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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 31. 2020Novels dur Jour: NabokovVladimir Nabokov, the noted lepidopterist, has many noted novels but Pale Fire is something else again.
The Chimes of FreedomInteresting collating lightning with church bells. Bruuuuce does Dylan's 1964 song, with the lyrics, at Am. Digest. Yes, poetry from a NYC thunderstorm. I've been in those, in a doorway with a gal. What sort of musical soul could write such a soulful tune? Bruuuce does not do all of the verses, but the following thing is the real Dylan. Monday morning links
Brewing Mesopotamian beer brings a sip of this vibrant ancient drinking culture back to life CDC's Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics - Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Related: CNN and Twitter Target President Trump and The Gateway Pundit – Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative Yeah: Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative It seems that the Wuhan virus’s risks have been grossly exaggerated ‘Compassion’ isn’t a fix for homelessness — it’s just virtue signaling NY Is Hemorrhaging Cash — But De Blasio, Cuomo, Unions Refuse To Face Reality Mass election mailings could completely destroy the credibility of any election this fall. Watch for it. The Left Is Racing to Get 'Woke' Enough, But Who Is in Charge of the Clattering Train? Facts About Police Behavior Matter. The News Division of The Wall Street Journal Charged The Journal’s Opinion Staff With “Disregard of Evidence”... It Was News Which Was Guilty of That Charge NBC News: Looting Proves Black America Deserves Reparations Or Something Democrats Blame Trump for Violence After Months of BLM and Antifa Riots We are curious about who is paying/supporting these people CNN Guest: It’s Okay For Protesters To Gather In D.C. Today During A Pandemic Because Their Cause Is Important Trump Slams "Do Nothing Democrat Mayor Of Portland" After Wheeler Blames President For Violence Team Biden Notices That People Don’t Seem To Like Riots Colorado Man Yelled ‘Black Lives Matter’ Before Stabbing A Stranger, Now Charged With A Hate Crime Jared Kushner on How American Diplomacy Created the Conditions for the Israel-UAE Deal - An interview with the senior adviser to the president on the thinking behind the deal, and America’s role in the Middle East. Sunday, August 30. 2020Basic Life Skill: BoatingThe Maggie's List of Basic Life Skills is from some old post that I can't find, but let's note managing watercraft today. Here's an idea for the no-foreign travel era: Learn at the Helm at Chapman School. It's a 5-day hands-on course, based in Florida. They claim that, by the end of the course, you will be able to back a 40-ft boat into a slip. I can not do that. Clearly, if you have been a Naval officer or a Coastie, attended the Maritime Academy, etc, this might be redundant. Studying Charles Chapman's classic Piloting and Seamanship is good, but it's not hands-on.
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Novel du Jour: Bleak HouseBleak House is my most memorable Dickens novel, maybe partly because an underlying theme is an endless legal case. Yes, I am a Dickens fan. From Amazon:
Continued political insanityDemocrats Blame Trump for Violence After Months of BLM and Antifa Riots Nice try MC: Portrait Of The Biden Voter Thanks for most depressing post of the day. I doubt that that is the average Democrat, though but I am not sure. I tend to avoid political chats unless with people with whom I might be on a similar wavelength. 'I'm Not Sad That A Fu*king Fascist Died Tonight': Left-Wing Portland Protesters Celebrate Murder Of Trump Supporter That is not your average Democrat.
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Van Morrison turns 75 todayPowerline posts a good sampling. For all of what he has accomplished, I would have thought him to be older.
From today's LectionaryMatthew 16:21-28 16:21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 16:22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, "God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you." 16:23 But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things." 16:24 Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 16:25 For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. 16:26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? 16:27 "For the Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done. 16:28 Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Saturday, August 29. 2020Novel du Jour: The Master and MargaritaMichail Bulgakov's masterpiece. Amazon says:
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A few more linksVia our link this morning re The NYT:
Looting driven by rage? Really? When the militia gets around to hanging the Mayor of Portland, this will be Exhibit A at the drop VP Candidate K Harris: "The protests must not stop." Until when?
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Saturday morning links
Roger Kimball joins Chris Buskirk for a discussion on beauty, aesthetics & national vitality. Syracuse professor put on leave, under investigation for using term ‘Wuhan Flu’ Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech Wrong way to win friends and influence people Mattress Store Owner Breaks Down and Cries Talking About Her 71-Yr-Old Employee Who Was Knocked Out Cold by BLM Before They Torched her Store Like I said One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting' Defund the police and you get people with guns defending themselves. National Media Ignores Two Black Lives Matter Inspired Hate Crime Stabbings Against White Men… in ONE DAY Did I mention that that is not a way to make friends? ‘Black linguistic justice’: Professors demand end to standard English as the norm Virginia's Senate Votes In Favor Of Reduced Penalties For Assaulting Police Briliant Silent Majority: Over 10% Of Trump Voters Won't Admit Preferences To Pollsters Mrs. Dorn endorsed the reelection of President Trump in her incredibly powerful remarks. Friday, August 28. 2020Biden's lies
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Book du Jour: What to Listen for in MusicThe first edition of Aaron Copland's classic What to listen for in music was first published in 1939. I consider the book to be equivalent to a college introduction to music. It is serious, but written in a friendly style. I make a rough distinction between Folk music (including things like traditonal folk music from wherever, Country, Rock, Blues, Rap, Jazz, Hymns, Gospel, Broadway, etc), and music which demands more attention. Right or wrong, that's how I think but I love a lot of it. There is a large grey zone between those rough categories. Copland's Appalchian Spring, for just one example. For another, Verdi's operas were what gondoliers and street-sweepers sung at work. The only music that truly annoys me is Rap and Praise Music. By the way, who is Taylor Swift?
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Friday morning links
Cool vid: Footage of WWII smoke curtain used to hide naval ships during battle What’s the history of the vicious The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Watch Out Cable: 42% of Consumers Plan to Cancel Their TV Subscription NBA Season Reportedly Up In The Air After “Ugly” NBA Players’ Meeting On Boycott As Sports Media Cheers On Athlete Boycotts, Fans Will Walk Away The mob comes for the art world, On “purity spirals” and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Yale lecturer suggests America is racist because Nikki Haley doesn't go by first name VDH: What Is the Violence in American Cities All About? "Any Excuse To Riot" - Minneapolis Descends Into Chaos Over Police Shooting "Fake News" Minneapolis: Rioters Loot Stores in Response to Black Man Shooting Himself New Documents Show George Floyd Had ‘Fatal Level’ Of Fentanyl In His Body At Time Of Death Homeland Security Secretary Says Antifa ‘Absolutely’ Meets Definition Of Domestic Terrorist Group CNN praises Melania Trump for addressing coronavirus and racial unrest in RNC speech Turmoil Consumes Chamber Of Commerce As It Backs Democrats Romney 2012 Staffers Unite Behind Effort To Elect Joe Biden Pelosi Comes to Slow Joe's Rescue: 'I Don't Think There Should Be Any Debates' VICE PRESIDENT PENCE’S SPEECH Europeans Discover the Myth About 'Safety Nets' the Hard Way The dean of America’s intellectual pro-Israel defenders has died Pax Ottomanica: A review of “God’s Shadow”: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World by Alan Mikhail. Thursday, August 27. 2020Book du Jour: About body language
This book, What Every Body is Saying, is about the learning part: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People
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Finally, JusticeCNN's Take On The Rioting![]() Thursday morning links
Quillette: A Lady’s Duty to Submit—Then And Now CNN Analysts Unleash Personal Attacks On RNC Speakers In Twitter Storm Kellyanne Conway and the Silence of the Feminists Trump Approval Soars to 52 Percent, Up With Blacks and Democrats TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Joe Biden finally breaks silence on urban violence, too late: Goodwin MORE RIOTS, LOOTING IN MINNEAPOLIS Lefties trying to get Tucker Carlson fired over Kenosha commentary 5 Things to Know About Night 3 of the Republican National Convention: Heroes Night “America First” Pays Off in the Middle East Michel Gurfinkiel on the Reverse Colonization of France Wednesday, August 26. 2020Ticks
I explained good ticks and bad ticks. Then I had to send her this, for fun:
New citizens
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Book du Jour: Sailing Alone Around the WorldCapt. Joshua Slocum did it in 1895. A true Yankee adventurer who tells his tale. No engine, of course, and he sure knew how to navigate.
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Fitness in the armed forces, reposted
I think I can pass the Army test. NOT the SEAL test. Can't bang out 100 pushups right now, or carry a man on my back for five miles. Wednesday morning links
It's a detailed portrait of a skilled sociopath Woman killed by bear was on phone to father during attack in Canada The case of Carlin Romano gets a perfect score on the cancel culture checklist (and that’s not a good thing) The Emerging Campus ‘Police State’ BLM Protesters Shot By Homeowners While Marching Through Rural Town Rioters tried to burn Seattle police alive, sealed door during fire at East Precinct Rioting and elections Joe Biden Promises To End Traditional 401(k)-Style Retirement Savings Tax Benefits. Back to Low Growth - The impact of Joe Biden’s tax plan would be less income across the spectrum and a sluggish economy. Hillary Clinton: Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances After 48 Years, Democrats Endorse Nuclear Energy In Platform Good. Now everybody does Trump is putting on the Greatest Reality Show on Earth Tuesday, August 25. 2020Brief comment about musicI've been "studying," meaning listening repeatedly, to Bach's keyboard concertos. I am no music expert. Over time, they have all come to sound like conversations to me, just turned into music. Bernstein with Glenn Gould:
Luxury Beliefs
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