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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, March 25. 2016Friday morning links ACADEMIC ABSURDITY OF THE WEEK Israeli Apartheid Week may be coming to a campus near you. An antidote, not complicity, is needed. Jesse Watters: If You’re Afraid of the Name Donald Trump You’re Either an Illegal Alien or a Total Sissy Yoga Banned from Georgia School: Blame Christian Conservatives, Not Political Correctness - Turning kids against Christianity? That's a stretch. K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? New Jersey nonsense: Actor faces 10 years in prison for using a prop gun in movie Washington is out of control. Fascism, American Style Obama Needs to Get Over His Self-Serving Guilt Trip - POTUS should read some honest, non-Leftist history Drug tunnel discovered from Mexico to California is four football fields long James Comey and Loretta Lynch Hold the Whole Country in Their Hands Man With Largest Carbon Footprint In World Says ISIS Not A Big Threat, But Climate Change Is
Jihadi Idol? Kerry Team Says Fight Islamic Extremism With ‘Television Drama Series’… NY Times: Brussels Survived Terrorism, But May Not Survive Climate Change Or Something Why do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton believe they know more about Islam than Muslim clerics?
NY Times Op-Ed: Europe has been living in a dream VISIT BRUSSELS, YOU’LL HAVE A BLAST Belgian Intelligence Had Precise Warning That Airport Targeted for Bombing The Mafia Runs Guns for ISIS in Europe Protests in Vietnam as prominent blogger goes on trial Comments
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"Angela Merkel, who will be remembered as one of history’s greatest monsters, is a good example to study."
Not Hitler? Saddam Hussein? Ivan The Terrible? Stalin? Mao? Genghis Khan? The worst we can say about Merkel, the democratically elected Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, a successful democracy in Europe, is that she has seriously muddled her portfolio on immigration. Her hyperbolic transformation into "one of history’s greatest monsters" suggests that the writer is unhinged nd has no sense of proportion at all. If anyone has the IQ of grapefruit it would appear to be this "Z-man" blogger. Your reply is a non sequitur. Z Man didn't say that Merkel was worse than those on your list, but simply stated that she will be seen as one of the worse, which is believable imo. A leader who openly allowed the destruction of a people, culture, and country, know full well that this would happen fits that bill imo. A different style from those on your list but the destruction of a country non the less.
"Z Man didn't say that Merkel was worse than those on your list, but simply stated that she will be seen as one of the worse..."
Z-man has simply exposed himself as somewhat of a crank and a wingnut here. Just what we need more of right now! he makes some good points at times, but overall, he's a dingbat.
Merkel is surely a first class idiot, but I don't see her malicious intentions, not in the way the actual named monsters had in abundance. "Why do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton believe they know more about Islam than Muslim clerics?"
Nothing annoys me more than the penchant for political leaders to pose as experts on other people's theology. Whenever I hear some Western leader telling us this about Islam, or that about Islam, I'd love to ask: "Excuse me, are you an imam? Have you ever done the Hajj? Have you memorized the Quran, chapter and verse, in Arabic?" Sometimes I wish someone in the media would suddenly ask: "Prime Minister, I have a small growth on my back, I wondered whether you could tell me if it's benign or not? You're so expert on everything else that you surely must be a qualified dermatologist too." "Obama Needs to Get Over His Self-Serving Guilt Trip - POTUS should read some honest, non-Leftist history"
Why even bother? He's gone in 301 days (206 US working days). It's as good as over for his administration. I don't doubt his staff have already begun getting resumes out and making discreet phone calls to prospective future employers. 301 days!!! How depressing! I was hoping it was way sooner than that!
Yeah, but it's the last summer you'll see him rubbing shoulders with the 1% peasants in Martha's Vineyard on your dime.
That's something. Nah! Ex Presidents and ex congress critters spend the rest of their life on our dime! That way they're not impacted by most of the laws they pass.
Good point.
I knew there must have been a simpler reason besides the "All my life I've felt the calling to serve, to give back" crap we're subjected to every election season.
2016-03-25 11:21
How far we have fallen...
2016-03-25 11:34
Don't feel too bad!
We're just getting started up here in Canada with our new Boy Wonder. Drama series to fight ISIS ???? WTF
Has he not noticed that these people are largely coming from comfortable, educated, middle class backgrounds? Doesn't even sound like a good propaganda program. One thing that frightens me, though, is that on both the left and the right, the claim is being made that people have too much privacy and freedom. The FBI Apple* thing is one example, but the rush to blindly pick up people with no evidence or even idea of who they are or are supposed to have done is a threat to our lives. Today it's Middle Easterners, but it won't just stay that way. *This is the second crypto war. The first was during Bill's day when the government was looking to prohibit all but 'crackable' encryption, everyone was to use a government provided encryption chip for security. While you could technically share encryption software with a US citizen, it was a criminal offense to post it , or even a link to it where it would be visible to non citizens. Mainstream products like PGP started out as underground software distributed clandestinely. The writer of PGP, Phil Zmmermann was the subject of a federal grand jury for a number of years. Eventually the government gave up a bit when it became obvious that it couldn't successfully contain it. Look up articles on the cypherpunk movement who helped break those barriers. RE Yoga Banned from Georgia School: Blame Christian Conservatives, Not Political Correctness -
I don't get this yoga business. the whole concept sounds like some eastern mystical commie bullshit. stretching? I played ice hockey for years and never stretched out before or after and the only injuries I suffered involved blood or blunt force trauma. stress relief? they're kids. what kind of stress do kids have? and if they do, let them de-stress the standard American way. scotch and a cigarette, or a beer if they're underage, or beat the tar out of some foreign exchange student or "I'm afraid of Trump" sissy. namaste my ass. re Cross
its Good Friday. isn't the cross supposed to be occupied? Easter's still a few days away. or is this some protestant thing? Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions have Christ on the cross, Protestant traditions tend not to.
Both have theological explanations for this that I don't fully believe. It's most regional, dating from an era when Northern Europe was simplifying art and architecture as a matter of taste. RE: Academic Absurdity of the Week.
"So I reply that I guess I’ll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time" And that professor needs to be charged with a false report every time. Calling 911 knowing full well that it is NOT an emergency is an abuse of the system. It is a crime. Stupidity need not be malicious. Of course it's NOT stupidity, it's leftist thinking, which simulates stupidity, and leftism is malicious.
Tracked: Mar 27, 09:41