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Wednesday, May 13. 2015Wednesday morning links More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think How the religious makeup of the U.S. has changed We’re Saved! Poetry Will Help Stop “Climate Change”! Why Cuomo’s nail-salon crackdown will hurt immigrants Amazing how gummint can find things to do Tom Friedman Beclowns Himself Again Government Of, By, and For State Employees Medicare Part B premiums increasing up to 30% NBC Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid Bangaledeshi Blogger Hacked to Death In Middle of Street For Criticizing Presbyterians Remembering the fall of Vietnam - Hopes for freedom died 40 years ago REPORT: 30,000 to 100,000 Europeans Have Joined ISIS Caliphate Trackbacks
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"Manicurists also must be licensed in New York by passing an examination at the end of a 250-hour course, paying a fee and undergoing a doctor’s exam, among other requirements."
Does anyone else find this excessive? it's frigging nail polish for crying out loud. The same for hairdressing/barber license. It's friggin hair. It grows back. Does this weed out those that are going to stab you in the neck with those scissors? Or you'll have a heart attack whilel shaving a guy? (Health exam) ? "More regulations on potentially harmful chemicals will shut down many salons, flooding the market with unlicensed and unemployed manicurists who are willing to sacrifice health for slightly higher — but still low by American standards — wages." We must be protected and saved from harsh chemicals. I didn't realize going to a manicurist was mandatory. What are the deaths attributed to exposure to nail polish remover? For crying out loud, this is why I can barely stand to read anything anymore on the internet. It gets worse:
The EPA(!?) Is Cracking Down On Nail Salons You can't make this stuff up. EPA is always trying to find a way to expand/enlarge their turf/bureaucracy. This is yet another solution in search of a problem. Because the regulators' work is never done. From the article: Nail polish and other products found in salons contain an array of chemicals that may pose a threat to public health and the environment. Without proper handling, exposure to chemicals such as formaldehyde can lead to difficulty breathing, skin irritation and other health problems. EPA already has put together a federal working group and doled out grants to organizations tackling the industry's public health and environmental impact created by the use of chemicals in nail salons, McCarthy noted. "We've put together funding strategies, grants, that local communities and individual companies can access and we've put together a technical assistance team and all of this is done in a way that is multilingual so that we can reach the target audience, but there is so much more work to be done," McCarthy said. McCarthy signaled optimism that headlines generated by The New York Times would raise awareness, but added that more needs to be done to shine a spotlight on the issue. http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/nail-salons-cuomo-mccarthy-epa-20150512 It seems there are two issues in the article: the ridiculous regulations as stultifying as those for hair braiders and that many manicurists are being taken advantage of because they illegal aliens.
There is no way you can make sense of the regulations but I think immigration laws need to be enforced (apparently, the manicurists haven't heard that they have a friend in the White House). I also don't think laws should be changed to accommodate those who broke the law. OBL Raid: I don't have a clue as to how complete and accurate the official story is, but surely I am not the only one who would allow for the administration to fabricate a cover story to protect any Pakistani who may have contributed to or participated in the mission.
Hmmm... Who to believe?... Seymour Hersh (identified incorrectly as Samuel Hersh in the column) with a spotty record of publicizing big, controversial stories or NBC who has a long record of fabricating evidence or Obummer who may have bumped into the truth fewer times than Bill Clinton...
I'm starting to warm to the idea that there might be something to the Hersh/NBC angle especially since it goes against NBC's fawning coverage of Obummer. Thinking about the raid as described by the Seal who shot bin Laden, it seems a little convenient that the helicopters carrying the Seals were not detected in Pakistani airspace either entering or leaving. That after the noise of the crash of one of the Seals' helicopter, the noise of the firefight, the crowd of Pakistanis that was building - because of the noise - that there was no Pakistani military or police presence . And if there was any protest by the Pakistani government that the US invaded its territory and executed a military mission, it wasn't substantial. All that argues that the Pakistani government new about the raid and at least passively supported it. I don't know if we can trust Hersh or NBC, but I think we can be sure that we can't trust what Obummer said about the raid. We can thank Hersh and NBC for supporting valid skepticism in the official story. I'm sure the taliban wants to know exactly how their dear leader was killed, and I'm sure our dear leader knows enough to protect sources, means, methods by deception.
So what's the big deal here? Everyone who isn't a recent stroke victim knows that what actually went down and why won't be made public, if ever, for decades. The real question is why does anyone want to inform the taliban and our other enemies? Good point. This whole story brings up the plight of the Pakistani doctor who supposedly gave up bin Laden and is now (I assume) rotting in a Pakistani jail. Did he really have a part in this? I also wonder about the politics of this in Pakistan. The Taliban is pretty popular where bin Laden was and (along with the other questions) I wonder why the locals weren't more skeptical and didn't cause trouble.
It isn't something about which we'll know most of the details for -good reason. Casting a shadow on Obummer's victory lap is all we should expect from the story. I'm a Presbyterian - you better all watch your mouths! My Synod doesn't take insults lightly!
re More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think
Heh. More consensus eh? So the science is settled and it must be true? Here’s what I know: Get up at 0515, start APC engines at 0530 (all 17 at the same time so the bad guys can’t count individual engines), ready for another day, and then you wait for the mess truck to show up with breakfast, and especially are you looking forward to a canteen cup full of Army coffee. That’s what got my engine started. Health benefits? For my soldiers, my cup of coffee meant the platoon sergeant was defanged for a while.
Re: "Why Cuomo’s nail-salon crackdown will hurt immigrants"
"In the nail industry in New York City, poor immigrants from China, Korea and Central America, many of them undocumented." "Wage theft is a crime — and there are entire government agencies charged with investigating it." It is incredible that the obvious point is that coming into this country is illegal and there are, or should be, entire government agencies charged with investigating it. Why is it so easy to discover illegal aliens and do nothing!!?? Screw the wage theft every illegal alien is stealing from every taxpaying citizen and the federal government is "required" to find them and deport them. Why is there no outrage over this? They sneak into this country by the millions and as soon as their foot touches American soil they file for welfare and other benefits. Are we simply too stupid a country to survive and deserve to be turned into a 3rd world cesspool ?? Is that the answer to all this?? Ok. that's it. I quit.
http://news.sciencemag.org/health/2015/05/discovered-disease-who-has-new-rules-avoiding-offensive-names Given that news of a new pathogen often spreads quickly, “it is important that an appropriate disease name is assigned by those who first report” the disease, WHO's guidance notes. Following the guidelines, it adds, could “minimize unnecessary negative impact of disease names on trade, travel, tourism or animal welfare, and avoid causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups.” Naming diseases is now PC. Stick a fork in us, we're done. Ebola River Raft Adventures LLC is finished.
Don't mess with Presbyterians, we will declare jihad on you (after making sure everything is done properly in conformance with the Book of Order).
When you hear the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace, you infidels will know the end is near. |