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Sunday, November 29. 2009Rules of Etiquette for Modern Anti-SemitismModern anti-Semitism has developed a seductive and deceptive newspeak etiquette to mask its linkages to discredited precursors and to disreputable objectives. To penetrate the smokescreens put up by modern anti-Semitism, it is necessary to blow away the semantic clouds it hides behind. A fair-minded person, especially if not well-informed, may get tangled up in a web of confusing definitions when trying to identify some speech, someone or some organization as anti-Semitic. It is easy to refer to actual Nazis, a settled matter. However, there is a carefully sown confusion today when deliberating distinctions about hard to sift through criticisms made of This blurring of the lines owes itself to the detachment of most, Jew and non-Jew, from the actual scenes of anti-Semitic behaviors and from actually feeling oneself at risk. This detachment from harsh realities is eased by the moral relativism that pervades much of Western intellectual culture, where the existence of right and wrong is increasingly a mere notion to be dismissed in almost all cases. Common-sense morality is replaced with a casualness toward insult and attack when perpetrated by some group favored due to its purported grievances. Minor factoids are blown into generalizations, while more important information is ignored, in order to fabricate misleading and erroneous condemnations. In effect, modern anti-Semitism is a construct built upon and a part of modern moral effeteness. Those with ulterior ambitions exploit Westerners’ moral relativism by creating an etiquette to deceive them and shield themselves from exposure. Perhaps most dangerously, modern anti-Semitism is a primary front and tool of today’s dedicated left, to weaken and isolate the Those of firmer minds and character, although sympathetic to the left or antagonistic toward fascism, avoided or exited from the communist fronts of the 1930’s. So should those today with actual empathy for transcendent justice be careful not to be drawn into the gingerbread house built by current enemies of the West. It is unnecessary to allow ones ideals to be contaminated, manipulated or perverted, particularly when that serves the ends of those most dangerous to those ideals. Here are the Rules of Etiquette for Modern Anti-Semitism: 1. Generalize: Treat Jews as a race engaged in racial behavior. Treat the behavior of all Jews as innate, common and similarly driven. The behaviors exhibited by any or attributed to any (whether the specific instance is true or not) can then be ascribed to all Jews. It ignores that Jews come from many differing bloodstock heritages, nations and cultures, exhibiting all the variations of most others in the world (except for a few isolated small tribes in jungles). The purpose of anti-Semitic etiquette is to clothe the critic in anti-racism while, indeed, being a racist in practice or trying to hide it. 2. Empathize: Claim universalist empathy for purported victims of Jews. Credit with credence all the claims of those deemed downtrodden (again regardless of facts). Those deemed downtrodden are, inevitably, hostile to the West and to modernity. Others, for example, like the Montagnards or Hmong who are persecuted worse, are virtually ignored, because they are contaminated by their history of alignment with the 3. Hyperbolize: Use rhetorical exaggerations to cloud actual meaning and facts. By repetition and osmosis, flaming misrepresentations transit into common discourse. One can, then, feel better about the rightness of claims and delegitimize the target. Take words, like “apartheid”, “fascism”, “racism”, “atrocity”, and such, entirely out of context and reality to manufacture a new reality in the minds of the gullible or ignorant. One needn’t even use the old libels and gross lies (e.g., “Christ-killer,” “Shylock,” “Kike,” “Devil race,” "Jews haven't been in Jerusalem for milleniums and are alien colonizers," "the Holocaust is a fiction") to accomplish the same characterizations of heartless, manipulative, invasive evils by Jews. It is too easily recognized for what it is. 4. Patriotize: Claim to have the national interests of the 5. Camouflage: Use some Jews to front for the anti-Semitism. Among any people, there are a few who will seek notoriety, position or payment to provide cover for others with more malignant ambitions. The miniscule but vocal “peace” movement within 6. Idolize: Treat all heads of states with respect. No matter how outrageous their statements or actions, or how hostile toward 7.Enoble: Claim that the focus is expanding justice. The fruits of the labor, education and courage of those who accomplish are seen as proper targets for redistribution or expropriation to feed the demands of those whose own failures to advance themselves is really at fault. Leveling in this way is presented as justice. Rather, it is another front of anti-capitalism/anti-Western civilization, focusing on gaps in possession of life’s comforts instead of focusing on who creates them and how they earned them, or focusing on how some lack due to their own choices. It eliminates the talents that create wealth for more, and holds down those whose efforts would lift themselves. It entrenches the despot, while suppressing popular challenges and aspirations for freedoms. The modern anti-Semitism is as pernicious and widespread as the older varieties, the older varieties finding comfort within its fuzzier facades. Due to its purposely confusing “newspeak” of demonization and excuses, it is even more dangerous. It wraps up old canards in purposely cute circumlocutions, to deceive and forward its deadly goal, the death of the civilized West so that backwardness, tyranny and barbarities can continue or prevail in greater safety from exposure, comparison or challenge. P.S.: Related, you might read "Trapped By The Axis Of Anti-Semitism: Left, Right And Islam"
Posted by Bruce Kesler
in Our Essays, Politics, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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This is an excellent post. It is not easy to follow the tactics of the far left. It seems to always be prefaced with a compassionate desire that ends with an unspeakable desire. I spent three years in Europe in the early 80's care of uncle sam. I noticed a subterfuge of emotions there. There is a statue in Frankfurt with a man in a grotesque deformed body frozen in a scream. This was to symbolize the German peoples shame over the holocaust. Interesting how it has come full circle. It seems to me to be a spiritual issue. I have been unable to explain the persistent multi generational desire to hate an individual people as the Jewish people have endured. I have come to believe you could put Israel in the middle of say a desert and there would be a group who would desire to kill them.
I do not believe they have any attribute to engender this desire. I actually studied Hebrew as my undergraduate language. A Rabbi taught the class of mostly Jewish students. I felt nothing but an American vibe in that class with a subtext of jewishness. Much as I would feel in any other subculture in our country. I love Maggie's because of insightful post like this. Thank you for your insights and experiences, Brian.
I had to chuckle, ruefully, at your comment "I have come to believe you could put Israel in the middle of say a desert and there would be a group who would desire to kill them." Israel was a desolate desert, which Jewish purchase, toil, perseverence, and inventions transformed into a modern Eden. By comparison to the despot dictated poverty of Arab countries, they can't stand the comparison and exposure of themselves as barely disguised primatives. Please explain the fact that Arabs and some other groups speak a semitic language as do the Jews.
If a person criticises the Arabs is it being anti-semitic? If a person criticises the Jews is it being anti-semitic? If a person says that apples are not good, is it being anti-fruit? Or is it being anti-apple? Is this logic false or true? Valid or not valid? Please do not labe my inquiries as "anti-semitic"; which they are not. They are simply philosophical inquires aimed at truth in using language. Would it not be better if the Jews answered criticism with scholarly replies instead of labeling the criticism as "anti-semitic" which it is logically not? Why not label it "anti-Jew"? With the anit-jew label such criticism can be replied to from the Jewish perspective. Furthermore, would the Jews welcome criticism of some of that group and not call it anti-semitic? Anti-Jew? In other words, how can some person legitimately criticize something that they believe needs to be corrected without being labeled "anti-semitic" given the fact that the Jews are a major part of Societies all over the world. For example, If I criticized the Governments Health Care Program, would I be considered anti-semitic simply because some of the promoters are Jews or of Jewish Descent? Please provide some common logic. Your use of "anti-semitism" has roots that go back into history farther than the German anti-jew mentality. So maybe you have the courage to correct the historical, illogical, misuse of that term? I can't help but wonder if the Iranian high command has happened to've taken a look at Defense Minister Ehud Barak's wiki.
Well those are in general the rhetorical tactics of the left in all matters high and low, not just tactics particular to jew-hatred (even the term "antisemitism" is a bit of a dodge in and of itself).
And BTW, it is not a mater of the "far-left". There is not some "far left" that is somehow more dastardly than some sort of reasonalbe "moderate left"; they are of a piece. Communism is a great evil and all of the left are as culpable in their lust for it as they are in their moral and intellectual dishonesty in pursuit of that evil. For those who have difficulty understanding the provenance of modern anti-Semitism and its intimate relationship with the Left:
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew, if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the socialist Hitler) http://shrinkwrapped.blogs.com/blog/2009/11/antisemitism-and-the-left-addendum.html A very good article.
The Left is so complicated. Is this how groups of people have been manipulated throughout history? By mixing things up so cleverly that many people do not readily understand what they are being led to believe? The new anti-semitism is indeed very dangerous. It is disguised in liberal doctrine, behind the cloak of multiculturalism. Decades of poor education and indoctrination have weakened people's minds. The timid and confused are afraid to think or say the wrong thing, are quietly falling into line and allowing the left to continue it's path of destruction. Does it strike anyone as ironic that this is somewhat how some commenters here talk about "the left?" In particular #1 and #4. Just saying.
OK bakum i'll bite. A pretty broad brush you have brandished there. I am not sure what I said that triggered your statement but I am always open to being my fair in my speech. Specifics please.
Bakum: It's really very straight-forward. We are talking about leftists here, extremists, not liberals per se. Please name the leftists here or abroad who defend Israel and/or Jews. Secondly, some liberals, as well as some conservatives, coming from different premises actively condone or cooperate with extremists of the left here and abroad, taken in by the leftists etiquette for modern anti-Semitism. That's what this essay is about. -- So, please don't play more semantics games. -- Thank you.
Good article; good points. It is good to try wake up all those who cannot see through the "fuzzy" facades of modern anti-Semitism.
When you see the UN, the politicians thugs and the like apply one set of rules and law to Israel and Jews only when they play by another set of rules and laws that apply to the entire world but not to Jews and Israel, then you know this is anti-Semites and it is everywhere! The double standards are atrocious.
full disclosoure of nuclear programs? oppression of minorities? killing of civilians using war crime tactics? aggressive territorial exansion ? It really opened my eyes when I started researching the population figures of various cities prior to WW2. Israel was not an empty wasteland. Unfortunatley, we do not get much coverage of these things in the American press. Would that have anything to do with Jewish domination of the media? Does it make me anti-Semetic to ask the question? First, it is spelled "anti-Semitic."
Second, try reading more. It helps understanding and spelling. Please explain the fact that Arabs and some other groups speak a semitic language as do the Jews. Therefore:
If a person criticises the Arabs is it being anti-semitic? If a person criticises the Jews is it being anti-semitic? If a person says that apples are not good, is it being anti-fruit? Or is it being anti-apple? Is this logic false or true? Valid or not valid? Please do not label my inquiries as "anti-semitic"; which they are not. They are simply philosophical inquires aimed at truth in using language. Would it not be better if the Jews answered criticism with scholarly replies instead of labeling the criticism as "anti-semitic" which it is logically not? Why not label it "anti-Jew"? With the anit-jew label such criticism can be replied to from the Jewish perspective. Furthermore, would the Jews welcome criticism of some members of that group and not call it anti-semitic? Anti-Jew? In other words, how can some person legitimately criticize something that they believe needs to be corrected without being labeled "anti-semitic" given the fact that the Jews are a major part of Societies all over the world. For example, If I criticized the Governments Health Care Program, would I be considered anti-semitic simply because some of the promoters are Jews or of Jewish Descent? [ I would be “anti-Jewish” only if I mentioned that some of the perpetrators were Jewish. Their religion is irrelevant. But is not the religion of Islam irrelevant? Many would say it is relevant because their religion teaches them that violence is O.K. ) . Would not the religion of the Jews, claiming that they are God’s Chosen people be relevant, knowing then that they therefore consider themselves to be “racially” better than all other races of the world? ] Please provide some common logic. Your use of "anti-semitism" has roots that go back into history farther than the German anti-jew mentality. So maybe you have the courage to correct the historical, illogical, misuse of that term? |
Tracked: Nov 30, 05:03
A Kuwaiti Muslim with an Israel-hating family discovers his real roots one day...a very interesting story [h/t: Bruce Kesler]: Mark Halawa: My Muslim background left me unprepared for this shocking discovery. Growing up in Kuwait, I had the best of...
Tracked: Nov 30, 16:49
Tracked: Dec 01, 17:01