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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, February 29. 2016RisenTrump stuff
Heard somewhere today, paraphrased: "Since all of the geniuses in Washington for the past 7 years screwed up almost everything they touched, maybe it makes sense to elect a semi-bozo with common sense like Trump."
A few edumacation linksCollege presidents on average earn $377,261 annually, or more than twice the average pay for CEOs Academic Drivel Report - Confessing my sins and exposing my academic hoax. I am skeptical. What I Learned by Going Back to College Delightful. Many retired people do this. Trapped in the Community College Remedial Maze - Today, these institutions welcome scores of underprepared students who often have no idea how they ended up behind. It used to be termed "not college material," but now is more kindly termed "not college-ready." If money is attached, however, somebody will find you a spot. Leap Year Day
I have experienced a fair number of proposals from women in my life, but never a proposal for matrimony. Things like this: "Let's leave." and "Let's go upstairs." or "Take me on your boat." or "Hey, it's dark. Let's jump in the pool." Also, the magic one: a touch on your thigh instead of your arm. Monday morning links
Capture, Slaughter of Yellowstone Bison Roils Big Sky Country Bison are not really mountain critters Annals of Salt: Nanny de Blasio embraces the worst of Bloomberg San Francisco Wants Homeless to Leave Tent Camp, but Some Vow to Fight The Status Quo City - Celebrated for its openness, San Francisco has a hard time with change. Does Mass Transit Actually Save Energy? Maybe Not! Albany Hate Hoaxers Face Charges Hate Crime Is Almost Nonexistent Albany Hate Hoaxers Face Charges Hollywood Celebs Wear Anti-Gun Bracelets at Oscars While SURROUNDED BY MEN WITH GUNS Keynesian Skeptics Ask "Can Binge Drinking Really Cure Alcoholism?" West Philly: 30 Blocks of Democrat Governance How Dynasties Sank the GOP and the Democrats The effect race could have on the race Decency for President More From the Housewives, Please The New York Times Accurately Portrays Hillary Clinton as an Unrepentant Warmonger - Who will call her on it? Press Forbidden from Filming Hillary Boarding Private Plane No photos of her from behind Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam When Bernie Sanders Thought Castro And The Sandinistas Could Teach America A Lesson Treasury Dept. Plays Tricks with Puerto Rico Debt Why nobody believes China's econ numbers Sunday, February 28. 201640 Mule Team BoraxFrom the driver's seat of a 40 mule team. These rigs were used to haul Borax out of Boron Ca. & then loaded onto railroads for manufacturing. All this so you could do the laundry! Nowadays, it's 20 Mule Team Borax. Well, maybe 40 mules = one twenty-mule team. I knew a mule once, named Charlie. He did not like to follow commands. An Irishman I knew walked up and told me to learn how to gain respect from a mule, and gave Charlie a left hook in the face along with a harsh talking-to. Mule remained a bit more docile for a few hours. Main thing with mules is that they have to be tired out - and do not feed them oats. Anyway, I do not mess with mules anymore.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Farfallone amoroso Non piu andrai, Marriage of Figaro. Translated lyrics here. Mozart was pretty good, ya know. He is mocking Cherubino the way guys always mock other guys: as a weeny skirt-chaser pussy, a narcissist pretty boy - not a tough warrior. In humor. No Safe Space. My Dad said he used to sing this aria to himself the two times he was called up to the US Army (WW 2 and Korea). Learned to hate war. Was he a farfallone amoroso in youth? I do not know but I do know that he was always enchanted by pretty females and that they liked him too. In truth, Dad was an impressive specimen physically and mentally and he loved grand opera. (Subtitles here are Spanish) Are gals best off finding a fellow with military service? Sure can make a case for it.
Rabbit is delicious
I'd like to try this Spanish recipe too: Braised Rabbit with garlic. Rabbits are made to be prolific and delicious, the bottom of the food chain to feed everything else.
The "Pause"
Basically, computer models of complex systems, eg economics or climate, are never reality - just conjectures. As for me, I do not give a damn what the "climate" does as long as we do not have another Ice Age soon. That would make me feel sad about my descendants because they might have to emigrate downhill to Florida or Mexico.
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From today's Lectionary: The fig treeLuke 13:1-9
Saturday, February 27. 2016How Muslems damage America's freedomsIt's not the intention, but it has been the result because, for each event since 9-11, government feels called upon to "do something." In addition, governments rarely refuse opportunities to have power over the citizen. Hence the Patriot Act, the absurd DHS, etc. Even the arguments against $100 bills include terror fears. Obama To Expand Surveillance State Powers By Signing A 21 Page Memo
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A 16-Year-Old Solves Britain’s Immigration Problem
She is very good
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Chemistry of matches
Posted by Bird Dog
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Gnocchi is boring and I don't really care for pasta. Gnudi is basically a ravioli innards, cooked naked. A fine Primi.
Saturday morning links
‘Helicopter Money’ Next? New Course for the Fed Is Growing More Urgent Why? Talia, leave your heart in San Francisco--your job is moving to Arizona The Incredible Rise of Urban Real Estate - New data from Zillow shows that average urban home prices in the U.S. now surpass those of the suburbs. Get the jump on Apple’s plans to fully secure your iPhone with two simple changes Apple Is Not Such a Freedom Fighter In China NYC's war on small business slams ‘cat cafes’ Churchill and His Money Churchill and His Money Government jobs and hospital jobs have replaced manufacturing jobs The Northeast megalopolis from space Fearing 'Monsters' Like Total Wine, Liquor Sellers Want the State to Keep Prices High - Connecticut is the only state that sets minimum prices for wine and spirits. NY College Students Who Claimed Fake Racial Attack Are Charged Racial hoaxes keep coming: The Great Racial Hoaxes Sharpton started it. Nowadays, the only real racisms are hoax racism and reverse racism Harvard ‘racial justice’ protesters protest award ceremony about … racial injustice U. Michigan LGBT Center Creates Safe Space to Protect Students from Offensive Speakers—Both of Whom Are Gay - Why do people bother going to college if they are literally afraid of disagreement? Sanders on dealing with Putin: 'I took on a lot of people as mayor of Burlington' Via Cafe Hayek:
Justice Department Shenanigans Involved in Helping Illegal Aliens to Vote Justice Department Shenanigans Involved in Helping Illegal Aliens to Vote - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=69244#sthash.rKQ338tO.dpuf The cultural disconnect about the value of work explains why there’s an Trump's Negatives with Hispanics Now Through the Roof IRS to Trump: 'Nothing prevents you from sharing your tax documents' Trump: 'I Love The Poorly Educated.' So Should the Other Candidates. - If you're wondering why Trump is connecting with GOP voters (and why Sanders is with Dems), you're part of the problem. Hussain brothers jailed in Rotherham abuse case Kenyan FM: Most African Countries “See Israel as a Very Close Friend” U.S., Europe Fund Torture by Palestinian Authority Why the ISIS WMD Threat Is Massively Underestimated Lacking Basic Gear, Special Operators Stuck Buying Their Own Equipment The Marines Corps' CH-53E Super Stallion Fleet Is In Inexcusably Horrible Disrepair Remember That War in Ukraine? They’re Still Fighting It Nuclear Deal in Place, Iran Is Testing New Missiles and Doubling Down in Syria Syria, Number of ISIS Fighters Drops, Iranian Troops Increase Presence as Hezbollah Death Toll Shoots Up Polls Show Most Muslims Reject Both Extremism and Islamic Reform
Friday, February 26. 2016Moose TeamThis moose team belonged to W.R. (Billy/Buffalo Bill) Day. They were found by a Metis near Baptiste Lake in 1910 and were reared by bottle and broken to drive by Mr. Day at Athabasca Landing during the winter of 1910. Mr. Day and the moose team hauled mail and supplies.
The invasion of Europe
If Sweden and Germany were the only countries wanting these 5 million Middle Easterners and Africans, they should have flown them all directly to Berlin and Stockholm.
No European solution on the migration crisis in sight. My prediction is that the EU, and Europe, will never be the same after this insanity.
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Attitude differences
But let's just say some of it generally applies, sometimes. Differences In Attitudes. Click on chart to biggify.
Posted by Bird Dog
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College is already free, BernieThere are many options for free or inexpensive higher ed: College is already free, Bernie Also, Some Going to Europe for Free College
Friday morning links Check it out, Euroland - if you can handle it Related, The Refugee Hostel: Germany’s Islamist Hell - A terrifying glimpse into Germany’s future. How the Government’s War on Fat Harms Kids 16 year-old wins very cool prize What's wrong with To Kill a Mockingbird? Remember "colony collapse"? Now it appears as the bee-pocalypse has been called-off! Bill Gates: Israeli tech ‘changing the world’ Education MISMATCH: THE END OF A LIBERAL DREAM FIRE’s South Carolina Case Highlights the Disrespect for Free Speech Stanford Students Furious at Idea of Studying Western Civilization Hillary on guns: There’s a Constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, too What? De Blasio administration mixing a toxic brew of class and racial warfare Dear American Voters: Welcome to Europe - Are Sanders and Trump both flukes? Maybe—but they could be our first taste of the ideological rifts tearing Europe apart. As plebes make the Donald increasingly acceptable, expect elite Trump supporters to come out of the closet. Washington Post desperate to stop Trump Why? Trump Is A Rump, But He Has A Point - "I’ll vote for anybody you put up against Donald Trump, but neither do I believe that everything he says is untrue or without merit. In fact, he’s hit on one big true idea our society has lost." What Is Marco Rubio Waiting For? Another Domino Falls in Europe Those “temporary” border closures just keep coming. Palis: World Council of Churches Starts Seven Weeks of Brainwashing Why? Syracuse U. Professor Exposes the Anti-Semitic Foundations of BDS The absence of U.S. leadership makes the world more dangerous than ever Iran’s $8 billion shopping spree in the weapons market The left’s problem with Jews has a long and miserable history Thursday, February 25. 2016American higher ed vs. European higher edEuro-Style ‘Free’ College is Completely Different Than American Higher Education Good points all, but especially what Americans would consider limited access - high bars for entry to university.
Keeping fit without a gymPhone battery life
Tips and Myths About Extending Smartphone Battery Life
Paglia on BernieShe likes Bernie, but her reasons are interesting and worth reading: Fight the soulless juggernaut: Big money, machine politics and the real issue separating Sanders and Clinton
Thursday morning linksIf you can't see the caption, it is View from School House on 42nd St Between 2nd and 3rd Ave, looking North to Dutch Hill (c. 1863) Image above from Affordable Housing Starts From the Bottom Up "My plumbing was installed by Helen Keller and maintained for a century by the Shirk Brothers." Busting Cactus Smugglers in the American West There are more female teachers sleeping with their students than you thought Can't keep their hands off those young studs In Biggest Victory For Saudi Arabia, North Dakota's Largest Oil Producer Suspends All Fracking Saudis will not decrease output They are back in control of oil prices, and they want to keep them low Beijing overtakes NYC as 'Billionaire Capital of the World' Is There a Better Way to Diagnose Psychosis? A new study opens a door to more biologically based categories of major mental illness The Ten Worst Colleges for Free Speech Leftist piety as status signaling Against the Sticker Chart - Priming kids to expect rewards for good behavior can harm their social skills in the long term. Aren't school grades sticker charts? The Rise of Independent, Single Women The "time gap" between men and women — the difference in the amount of time spent on unpaid work. Don't Worry, Raising The Minimum Wage Just Passes Out Free Money With No Downside Brooklyn College Faculty Pushed Into Israel Wars Flow of Illegal Immigrant Children Into U.S. Expected to Rise in 2016 Identity politics and the new segregation Z-man on politicians as Turd Sandwich Salesmen Pols are by nature fraudulent salesmen Robbins: It's over; Trump is going to be the Republican nominee The Blaze explains why you are stupid to like Trump The Republican Establishment Needs to Stop Worrying and Love the Donald Donald Trump's Record of Business Failures and Bluster All entrepreneurs have lists of failures Why Closing Gitmo Is Still a Terrible Idea Iran pledges thousands of dollars for Palestinian terrorists How The Iran-Russia-Syria Alliance Is The Middle East’s ‘Number One Problem’ Nope. Maybe our problem, but not their problem.
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