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Tuesday, December 12. 2017Tuesday morning links
Canadian Eskimos: Polar Bears Are Flourishing The UK: UK Heating Gas Prices Spike To 2013 Highs Amid Weather "Yellow Warning Surge pricing, economic freedom and the sad paradox of free markets…. Treasury Forecasts Tax Reform Will Lead To Longest Period Without Recession In History Jacobson: For this selfie, I stood accused of cultural “appropriation” Z-man: Free speech in the custodial state Diversity Must Not Be Questioned Dershowitz comes up against The Night Riders of the Thought Police The Myth Of Vladimir Putin The Puppet Master Forget Collusion. Can Mueller Prove Russia Committed Cyberespionage? No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore's Car The new media standard: Too anti-Trump to check HuffPo: Sadly, Trump is winning Nixon’s Ouster and the Attempt to Remove Trump Trump’s EPA Says NYT ‘Distorted The Facts’ In Its Latest Article Of course they did CNN Walks Back Jeff Sessions-Russia Bombshell Another CNN Fail? They Finally Admit AG Sessions Wasn't Required To Disclose Foreign Contacts As A Senator CNN Covers Trump's Diet Coke Consumption Instead of Attempted NYC Attack The Media Is Covering Itself With Glory In Its Zeal To Get Trump Pro-Jerusalem Dems Slam Trump for . . . Being Pro-Jerusalem Trackbacks
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What would happen if Sears ran that ad today?
I might start shopping there again. More distortions, misleading statements , and downright lying from an annoying CNN, might as well refer to them as... ZNN.
You're welcome. A terrible denigration of the Z-Borg! Absolutely TRUE, but still.....
Now their Soros/Clinton financiers might cut their paycheck and we'd be deprived of all the humor their ill-thought-out, immature, socialist-worshiping proggy posts bring! Re Laurence Tribe attacking Alan Dershowitz.
Wasn't Tribe discovered plagiarizing his magnum opus and Elena Kagan at Harvard law school covered it up? PuffHo has the sads. I am soooooo not bummed for them.
"The Media Is Covering Itself With Glory In Its Zeal To Get Trump": For other definitions of "glory", which seems to be "crap", "mud", "dishonor", or any combination thereof. Microaggressions deserve microapologies.
"Nixon’s Ouster and the Attempt to Remove Trump"
One big difference is that the internet was a social and information reformation that changed the political and information landscape forever. The powerful MSM no longer controls the news or the information that the public has access to. And in that process the public has also discovered that our mass media has been and is dishonest and is just another arm of the far left. The left and the MSM are in the middle of a palace coup. The Trump derangement syndrome is a stench in their gatherings. They want to overthrow our Democratic election and they intend to do it bu hook or by crook. In this way it is exactly like the Nixon conspiracy. The conspiracy to oust Nixon was intended to give Ted Kennedy a chance to become president. Of course Ted's baggage prevented that but the effort was real. It is likely that given a fair trial Nixon would not have been impeached and in fact was more honest and constitutional a president than either Clinton or Obama. But the stench of Nixon derangement syndrome was in the nostrils of the left/communist/MSM and they wanted him gone. The question is; will they succeed with Trump? The impeachment buildup is in progress and the stench of Trump derangement syndrome is strong in the left wing, communist and MSM conclaves. Soon there will be an all out effort by the left to seize power Their minions will riot in public places and cause more harm than the terrorists have. The talking heads will be talking out both sides of their mouth and the left leaning MSM will be pumping out the lies and misinformation. The stupid party will be worse than helpless in the face of this onslaught, and in fact they will act as perfect stooges and useful idiots. Will Trump be ousted? Will the powerful cabal of left wing MSM and communist funded conspirators win? "The impeachment buildup is in progress and the stench of Trump derangement syndrome is strong in the left wing..."
That's just it - there doesn't seem to be ANYTHING he's done that's worth impeachment. Yes, they hate him with the blinding fury of a thousand suns, yes, they're fapping hysterically at the possibility of him having done something - ANYTHING at all... But us unwashed in Flyover country? We're looking at the political 'elite' and seeing they're an utter toxic mess, insisting they've got some 'right' to rule the country, whether or not we agree. In the end, they're discrediting themselves with this garbage. Who trusts the main media outlets to be rational, evenhanded purveyors of the news, aside from those who directly benefit from their distortions? Well... maybe. Do you think anyone in flyover country is going to stop the left if they do impeach Trump? Is anyone going to stop the left as they try to get congress to investigate him based on some claims of harassment? Is anyone being effective in stopping the special prosecutor from his anal exam of Trump's past life and his family's past life? It appears to me that the left and the swamp are fighting back and will do anything to get rid of Trump. I'm betting they win and Trump loses.
Watch and see. A perfect storm coming for Trump. All of the women in congress will demand an investigation of Trump because of the allegations women have made against him. The entire black caucus will demand an investigation because of racism or something. The stupid party will probably lose control of the House (not necessarily have a majority because there will be enough stupids that will side with the communist party) and create the conditions for an impeachment. The MSM will go anti-Trump 24/7 to create an illusion of widespread dissatisfaction with Trump across America. The investigation will be sordid and stacked with liars and posers whose wild stories will go unquestioned. Saturday night live will do a skit where Trump is starting to look like Nixon and will say "I'm not a crook". Fox news has been purged (almost) of anyone who might expose what is going on. When the left is finished Trump won't even recognize himself. It will be the biggest palace coup since JFK was shot.
They're doing all of that NOW.
The Mueller "investigation" has done little but reveal the complicity of the Obama administration "weaponizing" government agencies, along with a dishonest MSM, to elect Hillary and defeat Trump. It's hasn't worked. It may take the American public longer than 11 months to figure it all out but they will. Book it.
2017-12-12 17:20
"They're doing all of that NOW."
The intensity is increasing. This will build like an avalanche. It will grow bigly.
2017-12-12 19:50
At worst, it may depend on which way the US military goes. Do they follow the president/Mattis/Kelly, etc? Or Hillary/Mueller/Obama-appointed lower DC judges/ crooked-compromised senators, etc?
Given the short American attention span, there is an eternity before the 2018 elections. Trump’s defenses get stronger with time, after which “the best defense is good offense”. Former acting CIA director Morell has just admitted taking sides against Trump. Coincidently there are revelations that high-ranking FBI agent Bruce Ohr was involved with Fusion GPS. Ohr’s wife (a Russian expert) reportedly worked for both the CIA and Fusion GPS. If a CIA spook was generating fake evidence used by the FBI to get a FISA judge to permit wiretapping the Trump campaign, the coup participants face real risks. An Obama-appointed FISA judge overseeing the Flynn case “was recused”. The voting public will learn before the 2018 election whether the Fusion dossier was used by a FISA judge to justify wiretapping Trump’s campaign, and whether this judge was the one who issued the wiretap warrant. Mueller’s team and the FBI are quickly losing the respect the public had for our former “G-men”. Records and answers relating to removal of Mueller and Comey’s top-level investigator Strzok and his alleged lover, which are being withheld from Congress, will be more widely revealed. Strzok apparently led the investigation which protected Hillary, granted get-out-of-jail-free cards to hillary’s staff, didn’t subpoena hillary’s private server, changed Comey’s characterization of “gross negligence” (words of the criminal statute) to “exceptionally careless”, and led the entrapment of Flynn. Was it Strzok who used the Fusion dossier to get a FISA wiretap? Strzok’s alleged lover worked for the FBI’s McCabe, whose wife was given $700k by the dems. McCabe’s political campaigning may be under investigation. McCabe was supposed to testify to congress today, where he would be asked about all these “matters”. He will likely be subpoenaed. Another unbiased Mueller stalwart was reportedly at hillary’s election-night “victory party”. Not just every unbiased G-man gets an invitation to the Hillary victory party. There will be more. Who believes there wasn't any FBI (plus hillary camp) planning for a special prosecutor prior to Comey being fired (perhaps at his own instigation)? I don't think there is much love between the CIA/FBI, and DoD. Hopefully, the military has enough honor to not support a CIA-FBI coup. Re: free speech
The left seems to have the Orwellian goal of creating a society in which one is free to say whatever he thinks, but is incapable of thinking anything with which they disagree. These are people who read 1984 as an instruction manual. |