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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, December 7. 2017Thursday morning links
17-foot python that could 'pretty much kill any full-grown man' caught in Everglades Re dinosaur debut, The Curious Plight of the Modern Debutante - Why are some of the world's smartest women still lining up to dance? The new 7 Wonders of the world The Most Distant Supermassive Black Hole Ever Discovered - The light from the hot gas surrounding the celestial object took more than 13 billion years to reach Earth. Young Liberals Object to ‘Snowflake’ Label For Hilarious Reason Leftist Professors: Reporting on the Ideological Excesses of Leftist Professors Is “Violence” The profs are snowflakes too Teachers sue California because too many students can't read How not to sexually harass your underlings Pam Anderson Slams 'Victimhood Feminism,' Says Weinstein Victims Knew What They're 'Getting Into' Rose McGowan: 'They Really F--ed With the Wrong Person' Juanita Broderick is always left out Study: Gay men get paid more than straight men Kling: Restoring Political Health, Left and Right - When they are healthy, both the left and the right contribute positively to a flourishing society. DACA Is Not What the Democrats Say It Is. Here Are the Facts. How Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low Fantasy Train - California Democrats cling to their favorite boondoggle, even as problems mount up. Utah 'Monument' Was a Reward to a Clinton Donor Get rid of those Community Block Grants Just one more tax dollar scam Newest Thing That Contributes To ‘Climate Change’: Bitcoin Bitcoin mines spew tons of pollution BUSTED: Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB Used Secret “Slush Fund” To Funnel Billions Into Left-Wing Causes Ray Dalio: Watch Out for the Effects of Tax Reform on Tax Migration, the Fiscal Conditions of Affected States and Cities, and Polarity in America WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT MUELLER’S BIASED STAFF? Latest revelations make the entire ‘collusion’ probe look like a partisan hit The crime was never about Russia “Red Hot Employment” – November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years… WaPo worries about a strong economy: Beware an economic boom. Democrats are now the party of the rich — so why not tax the rich? Trump’s truth-telling on Jerusalem marks an all-new Middle East Six Facts The MSM Isn’t Reporting About The Jerusalem Issue Turkish academics on trial for issuing declaration for peace What Will a Few More Years of Muslim Immigration Do to Europe? A Two State Solution for Europe? US Navy Completing Only Half of Missions -- And May Have to Turn Down More Trackbacks
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I just recently came upon Maggie's Farm a couple of weeks ago through another site. It has become my go-to page for news, politics, culture, just about everything I'm interested in. Great site! Keep up the good work!
Re: the CFPB slush fund
I don't see how they can legally do this. The EPA was doing the same thing. SO if it isn't legal why don't people go to jail? Why no perp walk and jail time. I suspect we, the people, will never even learn all the facts, who got the money, how much, who gave them the money, what did they do with it??? What we're learning, and what our founders knew, is that the Constitution is only a speed bump to those in power if they have no honor.
What it really takes is the filing of qui tam suits to recover the money illegally disbursed by Obama and his friends.
People might also ask, what happened to the trillion dollars plus in "stimulus funds" that just seemed to disappear after the economic collapse? From the CA Teachers sue- "Public education was intended as the 'great equalizer' in our democracy"
No it wasn't. I just read the same thing from some clown in AZ too. Sure, the early public school educators pushed this lie, so I guess there's that hint of truth, "this lie was told many decades ago." But the great equalizer has ALWAYS been open markets. That's why a Ken Hendrix did so well. Why a hard-working and shrewd landscaper (aka lawnmower) can earn more than a college professor. Time to start pushing back against that lie, and a bunch of other leftist nonsense will fall away too. Wait, wait. California kids can’t read “despite the hard work and commitment of students, families and teachers." So bureaucrats in Sacramento override all that commitment? And the answer to "kids can't read" is an increase in training and resources. Sounds like opening the vault and shoveling more money into a failed society.
"I completely failed in my core job responsibilities! I deserve and demand a raise!"
"But it's not my fault."
At least according to a related NY Post article https://nypost.com/2017/12/05/california-in-a-literacy-crisis-with-children-who-cant-read-suit/ “Every day I was there, I witnessed students’ lack of access to literacy.” I have no idea what that even means, but it's pretty clear that the noble teachers were being thwarted the whole time! The same excuse worked for Roger Goodell.
2017-12-07 16:50
While many have stated that back in the day, California had a good public educational system, an experience with a cousin didn't indicate to me that was necessarily the case. At her request, I wrote her an essay assigned for her community college English class. I cranked it out in 10-15 minutes, with no corrections. I was a C student in my college freshman English class, with a similar performance my senior year in high school. The essay I cranked out for her got an A.
I am reminded of Groucho Marx's remark about a club that would admit him. I figured that a class that would give me an A for an English essay didn't have very high standards. However, my poor performance in English classes was in large part due to my extreme dislike of the Junior Literary Critic role that my English classes imposed on me, and the essay I wrote for my cousin had nothing to do with literary criticism. So perhaps I should refrain from using that essay grade as criteria for evaluating California's educational system. Very! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for your provided information.
All should remember that genetics lurks beneath all discussion of education. "Good" school districts universally have kids entering 1st grade with high test scores, and the graduate 12 years later at very much the same numbers. "Bad" school districts have kids entering with low scores, which neither improve nor drop much over the next 12 years.
Re: BUSTED: Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB Used Secret “Slush Fund” To Funnel Billions Into Left-Wing Causes
Been wondering why we haven't heard from black lives matter or the anti lately. I have been wondering the same thing. I think there are two possibilities:
1. That Antifa and BLM were finally being treated as what they were and arrested and charged with crimes. This took some of the fun out of it for them. 2. That they are recreating themselves as a more effective activist organization with less public demonstrations and more behind the scenes trouble making. Maybe their funding dried up, at least during the Mulvaney
30 day freeze. Bitcoin mines spew tons of pollution. I've heard the vast majority are alcohol fueled, and many more are fueled by opiods.
California is unquestionably a massive, major cause of "Globsl Warming" because of its continual forest fires spewing carbon dioxide and dust into the atmosphere. California policies of preventing forest management, misuse of water (starving agriculture and water use to dump water into the ocean to reintroduce salmon...), massive development and population increase (including massive illiegal immigration) beyond the capability of a desert environment to sustain it) are knowing and intentionl causes of this dumping of burned-forest CO2 into our environment. The smoke and CO2 from California frequently foul the air as far as colorado and beyond.
RE: How not to sexually harass your underlings
I'm playing it safe. I no longer touch, speak to, or make eye contact with members of the other 30 genders, or members of different ethnicities, races, or religions. Me too! I only talk to myself and my wife, and she doesn't listen, so I'm good!
The snowflake article was enlightening. "Any term used disparagingly to a segment of the population is inherently negative." So . . . disparagement is negative. What would we do without experts?
The snowflake article was enlightening. "Any term used disparagingly to a segment of the population is inherently negative.
Many of those students on the left, who object to the disparaging term "snowflake" applied to them, have in turn used disparaging terms to describe their political opponents: fascist, nazi, homophobe, islamaphobe, deplorable, what have you. But since they are the anointed, and their opponents are EEVUL, that is apparently justified. The article points out that the issue is not negative terms being used, but that many students have not been raised to be able to cope with disagreements. QUOTE: Generation Snowflake was created by over-protecting people when they were children and the emphasis on self-esteem in childhood resulted in adults “tiptoeing around children’s sensitivities” to avoid “damaging their wellbeing.” The real world doesn't have a plethora of "safe spaces." There are plenty of people who disagree with your opinions. Many in the current generation of students have not been raised in acknowledgement of that.Either way, the fact that whiny babies will whine when you call them babies is just perfect. In the US, some colleges have had to create “safe spaces” for student to be free from ideas they find unpalatable and include “trigger warnings” in syllabi to “protect” students from thoughts or ideas that they might not like. Debutantes: I've never met one. Don't run in those circles.
New 7 Wonders: I'll accept those. Snowflakes Called Snowflakes Melt Down! FILM AT 11! If Leftie profs would just shut up, who'd report on them? They bring it on themselves. Their speech (which is VIOLENCE) gets speech (VIOLENCE) back. Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmer. Cali's High-Speed Train: The only high-speed thing about it is the spending. Shoulda oughta have repaired dams and built new ones, instead. WaPoo: Economic Boom BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! Us: Yer IDJITS!!!!!11111!!!!! More Muslim immigration will be hard on Europe, but it's the kids of those already there that will be harder. And a two-state solution? Not. Gonna. Happen. Debutantes and their escorts are a reminder that well mannered and well spoken young people are still among us and can be copied by less well off at lesser functions. The high school prom can function much the same and remind all that good manners are essential in a society...even if that prom sash reads "That red dot on your chest means my daddy is watching".
I never went to a prom. Or any other kind of dance. "I don't dance; don't ask me." Never give a sword to a man who can't dance: Why I wasn't much of a fencer.
How/why the Hippy generation (Baby boomers) failed:
1. they had no agreed upon shared code of ethics with "the other". 2. they had no agreed upon shared moral code with "the other" 3. they refused to acknowledge when any of their solutions failed. End of story . . . |