vector", "worn in what manner", "to prevent transmission or contraction of the illness".
2023-02-19 20:41
For Dr. Bliss's perusal and, hopefully, comment:
https://www.sciencealert.com/psychopaths-appear-to-possess-a-mysterious-evolutionary-benefit How the hell is this news? If you can breathe through it, its doing dick shit. The stupidity underlying this mask farce angers me.
The CDC has known this since the mid-to-late 1990's. They've done the studies. The only reason that medical doctors continue to wear these types of masks is that it keeps their fingers out of their noses and mouths.
N95 Masks (( virtually unavailable through much of 2020 )) do something.
CLOTH masks, and the ubiquitous BLUE-PAPER masks (still the primary type of mask you see today) have openings in the weave that are roughly 10x the size of viral particles they supposedly filter out. They may be effective in holding back sneezes and such from going OUT past the mask to infect others. However, due to the tiny size of viral particles, these masks are clearly ineffective in keeping viral particles from being breathed IN and infecting the mask wearer.. FROM: https://www.uvmhealth.org/coronavirus/staying-healthy/mask-myths "The COVID-19 virus is 0.125 microns and N95 masks only filter down to 0.3 microns so how can N95, surgical or cloth masks be effective? "A: While the size of the virus itself is very small, the virus particles do not travel through the air alone. The virus needs to hitch a ride on the tiny droplets of saliva and water that are exhaled when someone coughs or sneezes, or even on dust particles. Shouting or singing can also disperse these droplets widely. If you are infected with COVID-19, you likely contracted the virus from inhaling viral-infected particles. It is also not true that N95 masks do not filter particles smaller than 0.3 microns, they can and do. There are multiple layers of fibers that carry an electrostatic charge that helps entrap these smaller particles." ... / / If masks worked, we wouldn't have had three years of this crap.
One doesn't need a study to figure that out. 1. I am making no claims about the efficacy of masks either to prevent the wearer from transmitting the illness or contracting the illness. I am only commenting on the reliability of yet another set of "experts".
2. Cochrane is by no means a "gold standard" in evaluating medical interventions. It is a group of self-described "experts" who may or may not have some level of training in statistical analysis, but rarely have any training or experience in the field pertaining to the papers they analyze. 3. As a result of #1, while they may be able to make claims regarding statistics, if the methods and assumptions of the study are flawed, it is beyond their level of expertise to detect that. For example: If a study says masks don't work, but the study itself depends on self-reporting by mass users - who may have worn masks incorrectly or been embarrassed to report their lack of use - the statistical gurus won't pick this up. 3. #6 (Ccoffer) hinted at the problem with most studies covered by Cochrane: "...if you can't breathe thru it..." Think about it: If it's difficult or annoying to breathe thru and wear, people don't wear it or wear it properly. What the "studies" should really conclude is that mask mandates don't work because people won't wear them properly if coerced to do so by government. What would be useful is to study the efficacy of masks if voluntarily worn. Not saying they would, but this would tell us about the mask rather than telling us what we already knew about human behavior that's coerced. For those who champion Cochrane, please recognize that it is the British precursor of Obama's so-called "death panels". It was intended to be used for medical economics to justify the British socialized medical system not paying for certain medical interventions that might be deemed not cost effective.
So, be careful who you climb in bed with! The key study compares an N95 to a medical surgical mask, not to cloth or paper ones. My recollection from a 3 year old study is that N95's are approximately 95% effective and medical surgical ones are 85% effective if worn properly and constantly, so of course there is little difference. They needed to do a true comparison to cloth ones which were found to only be 15% effective.