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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, March 23. 2015Monday morning links California has plenty of water Mystery Mammals' Ancestry Was Revealed by Proteins, Not DNA Louise, their middle child, was diagnosed with severe autism and psychosis as a teen This Week’s Consumer Product Safety Recall is…YARN Camille Paglia Says American Students Have Minds Like Jello Students Are Literally 'Hiding from Scary Ideas,' Or Why My Mom's Nursery School Is Edgier Than College - Safe spaces are infantilizing and insulting. The Culture of Entitlement: Somebody Else Pay for My College Tuition! Is 50 shades about women enjoying porn? A friend calls it 50 shades of grey hair BLUE STATE UTOPIA: Chicago Public Schools Circle the Drain Why the Ethanol Mandate Is Terrible Policy - Politicians of both parties may bow before Big Corn, but the biofuel requirement is an unmanageable economic distortion. Why Banning Fast Food in South L.A. Hasn't Helped Reduce Obesity The Real Price of Lies - There can be no free society without trust. Income Inequality In Big Cities, Which Tend To Lean Democrat, Continues To Grow Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Awarded Massive Fortune in Rail Boondoggle Hillary's Campaign Is Built on a Shaky Foundation - Are conflicts of interest inevitable when the Clintons are involved? Why Not Destroy Records to Hide Race Discrimination? Re Iran, Our Supreme Leader is a Supreme Fool Liberals Find An Excuse To Abandon Israel Egypt's Sisi wants to defeat radical Islam. When will Obama, US support him? Petraeus, in Iran Warning, Echoes Netanyahu’s Point In Speech to Congress Trackbacks
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Re: California's water crisis
Chalk up another failure of price controls! Politicians can't help but want to give people something for nothing and what usually happens is the people get the nothing instead of the something. California has more water than they can use. They have choosen not to use it. Every day a billion or so gallons of water flows from the Sacramento river flows into the bay to save some obscure fish or something else we never heard of. Every day half a dozen Northern California rivers flow to the sea unfettered by dams and almost untapped for irrigation. The environmentalist have really done a number on California. They own the california Democrats and they have over the last 50 years or so destroyed as much of California as they could. California has had droughts before and will again. Soon the cycle will change and we will again see water flowingthrough California streets and mudslides tearing down California hillsides as the dry cycle gives way to the wet cycle. This will just as inevitably be followed by fires burning a couple hundred homes and tens of thousand of acres. California will do nothing now in the depth of this crisis to tap the water sources they have and when the wet weather comes again the environmentalist will force their bought and paid for Democrats will force even more bizarre regulations on the citizens of California to save some obscure beetle or worm or something. As long as the Democrats keep the "free stuff" flowing to the low information voters the Democrats will keep their jobs and their strangle hold on California. This is an endless cycle with no relief in sight.
Re: Supreme Fool
It's tempting to think of Obummer as a fool and that he's trying to do things in Our interest and just making a mess of it, but I think there is more evidence that he is doing all his foolish things on purpose. The mess he's making is the intended result. Small change in the procedures planned for the disposal of the leaders of the current regime after the revolution.
When we burn them at the stake, no wood...a vat of ethanol. It's what they would want. Re: Somebody else pay for college tuition
Congratulations to Crysten Price for getting accepted to Tulane (according to them, Harvard is the Tulane of the North) and it's too bad she can't afford to go, but one has to wonder what her plan was. Maybe it was something like: "I'll apply to a lot of expensive private colleges that I can't afford and if I get accepted I'll make a Federal case out of it". As they say, lack of planning on your point does not constitute an emergency on my part. I also wonder what she hoped to study if she did enroll. If she was going to study something like electrical engineering or even law, it might make sense to take out a college loan, but her dream was to get a degree in literature, French, or, God forbid, African-American Studies or gender studies, she should be on her own. CA has plenty of water.
I figured it was something like that. I knew about the delta smelt and the irrationing of water. We watch a lot of westerns. A lot that take place in CA, AZ and NM. You know, the desert. Where everything has to do with getting water, finding water and watering rights for your cattle. Even WY is considered desert in that their rainfall is not that high. The problems always seem to boil down to people NOT adjusting to their environment and expecting the environment to adjust to them. You do not move to Nevada and expect to have a green, lush KY-bluegrass lawn. ------------- Louise, the middle child is severely disabled. Why are single women allowed to adopt? That right there is a huge part of the problem. And that human life is so non-sacred and disposable that one can send one back if you don't like it, after agreeing to the terms of an adoption. If it was a natural born child you wouldn't be allowed to kill it because it inconvenienced your life. Actually, I guess you could legally kill it, if your doctor performed tests and told you it was defective. Or he could be wrong. ----------- This week's consumer product recall is yarn: I"m going to go bash my head against the wall. Ethanol
So what are you going to use as an oxygenator if not ethanol? How are you going to boost the octane rating? buy high octane non ethanol gas available in most places that cater to the farming, boating and/or aviation market. Costs more but then a 18hp B&S motor ain't cheap either.
Burning food to get groceries is not a good idea. Do you really think ethanol is food , walt?
A bigger waste of corn is used in feed for cattle. Find out how ethanol is really made. I have a gas station near me that sells high octane racing gas , If i had a antique car that would be a good idea but modern cars do not require it. Aviation gas still uses lead for the valves and to boost octane .....is that a good idea? Research Tetraethyllead. Florida Pythons
For years Florida state like all others has been battling the "no gun rights" lobby. For years the same Florida state liberals demanded that no one should harm those dear little pythons. Until of course it became clear that those dear little snakes were destroying an entire ecosystem and terrifying humans in their own communities. Last year the people of the state of Florida were given the ok to shoot those damn things--you see a Burmese python laying in the grass--shoot it! YEAH! Sweet irony! IT seems what goes around may come slithering around after all ;-) I used to read the locavore hunter--- he actually cooked and ate the invasive species he caught. Unfortunately i couldn't stomach the constant global warming crap he was spewing.